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    Watch the Store [Mission | Solo]

    Yami Kaguya
    Yami Kaguya

    Posts : 41
    Join date : 2018-09-01

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Shikotsumyaku, Kenjutsu | Raiton
    Class: E
    Ryo: 20,000

    Watch the Store [Mission | Solo] Empty Watch the Store [Mission | Solo]

    Post by Yami Kaguya Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:05 pm

    Yami yawned loudly as he sat behind a countertop. The Genin was lazing over the top, head resting in his arms, with a lazy gaze. The Genin was watching the store for a client. They were undergoing a mission, for once. Yami had got off his lazy ass and made the effort to go to the mission office to find a mission to do, just a D rank one to earn a little money. The mission he had grabbed fit him to a tee. ALl Yami had to do was watch the store for some guy. The owner had to head out on business for a while and needed someone to keep the store running, so he put out a job request. Yami had met up with the man, finding the store had been easy as it had bright pink windows. After meeting up he was told and shown what to do. Yami hadn't paid that much attention but memorised what was needed before taking a seat behind the counter and falling asleep.

    Business was slow, as after an hour of arriving only a few people have walked in. The entire time Yami had remained asleep. One or two people had poked their heads in, walked around but walked out after without buying anything. How did Yami know, because the door would ring thanks to a bell on top of it, waking him up? Whenever someone entered, Yami would give them a lazy stare then put his head down and go back to sleep. Yami was disturbed from his slumbers as someone cleared their throat. Opening those grey hues, Yami looked up with a lazy gaze noticing an older woman in her mid-fifties or so, looking at him sternly, tapping her foot impatiently. In their hands was a carton of milk,  a bunch of bananas and a frozen bagel.

    Yami yawned and began to slowly process the items, checking the prices and tallying up the title, "That. Will. Be. Three. Hundred. Ryo." Yami spoke slowly, tone dull and sounded like he was bored with each word. Every word was spoken so agonisingly slowly that a tick formed on the woman's forehead. Handing over the money, Yami processed it and bid the woman a slow farewell, but he hadn't even finished and she had already bolted out the door. Shrugging his shoulders Yami was about to go back to sleep when the owner returned. Yami stood up and held out a scroll, which he had pocketed, handing it to the owner to sign. Getting the mission scroll signed, Yami returned to the office to get paid. After he had his money the swordsman returned home to sleep.




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