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    Shimiko Dines Out

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:18 pm

    Shimiko had finished her training session with her sensei and was in a delightful mood. She had changed, freshened up, and decided to go for a nice walk. The girl was wearing a short red skirt, black sweater vest, white dress shirt, and red tie. It felt good to walk the streets of Kumogakure's Marketplace and she skipped along the road humming peacefully. Shimiko stopped for a moment when she noticed an old man by the side walk. He was dirty and dressed in rags. The man shook his cup and stared into space with a look of complete despair. He shook partially involuntarily from the sheer amount of tremens he was suffering in his elderly age. The man looked as though he had not much left to live for. Shimiko frowned sadly, lamenting that she could not put him out of his misery then and there. A short and quick sacrifice to end his life and give it divine meaning. A purpose that he'd never know for as long as he lived. Shimiko instead decided that for now she would gain his trust and make his life just a little bit more bearable until such a time when his soul could be claimed. The girl walked over to the man and leaned over.

    "Hello sir, I'm sorry you are having a hard time. Would you like me to buy you something to eat?" Shimiko could have given him money but she figured that he'd also appreciate a decent meal. Shimiko didn't want him buying poison so as to sully himself further. Worse yet, she didn't want him overdosing on drugs and wasting his death in some alley.

    The old man shook his cup but when she gave no response only a sweet smile he decided not to push his luck and he accepted her offer gratefully. Shimiko extended a hand and helped him to his feet. The man stank something fierce and he didn't seem capable of speech. He grunted something inaudibly that Shimiko interpreted as gratitude and helped him along the street. She looked around for an eatery of some kind and settled on a place that looked new and unfamiliar.

    Ayano's Cafe...

    Shimiko opened the door and entered the establishment with her charity case. She gazed around at the interior and saw that it was a simple yet somehow refined cafe. Shimiko was sure that they served something of sustenance that could keep the old man sustained for the rest of the day. Shimiko would try to catch the attention of a server or host. If anyone came to them she'd say with a smile:

    "A table for two please!"

    It would be rude for her to have the man take his meal to go, or rather it would be against her interests. She wanted to eat with him. She could bear the smell if it meant she could gain his trust and take advantage of him later. Having him eat like a dog in the street wasn't a good look as far as her intentions went.

    Ayano Aishi
    Ayano Aishi

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Ayano Aishi Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:01 pm

    The buxom, teenage hostess stood behind the podium just before front doors acting as the greeter giving the current door greeter the rest of the day off. Ayano did not question why she needed the rest of the day off, but simply allowed it. She was a fair manager and cared for her loyal employees. In the same sense the employees enjoyed Ayano's leadership greatly. Ayano is a remarkably average looking woman enough to be considered cute, though not much more. Standing roughly 5'5 and weighing 130 lbs she has a larger-than-average bust but not outstanding or absolutely demanding respect. Her fair skin is kept in rather pristine condition being smooth and moisturized daily with no visible tattoos, birthmarks, or scars on her body. Her natural charcoal gray eyes and hair gives her representation about her personality, which is the lack therefore of.

    She wears black dress shoes, a dark gray short skirt and dress top with long sleeves with a lapel on either side revealing a white undershirt. A small black bow is worn just below the collar of the undershirt. She has long dark gray hair which is typically curled towards the ends and two strands down both sides just far enough to rest on her bust. Her hair reaches down to mid-lower back level. This is topped with a single black headband worn keeping everything together. She had a perpetual, positive appearance as the door greeter. She kept a mild smile that would be sociably acceptable and not come off as disturbing or weird. Her head scanned the streets through the glass doors seeing the citizens pass through the streets attempting to perceive potential customers. She would also occasionally look back at the establishment's interior, the people within enjoying their food and having a jolly good time.

    Day six and everything was going swell. However, there was something off. The hostess whiffed her nose a couple times, the reaction causing her to wrinkle her face in slight disgust. It smelled like dirt, garbage, and sweat. And very pungent at that. It was a faint smell, but now that she noticed it she seemed to not be able to shake it off. It came to the point where she could no longer smell anything else but that rot. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the source made its way to her door. Appearing around the boulevard and into plain sight of the glass doors were two people. A rather young blonde female no older than herself accompanied by human trash. Ayano reacted by instinct, striding from behind the podium and to the doorway as the glass door opened, the bell chiming letting the patrons and staff know new visitors have arrived. Ayano, however, blocked their path.

    "You cannot bring that inside." She said rather sternly referring to the homeless man who would stand just behind Shimiko not even stepping a foot within the establishment. Up so close she could not almost bare his presence. "We have a dress policy, and hygiene. You must be fully clothed in casual dress attire and maintain a pleasant hygiene. You are welcome, but the bum cannot step foot in this establishment." She spoke with almost no remorse backing up every word. She was hoping the little girl would understand and cause no issue. If that were the case, Ayano would be forced to resort to drastic measures.
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:48 pm

    Shimiko found her entry blocked by a beautiful brunette. The woman had a no nonsense visage and her words were without mercy or compassion. She informed her that the man was not allowed in the establishment. At first Shimiko wasn't sure who she was referring to when she said "that". Then as she went on it became clear that the indefinite article she was referring to was none other than her charity case. Shimiko didn't like the way she had dehumanized the homeless man but she also understood why the place had a dress code and hygiene code. Ayano's Cafe didn't want its reputation harmed and given that it was a dine-in and not a take-out if bums were allowed to frequent the premises then it might offend the sensibilities of the customers. Shimiko wished the woman could be a tad bit nicer in how she dealt with the situation but given her business obligations the Janshinist forgave her rudeness. The blonde girl in the mini-skirt would smile pleasantly and nod her head.

    "Not a problem" Shimiko liked the way the establishment smelled and she was pretty hungry. On the other hand it would be rude to have the man sit outside while she enjoyed her meal indoors. She decided to give in and let the man have what he originally wanted. She turned around, patted him on the shoulder and gave him 20 Ryo but not before expressing her sorrow about not being able to eat with him. The bum nodded and smiled. He had gotten money which was what he had really wanted in the first place. He then made himself scarce and left the premises. Shimiko turned her attention towards Ayano.

    The woman had managed to scare off her prey which was mildly infuriating. She hoped that the bum didn't blow his money on hard drugs. If she was lucky he'd cross her path again and then she'd invite him to dinner at a private gathering where he'd eat his last meal and draw his last breath. Until then however she was out of luck as far as sacrifices went. Ayano was just doing her job but by making life difficult for Shimiko she had drawn the girl's ire.

    The food in this place better be good or I swear to God...

    "Table for one please!"

    Ayano Aishi
    Ayano Aishi

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Ayano Aishi Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:13 pm

    The blonde and the bum got the idea about the establishment they were about to enter. It was certainly no Burger Daimyo or MackDonalds. And by no means was the cafe to be considered a high class place, either. Ayano, however, expected its patrons to have respect for themselves as well as the people they dined with and the place in general. As the street rat left the vicinity the pleasant and, albeit, mildly sweaty smell of the girl was left. This caused the hostess to smile as she stepped aside taking the door from Shimiko gesturing with her off hand to allow her entry. "Thank you. Please, sit anywhere you like..." Running her eyes over the girl she concluded that she was quite young. "Well, anywhere but the bar. But I'm sure you already knew that." She said letting off a mild, nervous giggle. The tables were already set up by Ayano's diligent staff. With eating utensils and menus already at every table Shimiko was free to choose wherever she liked, whether it be one of the small tables along the side or the larger tables in the center. Wherever she chose to seat, Ayano would make a quick stop by her podium to grab a notepad and a pen before attending to her table first.

    "Can I get you started with a drink? Or do you already know what you want? If you did not know we have a special right now due to our grand opening. All menu items are twenty percent off." She chimed, the perky teenage girl in an upright posture as she held the notepad and pen in her left hand waiting with a pleasant visage.

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Zurui Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:46 am

    The door swung open and shut as another customer quietly slipped in. A girl looking very much like a young woman and wearing clothing considered extravagant even by shinobi standards stood in the entryway, glancing about the little restaurant a few times before taking off to pace about the room for a better look at everything while whoever was supposed to say hey was busy -or maybe they were standing right in front of her; she wasn't paying attention.
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Jun 11, 2018 12:27 am

    Shimiko picked a table off to the side near a window. She sat down and her eyes scanned the menu for something delicious to eat. There was a special going on at the moment which was good. Shimiko noticed how excited and friendly the waitress was now that she had a customer that met her standards. As annoyed as she was earlier, Shimiko appreciated the woman's friendliness and enthusiasm. She wasn't sure what she wanted to eat but she did like what she saw. She just had a long day so she decided there would be nothing wrong with treating herself to something extra delicious. The place lacked exotic meats which she had grown accustomed to due from her parent's cooking. The Chinoike diet was filled with all sorts of rare meats and herbs. Shimiko didn't want to come off rude by asking if there were any "off-the menu" items as was usually the case in Chinoike Clan eateries where the chef often left off old country cuisine so as not to shock the palates of the uninitiated. She decided to go with something simple.

    "I'll have a Cheeseburger with Fries and some lemonade please"

    Just as she ordered another woman came in. She was lavishly dressed and expected to be seated. Shimiko didn't want to keep Ayano busy with chit-chat although she was interested in getting to know her server and hostess a bit more.

    Ayano Aishi
    Ayano Aishi

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Ayano Aishi Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:40 am

    Ayano had her notepad and pen ready as she waited patiently while Shimiko briefly scanned the menu. The door would chime again as the door opened letting in another draft. Ayano's eyes darted to the door seeing the woman who just entered. She memorized her general description, as it was important to keep track of those who entered the facility. Fortunately Izumi, one of her youngest and most diligent staff members took over Ayano's spot to greet the female. "Welcome! Table for one? Please sit anywhere you'd like!" She'd say gesturing Tori into the establishment. The waitress would follow Tori to her table and take her order from there.

    As Shimiko finished she stated her order, the hostess expertly sketching her order down as the words just left her mouth. "A cheeseburger combo with our homemade lemonade. A delightful combo for a warm summer day." She said cheerily, the combo itself being one of Ayano's personal favorites. It was tasty comfort food, and preferring fresh lemonade above all else made for a superior combo over a carbonated drink. Although she did not mind a soda once and a while she had a frame to look after. After writing down her menu, and being within such proximity of the girl, Ayano would inquire about the blonde. "You were the Second's little sister, are you not?" Ayano said out of curiosity. She did not know her name specifically or anything personal about her. She was severely less notable than Seigi, her being the little sister of the former Raikage being the only thing that boasted her name.

    Ayano was aware of Seigi's recent status, being declared dead after being placed in a coma from an unknown illness that swept itself over the land earlier this year. Fortunately less cases of the illness have been less prominent. However, seeing as it was powerful enough to kill even the First and Second Raikage it had no discrimination of who it killed. When Izumi would have taken Tori's order Ayano would hand off the sketched order for Shimiko as well in order to have both carried out simultaneously.

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    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:53 am

    "Hahaha yeah I'm in the mood for something simple but yummy oh and can they cook that patty medium-rare by the way?" Shimiko said with a smile. It was good to treat one's self once in awhile. She cooked every now and again but mainly she ate her meals in the sect dining hall. It wasn't the most luxurious of places but she preferred eating her major meals with her fellow worshipers. Nevertheless the atmosphere and selection of Ayano's was to her liking even if it was a bit more tame than what she was used to. Then Ayano posed a question that caught her off guard. She asked if she was the Second's little sister. Most people didn't really know that. The Chinoike Clan was fairly large and prominent so them sharing a last name wasn't a major indicator. The only people who tended to be aware of their relation were those who were in the military and as such saw the Seigi's Family at major events and functions. Civilians tended not to know who she was unless they worked closely with the former Raikage and made it their business to know his immediate relatives. Shimiko played with her pigtails and laughed nervously.

    "Yeah that's me...Shimiko Chinoike. Its a pleasure to meet you."

    She wasn't completely against people asking her about her family and what it was like being little sister to the Raikage. Although in truth sometimes she wished she was famous for something other than being a mere relation.

    Ayano Aishi
    Ayano Aishi

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Ayano Aishi Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:32 am

    The little girl had a peculiar request, something she was not expecting out of a little girl. Meat cooked anything other than well-done often frightened the younger audience with the misconception of blood being what made the meat pink or red. Even older, more educated people were scared of potential food borne illnesses related to under-cooked meat. Ayano, however, ran a fine establishment which ground their own beef into a minced mixture before forming into patties and cooking. Her ground beef was as safe as a steak. She smiled, writing a single {MR} next to the cheeseburger item. "Of course. Our patties are ground and shaped every morning. We can safely and confidently carry out your request." After making her amends the staff member passed by picking up Ayano's request. Following her secondary question she received a rather coy response from the blonde, followed by her name. "Shimiko Chinoike. Well, as it is no surprise I am Ayano, the owner of this establishment. Ayano Aishi. I knew your brother quite well, hence why I asked. If you don't mind-"

    Ayano said, her last statement gesturing towards the second chair at the table. Whether she sat or not was entirely up to Shimiko. Despite practically owning the place she did not want to intrude on her table. Whether she sat and continued to stand, the hostess would continue. "I am a Jounin, though I hardly do Shinobi work currently. I guess you could consider me retired. I served as a field medic for a short while, but resided as a nurse while I studied culinary. That being said, I offer you my same services as I did Seigi. I have an extensive background in Chemistry. I'm almost certain I can create what you desire." Ayano typically preferred to keep her background as a Kunoichi a secret. Truth be told she never saw herself as a Shinobi. She used the opportunity to become one as a means to fund her education. As soon as she got what she needed she retired her field work and settled with her cafe.

    Ayano herself saw this Shimiko girl as an opportunity to help her place grow. Certainly the little sister of the Raikage must be somewhat popular in the village. By making herself more likable to the blonde she would be most likely to return and bring her friends. If not, at the very least Ayano would have a secondary customer. Although she preferred to major in selling food and drink she was not entirely against poisons, drugs, potions, or even certain compounds as another source of income. As long as she kept that circle small she did not have to worry about being questioned too much.

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Zurui Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:58 am

    After admiring the scenery of the establishment to a point of rapid onset boredom -as was often the case, Tori accepted the staff worker's invitation. "Oh, table for two...maybe. I have a friend that might be coming, not sure yet." She said with a friendly smile. The employee returned the smile and gestured to a number of tables available for small parties. Tori looked over the selection and immediately chose a table adjacent to Shimiko -the more the merrier, after all.

    The girl in green took her seat and looked over the menu that was handed to her. Her eyes skipped over everything that sounded familiar in hopes of finding an item that was entirely new to her, as she did at every eatery. Upon finding it, she put in her order, "I think I'll have the...Spicy Duck. Oh, but can you leave it uncooked? And a glass of Rosé, cold as you can get it. Thank-you." Her sweet voice carried over to the waiter and she handed in her menu and sat patiently waiting for hey companion that might show up. Well, not very patiently, since she already ordered food.

    "Hello", said the enthusiastic girl to the two sitting at the other table.
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:14 am

    Shimiko was glad that the place cooked its meat properly. The last thing she wanted was to get sick (again). It was then made clear to her that Ayano the owner of the titular cafe was standing right in front of her. Shimiko was not all that surprised although she found it interesting that the girl was the hostess and server. It made sense as to why she was so strict about her place's reputation and Shimiko found it admirable that she was willing to say No to a guest of the former Raikage's sister. She cared more about her craft than about catering to the whims of other high status people. This was worthy of respect in Shimiko's eyes. What Shimiko truly found shocking was that Ayano claimed to know her brother as she was a Jounin. Wait what?!. If Ayano was a Jounin what was she doing owning her own restaurant? Was this some sort of elaborate cover up for ANBU? The answer soon came directly from the horse's mouth. The woman was a retired chemist and field medic. That makes sense...Seigi always loved his poisons... What made him so effective was his willingness to use any and all means to take out his opponents. Shimiko adored his ruthlessness and she was pleased that Ayano may have had a hand in that.

    The offer extended to Shimiko caused her to light up like a Christmas tree. She could use a chemist. She wanted custom materials and poisons for her own crafted weapons and it was rare to find a Jounin who was willing to help in that endeavor. Most of them were on retainer for ANBU and would balk at the idea of collaborating with a mere genin. Shimiko's eyes glowed with admiration and respect at having a newfound contact. It appeared Janshin had guided her to this cafe for a reason. It was all part of his divine plan and she thanked him for leading her to this woman.

    "Really? Awesome! I bet you can make all sorts of interesting stuff" she said with the subtle implication being that "stuff" included more than just good food. "I'm a weapons crafter myself. Maybe we can collaborate some time or exchange services"

    They were joined by the woman in the elegant green dress. Tori ordered an uncooked duck with cold Rose. It was an interesting choice but Shimiko was not one to judge a person's dietary tastes.

    "Hai" Shimiko said in a cutesy voice before giving a friendly wave. "I'm Shimiko Chinoike, what's your name?". She was meeting all sorts of cool and interesting people today.

    Ayano Aishi
    Ayano Aishi

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Ayano Aishi Tue Jun 12, 2018 3:39 am

    The waitress seated the red head as she quickly gazed at the menu, having her order soon. She wanted the spicy duck, though by obscure means, she wished to have it raw. The waitress rose a quick eyebrow in response to her request. "Um...I'm sorry ma'am, but we cannot serve duck anything but cooked well-done. Since it's poultry you run the risk of catching Salmonella." Ayano, who happened to be sitting at the table Shimiko was at, overheard the waitress's common misconception. As the hostess of the establishment and head chef, she could not resist to but in. "Actually, duck is considered a red meat on top of being a poultry. We can serve duck cooked rare if you please, however, duck is not like beef where the meat is so dense that bacteria cannot penetrate the meat. Duck is still a bird, meaning a thinner protein structure and you may still run the risk of digesting harmful bacteria. However, unlike white meat turkey or chicken, you can consume duck comfortably at rarer temperatures."

    The waitress looked back at Tori, after being rejected having her duck served raw. After her correction, Ayano focused back on the former Raikage's little sister. Seeing her look of enthusiasm ensured her a potential business partner. She was a highly capable chemist being able to create near-legendary medicines, drugs, and poisons. The only reason her crafts were not legendary was because she chose not to pursue the field and had already invested herself with culinary. Ayano would smile in response to her excitement as a form of reassurance. Though, upon hearing that Shimiko was a weapon craftsmen herself peaked her interest. "Are you? Well, I could certainly appreciate a new set of hand-crafted kitchenware..." Ayano pondered, the thought of having a fabulous set of knifes, cleavers, ice picks, shears, pots, and pans would complete her kitchen.

    Shortly from the back kitchen came the waitress who took the order from Ayano's hands. She had two oval shaped white plates with a juicy cheeseburger on both of them next to a heaping pile of fries. Each burger had a long toothpick through either of them, one with a red flag and the other with a blue. The red flag represented a rarer doneness, which was placed before the blonde. The other plate was placed before Ayano. In her other hand she set down a small place which had two small, round sauce cups. One pair was filled with ketchup and the other pair with mayonnaise. Just as the setting was placed before them the bus person would come right behind the waitress with their drinks. Ayano was given a dark, tall glass of cola. Shimiko was given her requested lemonade. Her glass was garnished with a wheel of lemon placed on the rim with a small sprig of mint leaf bunched together.

    Ayano would make for the pepper crusher as she twisted the bottom sprinkling her fries with fresh cracked black pepper, a somewhat generous amount. "Though, of course, if you're willing to do business we may discuss it another time." She said, considering of her dining experience. Ayano would not intrude on the other two talking, the hostess silently taking a couple of peppered fries and dredging them in the mayonnaise before consuming, the satisfying crunch following a basket of well-made fries. Taking her glass she sipped the soda through her blue straw allowing the meals to sooth her body and soul. A positive atmosphere with a tasteful meal. She almost felt something special in times like these.

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Zurui Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:32 am

    "I'm Tori; it's a pleasure to meet you!" she replied to Shimiko with a smile. Just then, the other woman, who appeared to be something of an expert on the subject, proceeded to tell Tori all about duck meat and, specifically, why it couldn't be eaten raw. Certainly appreciative of the information, Tori listened intently and nodded get agreement. "I didn't know that. Thanks, miss...?" she said, dangling the question of the knowledgeable woman's identity.

    Truth be told, Tori had no intention of eating the meat raw. As one might suspect of a fire-obsessed scorch user, she has developed the habit of cooking her food with her own chakra as soon as it touched her mouth. It was a habit she learned for survival during a lonely spell of her childhood out in the vast desert in the Land of Wind. But she wasn't about to argue over that, not with someone who looked like she could be a good friend and probably a lot of fun.
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:36 pm

    Shimiko saw the twinkle in Ayano's eyes when she mentioned she was good with crafting weapons and the woman said she could use some new cookware. Shimiko would be happy to oblige of course although in return she'd ask for a few custom creations. She had an idea for a custom material that she needed help bringing to life. Ayano was quite self-aware however and rather than continuing to talk business she offered the possibility of discussing it at another time. Shimiko concurred and her eyes widened when a juicy hamburger and fries were set in front of her. The presence of food made her realize just how hungry she was and the girl dug in but not before saying a quick prayer to Janshin. She gripped the hamburger and took a generous bite while smiling and nodding in acknowledgement of Tori. The woman in the green dress had a nice name and a nice disposition. Shimiko chewed and swallowed hungrily before taking a large sip of her lemonade to wash it down. This was followed by an "Ahhhh". The discussion of rare duck piqued Shimiko's curiosity. She liked rare meats as well and it was nice that Tori shared her tastes. She wondered if the girl would like to hang out and grab dinner at some point. Although rare and uncooked meats tended to be frowned upon by members of the fine dining world, Shimiko never could resist some barely cooked flesh. The thought made her hungrier causing her to take another generous bite of the burger. Minding her manners, she chewed and swallowed a bit more slowly this time. She then took a napkin and wiped her mouth before flashing Ayano the "Ok" symbol to show that she was in fact quite satisfied with her meal.

    Ayano Aishi
    Ayano Aishi

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Ayano Aishi Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:00 am

    "Ayano Aishi." She said, minding her manners and polite etiquette. Ayano was very flexible when it came to appealing to her customer's desires. However, she did have to draw the line when it came to knowing what's best. Ordering something completely raw was certainly out of the ordinary. She could not conclude any logical reason as to why somebody would go as far as she did. After all, cooking meat had its perks aside from making it safe to eat. It simply tasted better than the uncooked product. Ayano herself was a fan of medium-rare, though that was only applicable to red meats. Medium-rare was the perfect balance of tenderness and flavor. Rare was a bit too undone as the flavor of uncooked flesh overwhelmed the seasons and cooked flavor the meat provided. However, when it came to a nicely cooked burger, she wanted it well-done. Ground meat cooked faster and maintained its tenderness, mostly due to the meat being ground making it an already tender piece.

    The food arrived as Ayano and Shimiko busied themselves with their order. Shimiko went straight for her burger, the little girl musing to herself as she indulged. She was a bit surprised to see her order such a hearty meal. Given her natural frame Ayano presumed she was a lightweight and sustained herself off sweets. Though she had to guess the girl had to eat real food sometime. Following a bite of her own burger she patted her mouth down with a napkin as she chewed. She figured the bit of silence would allow both of them to eat instead of forcing conversation down each other's throats. After all, it was the reason why they were there. The silence was shortly broken up as the table staff returned to Tori with her requested entree, the spicy duck served on a plate. Following the presentation of food was a wine glass placed down on the table, the waitress filling the glass with a proper serving of rose wine, the pink hue shining its best through the clean glassware.

    "So how have things been, if you don't mind asking? Both of you. It is quite obvious you are both Kunoichi. I don't interact much with your kind anymore, so it's always nice to catch up with 'the life' every so often." Ayano said, following up the brief silence by offering some basic small talk.

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    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:57 pm

    Shimiko perked up and blushed at being recognized as a shinobi. It was still a badge of honor for her even though she was just a genin. There was nothing like being respected and acknowledged for one's accomplishments. Shimiko took a sip of her lemonade at answered:

    "Pretty good! I have my own squad and my sensei is the Raikage" Shimiko answered. She loved the fact that her teacher was the strongest shinobi in the entire village. She wasn't one to brag but this was definitely something worth mentioning to others. It reflected well on her, her clan, and her team to be under the Raikage's tutelage. "I'm training and getting stronger every day. I haven't been on any super important missions as of yet but I'm sure I'll get my chance someday"

    Shimiko conveniently left out the drama and excitement that came with being a member of an illegal death cult.

    Sora Inazuma
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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Sora Inazuma Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:28 pm

    The door calmly opened up and a young man that looked around seventeen years old with a five foot ten inches tall frame walked into the restaurant. His athletic built of his upper body was covered by a white slim fit shirt that showed a bit of the outline from his muscles. Over the shirt was a simple sleevless black hoody. Around his lower body was  a black slim fit pants and to finish it off his standard black shinobi shoes.

    When he walked he lookeda bit around himself with his blue grey eyes although like always his left eye was covered by his thick black hair. Ofcourse this was no one else but Sora Inazuma. He knew there was a new restaurant and was hungry so he went to check it out.

    He walked up towards the podium and waited the calmly with his hands in the pockets of his hoody hoping someone would come to seat him.

    Shimiko Dines Out Ea36b6acb20c4315cb2d59a1b7794b16

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Zurui Sun Jul 15, 2018 4:55 pm

    So focused was Tori on her food that she hardly heard the question and by the time she realized Ayano had addressed her, she'd already packed her mouth full of tenderly roasted duck. Not being of an inconsiderate mind, she wouldn't dare speak with a full mouth in another person's home and this place was as homely as a restaurant could get.

    "It's been wonderful here." Tori finally chirped in. "The weather's way different than the Land of Wind, but I'm starting to get used to it and the people are really friendly." She finished with a warm smile before returning to the glorious meal before her.
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Jul 16, 2018 1:46 am

    Tori was from the Land of the Wind. Shimiko perked up at this and an idea came to my mind on how she could help the new woman adjust to her new life in Kumogakure. Shimiko finished up her burger and thanked Ayano for the meal and Tori for the company. "Thank you for the meal Ayano! It was delicious! I look forward to dining here again". She stood and bowed to the restaurant owner. She then turned and faced Tori and gave a swift bow. "Thank you for the company, may we meet again soon Tori!" The girl paid for her meal and turned towards the exit. Before she left though she saw Sora enter the building. The girl smiled, pulled out a box with his weapons inside, and handed to him.

    "Hey Sora, fancy meeting you here. I have your blades. I couldn't think of a good name for them besides Weapon X. Feel free to call them whatever you like. I gotta run but we should catch up sometime. Maybe a spar to test out your new toys huh?" she said with a pleasant and charming wink.

    The girl then skipped out of the cafe. She had made a two new friends, given charity to the homeless, found a new tasty spot, and hand delivered some weapons to a client. It was a good day.

    (Shimiko pays Ayano 12,800 due to the special in total but now gains several key stat boosts:

    +2 to Stamina for 15 posts
    Afterwards she will receive
    +2 advantages to Stamina and Constitution, and +1 advantage to Strength.

    Ayano Aishi
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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Ayano Aishi Mon Jul 23, 2018 6:37 am

    Ayano was surprised to hear Shimiko was placed on a team with the Raikage. Rarely did the Raikage serve as a general sensei unless they had special interest towards those in question, or in circumstances where there is a shortage of Jounin. The latter was clearly not the case leading her to believe Shimiko was truly something special. Ayano offered a grin after sharing the details about her life. Knowledge was power. The door opened as more customers entered the establishment. It was nearing lunch time, after all. Fortunately for Ayano she had a very competent team she worked with. Despite her enjoying her own lunch, a staff member would work her podium as she ate. She would greet those waiting at the door and have waiting staff guide them to their table. Sora would be next in line.

    "Why Hello there. Just you? Please take a seat anywhere you please."

    As Shimiko scarfed down her meal, Ayano would finish shortly after. "I am glad you enjoy my cooking. Tell your friends about me." She said elegantly, granting a charismatic smile as she prepared to depart. Ayano would finish up the meal of her own effectively cleaning her plate. Despite being rather short and light she certainly worked up an appetite. Ayano would take her own dishes to the back and clean them up before retiring in her office as another staff member handled Shimiko's transaction.

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    Shimiko Dines Out Empty Re: Shimiko Dines Out

    Post by Zurui Mon Jul 30, 2018 6:09 pm

    The sturdy, rugged looking wooden chair gave a nearly inaudible creak as the young woman's weight shifted about in her seat, removing a neat, comfortably folded leg from beneath her in preparation to stand from the table. The other two girls had already started to leave and Tori, having received her food some few minutes after them, was only just finishing up. A few dried crumbs lay in desolation on the plate as the only surviving members of the onslaught which she had subjected upon her delicate food.

    Tori's fingers traced the outlying sides of her rich, luscious red hair as her notably toned body flexed in response to her steady rise -she was never one to move particularly quick without prompt; it suited her form better -in more ways than one- to move with a certain alluring fluidity. The chair slid easily under the table which now bore the appropriate payment, before Tori walked quietly out of the establishment with naught but a wave towards the kitchen and a sly glance at Sora.


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