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    Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE)

    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 115
    Join date : 2023-03-01
    Age : 33

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Byakugan, Taijutsu, Iryōjutsu, Puppetry
    Class: D
    Ryo: Classified

    Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE) Empty Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE)

    Post by HydeS Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:22 pm


    Paint Scrubbing:

    After Hyde had attended that PT session with a slew of other Leaf ninjas and even one foreigner per the summons from the current Hokage, "Airi", he had been quite exhausted since he was not expecting there to be quite so much exertion involved there. That said, the resultant muscular fatigue he felt afterward faded completely after some time. Consequently, he managed to return to his daily routine successfully enough. Alas, he found that this reprieve wherein he could devote a considerable amount of time to his studies, both ninja-related and not, was cut short again and unexpectedly by the arrival of another scroll from the Kage's Office. This time, however, the contents were a tad more serious and formal, since they involved missions he was called upon to do around the village.

    Hmm...so this time, I am being instructed to complete a series of missions in and around the village...and will need to work with a fellow Leaf ninja to do them...Interesting, and despite my reluctance to pull myself away from my research...orders are orders, and those from Kage's Office cannot be avoided in any way...

    After reading this mission scroll that one of the maids from his exclusive support staff had brought him silently and contemplating each one, he thanked her before dismissing her so she could return to her regular duties and then started getting himself ready for these tasks. As usual, he finished his morning rituals first and then donned his outfit of choice, namely his physician-scientist attire which he wore in almost all situations. Afterward, he notified his support staff of where he would be for the next few days and headed off quickly to meet his mission partner.


    Hyde's Appearance:

    Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE) COLRESS


    Hyde's XP Tallies:
    • Post XP: 15
    • Personal Total XP: 15


    Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE) OKABE-RINTAROU

    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 104
    Join date : 2022-12-05
    Location : Living Rent-Free in your head

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Omni-Crafter
    Class: C
    Ryo: Check Update

    Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE) Empty Re: Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE)

    Post by Rebecca Smith Sat Jun 22, 2024 7:36 pm

    Rebecca was told she was going to do a few missions with another member of Konoha. Interesting. Until now she had been doing a lot of crap chores, which today hasn't changed, but this time she wasn't going to do it alone. Thank the spirits! She was in high spirits when she found out that she will have someone to help her accomplish these crap tasks, which should (at least on paper) reduce the amount of time required by at least half. But something like paint scrubbing wasn't really her forte. Anything, really, that required her to increase her physical output other than crafting, was going to be quite taxing.

    She was dressed in her usual attire while waiting near the base of the Hokage Mountain. She had water buckets, a mop and other cleaning implements with her. Enough for two. She turned her head to notice Hyde and smiled at him. "Hello there," she said with a little wave. Hyde would noticed her calloused palms as if she wasn't new to crafting and wielding a hammer. Her somewhat cracked and torn fingernails also showed that off.

    OOC Section
    15 EXP for this post

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 115
    Join date : 2023-03-01
    Age : 33

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Byakugan, Taijutsu, Iryōjutsu, Puppetry
    Class: D
    Ryo: Classified

    Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE) Empty Re: Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE)

    Post by HydeS Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:12 pm

    After leaving his family home in the Hyūga clan district to do the series of D-rank missions that he had been assigned by the Kage's Office, Hyde silently mulled over how to complete this first task which involved scrubbing the paint graffiti off the Hokage Rock and reprimanding the culprits

    Hmm...the first step is to acquire cleaning supplies...Therefore, that means my current move is to visit the neighborhood store for such things as should be obvious...and for finding and cornering the culprits for their imminent lecture on their lack of rectitude...the correct move is for me to use my Byakugan so that no energy or time is wasted in their pursuit...

    With that plan in mind, Hyde headed off to the cleaning supplies store to purchase the ones he needed for this occasion, namely water buckets, a mop, and some others. Once that was complete, he then headed off once more to find his mission partner. He found said partner waiting at the base of the Hokage Rock and was greeted by her cordially upon his arrival

    "General Keno...Ah, that is the wrong response to give in this situation...Please accept my sincere apologies, miss...My name is Hyde, and it is a true pleasure for me to make your acquaintance."

    Hyde was about to respond with the usual meme response to the kunoichi's greeting but stopped himself just in time and reverted to a more formal introduction instead as he had been taught to do by his elders in the Hyūga clan. To emphasize this and in an attempt to distract her from his earlier faux pas, he gave her a brief bow and rose back up with a cordial smile on his face. As he did, his keen golden gaze briefly flickered over to her calloused palms and her cracked and torn fingernails, thus telling him that she was involved with some sort of crafting discipline. Nevertheless, he ensured to keep his interest in her professional background as muted as possible since this was the first time he met her, and that led him to focus on finishing off his greeting to her instead

    "I look forward to working with you on this mission...Now then, what say we both set about finishing this task before us?"

    With that said, Hyde fell silent and waited for the kunoichi's response to his actions or words and for whatever was going to happen in the situation next.


    Hyde's XP Tallies:

    • Post XP: 15
    • Personal Total XP: 30

    Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE) OKABE-RINTAROU

    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 104
    Join date : 2022-12-05
    Location : Living Rent-Free in your head

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Omni-Crafter
    Class: C
    Ryo: Check Update

    Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE) Empty Re: Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE)

    Post by Rebecca Smith Tue Jun 25, 2024 2:01 am

    "General.. Kee-no?" she asked, raising a brow. She turned her eyes down to notice Hyde had already purchased himself gear, causing her to sigh outwardly. She had already lugged around enough work gear for two, seems she will be leaving one set here at the base of the mountain and lug it back after the job was done. She groaned, thinking of all the lugging and carrying she had to do to this point. No, she can't be negative about that right now. She re-adjusted her posture and smiled at him, the man who addressed himself as 'Hyde'.

    "Well, how ya do, Hyde?" she asked, pronouncing the name correctly. "Well, it's a pleasure ta meet ya too, but we got a lotta work ahead-o-us so let's get on then," she said picking up one of the sets of cleaning supplies that she brought, abandoning the other set. She wasn't strong enough to carry much more than what she was already carrying.

    The two nerds picked up their stuff and made their way up the trail towards the faces of the Hokage. A couple of the faces seemed to be missing -- the face of the previous Hokage Tengoku Shinku and the face of the current Hokage Airi Ohara. She stopped and set down the bucket of water for a moment and looked straight up where the faces were. "Well, ya know how to walk on walls right?"

    OOC Section
    30 EXP

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 115
    Join date : 2023-03-01
    Age : 33

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Byakugan, Taijutsu, Iryōjutsu, Puppetry
    Class: D
    Ryo: Classified

    Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE) Empty Re: Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE)

    Post by HydeS Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:30 pm

    Hyde was waiting for whatever was going to happen next in the situation when he noticed his mission partner let out a sigh and a groan at seeing how he had brought a third set of cleaning supplies since she had already brought two sets, with one each presumably being for each of them, and made a mental note of it without pointing it out. Instead, he focuses his attention on her greeting and replied

    "I do quite well, indeed, as I hope you are on this fine day...Might I inquire about your name before we start? After all, knowing each other's names will make addressing each other more convenient throughout these missions and, in turn, will make collaboration easier."

    Then, Hyde paused briefly to collect his thoughts and resumed his conversation with his mission partner

    "Of course, this Hokage Rock is quite the monumental challenge to clean up due to its sheer size and scale. That said, we do have the rest of the day to accomplish this task, so we should be able to complete it successfully, methinks."

    With that, Hyde fell silent and picked up the remaining set of cleaning supplies that his mission partner had chosen to leave at the base of the Hokage Rock and carried it along with his own set up the trail to the "Great Stone Faces" of the Hokage that were awaiting their arrival. Along the way, as he observed the monument to the previous Hokage, he also noticed that two of them were nowhere to be seen, namely the previous Hokage named "Tengoku Shinku" and the current one called "Airi Ohara", the latter of whom he had met in an earlier outing. That said, he did not have the luxury to admire their august visages for there was work to be done here. As if on cue, he heard his mission partner inquire if he knew how to walk on walls, naturally because they both would need to do so to clean the "Great Stone Faces" since there were no platforms readily available to raise them both to where the graffiti was located on the monument.

    "Indeed I do. Now then, I will take care of cleaning half of the area where the graffiti is located and while I am doing that, if you can handle the other half, I would appreciate it very much."

    Afterward, Hyde fell silent once more and then took the first set of cleaning supplies he had brought with him and proceeded to funnel chakra to the bottom of his feet, and by extension, into the pair of dark-colored formal shoes he always chose to use as footwear. Once that was done, he raised one foot to connect it firmly to the stone surface before him and then maneuvered his other one onto it while also ensuring that the cleaning supplies did not fall out. With that finished, he straightened himself so that his body was perpendicular to the stone surface of the monument and started walking up till he was in proximity to the first section of the area he had taken charge of cleaning per the plan he suggested earlier and began to clean it. Due to the large size of that first section alone, it took quite some time to finish cleaning off all the graffiti on it, but he managed to complete it thoroughly in the end to the point that the stone surface shone under the sunlight.

    Excellent, now on to working on the next section and beyond...

    Hyde mused silently thus while taking a few moments to examine the quality of his handiwork, and then he moved on to the second section that had graffiti on it in his work area and cleaned it in the same thorough way as he had the first one. Upon completing that section, he then finished cleaning the rest of the area by dividing it up into sections and working on each one systematically to ensure that he did not miss a single inch of the monument area he was responsible for since that would be essential in providing proof of mission completion. Naturally, this took nearly the entire day due to the sheer enormity of the monument area, but in the end, he had accomplished what he said he would do per his suggested plan to his mission partner. However, he was quite exhausted after all that exertion on multiple fronts, so he just had enough stamina left over to make his way down with the pair of expended cleaning supply sets to the base of the Hokage Rock. Of course, he made sure to contact his partner to inform her that he would be waiting at the base of the Hokage Rock for her to come down once she had finished her end of the mission since he figured it would be best for them to go together to drop off proof of mission completion for this mission later on.


    Hyde's XP Tallies:

    • Post XP: 15
    • Personal Total XP: 45


    Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE) OKABE-RINTAROU

    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 104
    Join date : 2022-12-05
    Location : Living Rent-Free in your head

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Omni-Crafter
    Class: C
    Ryo: Check Update

    Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE) Empty Re: Mission Spam P1 (Hyde, Rebecca) [PRIVATE] (DONE)

    Post by Rebecca Smith Fri Jun 28, 2024 2:21 am

    She was asked for her name and she thought for a moment and takes a deep breath in. "Rebecca Francesca Marie-Rose Annabelle Marnie Lavender Smith," she said, catching her breath afterwards. "Ya can just call me Rebecca," she said huffing and puffing, leaning over for a moment to catch her breath. Her cleavage was considerably noticeable. She took a moment to regain her breath before standing up straight.

    She groaned upon hearing Hyde's pun. She picked up her cleaning stuff and nodded her head. "Sure! I'll handle the ones ya don't pick up," she said as she used her chakra onto her feet and used it to climb up the rock. She dipped her mop into the water and started to clean the faces. The two continued to clean it up before walking back down and noticed a kid snickering. She walked over to the boy, swaying her hips in a hypnotic manner. It was enough to get close enough to bonk him over the head with the mop. "Ya know, ya shouldn't be makin' a mess others would need ta clean up. It's rude and makes ya look really unattractive. Ya wouldn't even be able to get a pretty girl like me. So be a good boy, okay and you'll get yourself a pretty girl like me when you grow up, okay?" she said, winking.

    OOC Section
    45 EXP (Posts)
    25 EXP Mission Completion
    +10,000 ryo

    == TOPIC LEFT ==

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.

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