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    Two Shocking Discoveries

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

    Posts : 1126
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Two Shocking Discoveries Empty Two Shocking Discoveries

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Fri Jun 21, 2024 4:56 pm

    Kitsuki had been catching up on a lot of important business since returning to the fold. One of the many matters that she had to attend to was the hosting of the Chuunin Exams. Kirigakure had offered, and the nations of the world had accepted, its island for the purpose of hosting the Exams. The previous administration of the Chuunin Exams had gone smoothly under Kiri's tenure (aside from the murder and harvesting of a Senju) and Kit was invested in ensuring that held true for this year's Exams. She had outsourced most of the details to her sensei Sukimori Hyuuga who had long been interested in administering the event. Kit trusted that he'd do a good job and when she learned he intended on having some of her old teachers help she was certain that it'd be a smashing success.

    With the minutiae of the event in his hands, Kitsuki turned her attention to examining the Kiri roster of entrants. She had been quite late to the punch in that regard but she figured it was better late than never. The genin who were in the Exams might be able to benefit from some last minute advice or assistance. When she pulled up the list of names, Kit was shocked to see only two names on the roster. She was even more shocked when one of those names was Liliane Anastasia Sisyphus. Kit's first act upon reviewing Lily's registration was to check the local hospital. Last she was aware, the young ward had been battling the plague. Sure enough, the hospital confirmed that the child had not been seen in some time. Now that it was clear that Lily was gone and outside of Kiri, Kitsuki was beset with worry. Is she okay? Is this really her? Is it an imposter?


    Kit reconsidered this line of thought. People woke up from multi-year plague comas all the time. The fact that she had gotten up and gotten into trouble was par for the course with the Pit Child.  Kitsuki decided that she would assume the best. Lily was a fighter. She would not allow someone to take her place in this world. There was only one Liliane and if she was in the Exams then she'd cut her way to the very top. Kit just needed to make sure that she'd be there to support her and cheer her on however possible. This "Hisha" would also need her guidance. He wasn't her student but he was entitled to the backing of the Kirigakure government. Konoha had sent a rather large contingent to the Exams and as the sole remaining superpowers, it was imperative that Kiri not be outshined by its peer power. Kit's first step was to try and get an accounting of the what artifacts and powers Kiri had its disposal and how might she used them to give Hisha and Lily a leg up. If they proved skilled enough to make it through the initial rounds, then they certainly would have proved themselves responsible enough to wield one of the nation's treasures.

    Armed with a plan in mind, Kit walked to the bank and spoke to the chief administrator. The man was happy to give the Princess a tour and thorough accounting of the items in the vault. During this process, they both came to a rather disturbing discovery.

    Two Gelel Stones are missing!

    Kirigakure had been robbed of one of its most powerful weapons and no one in the power structure had been aware of it. Kitsuki immediately confiscated the remaining Gelel Stone for safekeeping and demanded that there be a squad of guards within the vault at all times. She would need to see about launching a formal investigation into this theft. The culprit had not taken anything else which was strange. He or she must have taken the Gelel Stone for a reason....they have a hidden agenda there. Could it be the Others?


    OOC: Kitsuki taking a Gelel Stone and keeping it on her person. Kirigakure's vaults will now have one of its NPCs actually inside the vault itself at all times to protect our valuables and money.


      Current date/time is Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:35 am