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    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
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    Age : 31
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    Class: D
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    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:11 pm

    As Yamato and Rita was heading out of the tsuchikage office and making there way towards renkus hibachi Rita looked at Yamato and asked him what his favorite dish was. That was a hard one cause the BBQ joint had a lot of great dishes and some of them was not even meat dishes.

    " That's a hard question as I find all of the menu there to be delicious. But if I had to pick a dish I would say it was the BBQ pork cutlets over a bed of fried rice which is then placed on top of a seasoned lettuce leaf."

    Yamato said. They would then round the corner outside of the tsuchikage building and then took a right. The walk took about 5 maybe 10 minutes and that was if they was taking it slow. Once they arrived Yamato would open the door for Rita and waited for her to enter the building.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Rita Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:13 pm

    Rita's eyes sparkled with excitement at Yamato's suggestion. The mere thought of BBQ pork cutlets over a bed of fried rice, delicately placed on a seasoned lettuce leaf, made her mouth almost visibly drip with saliva to the point just shy of having to wipe it. She couldn't help but beam at Yamato, her steps deliberately slow but filled with enthusiasm.

    "Oh, Yamato, that sounds absolutely divine!" she exclaimed, her voice dripping with exaggerated delight. "I can already taste the rich flavors dancing on my tongue! Truly, you have impeccable taste."

    As they rounded the corner and approached the restaurant, Rita moved with her usual measured pace, each step deliberate and graceful. To be honest she couldn’t move faster even if she wanted to, well not without wearing puppet armor at least something she currently didn’t have available. 

    The walk took about ten minutes, but Rita didn't mind. She used the time to savor the anticipation of their meal and the company she was with. When they finally arrived, Yamato courteously opened the door for her. Rita placed a hand on her chest in mock surprise and gratitude, her movements theatrical.

    "Why, thank you, kind sir," she said with a playful smile, her voice melodramatic. She stepped inside, taking in the welcoming ambiance of the restaurant. The aroma of sizzling meat and savory spices filled the air, making her stomach growl loudly causing her face to flush in embarrassment. 

    As they entered, Rita turned to her companion, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I must say, Yamato, I'm eager to see if this place lives up to the legendary status you've bestowed upon it. But with your recommendation, I'm certain it will be an unforgettable experience."

    She allowed herself to be led to their table, her mind popping with thoughts of the delicious meal and the intriguing company she was about to enjoy.

    Once they were seated and the menus were placed before them, Rita reached across the table, her expression suddenly serious yet warm.  "Darling," she stretched out the word teasingly, her eyes glinting with amusement, "I want you to know that tonight's dinner is on me. I don't want you to think for a second that I'm some gold digger after your money."

    She leaned back, a small smile playing on her lips. "I mean, yes, I do need funds for my crafting—let's face it, even a basic puppet costs more than this dinner. But that's not why I invited you. Tonight is about good food, good company, and celebrating the future of Iwa together."

    Rita's words hung in the air, sincere and filled with genuine intent. She wanted Yamato to understand that her appreciation for him extended far beyond any materialistic needs, and she was determined to make this evening special for both of them. A first date to remember, and hopefully not the last.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
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    Age : 31
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    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:29 pm

    Yamato could tell Rita was jokingly mocking her surprise as she walked though the doors which Yamato opened for her. He could tell by the sound of her voice as she spoke that she was dying to try the food out as he could see the slightest twinkle of saliva on the corner of her lip. Once inside the owner him self greeted them at the door once he noticed that he had the tsuchikage making a appearance in his restaurant. He guided the two of them to there tables and placed a menu in front of them. Rita would then stretch her hand across the table and told Yamato that dinner tonight was on her, she did not want him to think that she was a gold digger just looking to get his money. She explained that tonight's dinner was about good food, good company and celebrating the raise of iwa.

    " I did not mind paying but if you insest I shall not argue. And do not worry I was not worried about you being a gold digger."

    His words was sincere and warm unlike his normal cold and calculated self. The waiter returned and asked them what they wanted so Yamato took a quick glance at his menu as he found what he wanted.

    " Yes I would like the pineapple meat gold concor with a bottle of houshu sake please."

    Yamato waited to see what Rita would order as he placed the menu in front of him, the good thing about these types of restaurants is you could order as much as you wanted.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Rita Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:14 am

    Rita couldn't help but feel a flutter of warmth at Yamato's words. His sincerity and the rare warmth in his voice made her feel special, and for a moment, she forgot all about the weight of their responsibilities.

    "Oh, darling," she teased, drawing out the word with a playful lilt, "I'll make sure to make it worth your while." She winked at him, her tone light and affectionate, a stark contrast to her usual dramatic flair.

    When the waiter turned to her, Rita took a deliberate moment to study the menu, her eyes flicking over the various dishes. "I'll have the BBQ pork cutlets over a bed of fried rice, placed on top of a seasoned lettuce leaf," she said with a smile, echoing Yamato's earlier recommendation. "And let's add a bottle of your finest plum wine to the order."

    Handing the menu back to the waiter, she turned her attention fully to Yamato. "You know, I've been looking forward to this all day. It's not often we get to just... relax and enjoy ourselves." She leaned in slightly, her eyes twinkling with a mix of excitement and sincerity.

    "You know, Yamato," she began, her tone softening, "I was a little worried about how I might come off. I mean, since your ascension, I imagine a lot of women have tried to ask you out. But I want to make it clear that what I like about you isn't your money, your potential fame, or power." She paused, searching his eyes for a moment. "It's what I've seen of your personality so far. Your dedication, your warmth, even beneath those face wraps... And, if I'm being honest," she added with a playful smile, "you look pretty hot even with the face wraps."

    She settled back into her seat, a contented smile playing on her lips. "So, Yamato, tell me more about your plans for the future. I want to know everything. And to be clear, I'm not talking about work. I'm talking about goals for yourself once the village is back to being more settled and running smoothly again."

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 164
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    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

    Character File
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    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:46 am

    Rita had caused Yamato to blush as she teased him telling him that she would it worth his while. He knew what she was talking about but the way she said it made him think of something completely different. When the waiter looked at her for her order Yamato grinned as she had ordered the exact same dish that he had told her about on the walk over, she also ordered a bottle of plum wine. Rita had mentioned that since his ascension he had probably had lots of woman trying to take him out to dinner but what made her like Yamato was not his money or potential or power but his personality.

    She also said that it was his determination, his warmth and she said that even under those face wraps she thought he was hot. This caused Yamato face to flush red as if he had been drinking a lot, to be honest he had never had much interaction with the opposite gender as he had always been to busy.

    " Well honestly I would not know, I have been to busy trying to get stronger and running a village to notice if they have. But thank you for those kind gesture lady Rita."

    Rita would then ask Yamato what his plans for the future was, but she did not mean work she meant for him self once the village was up and running better. Honestly Yamato had not thought about that much, he always assumed he would be living the ninja life tell he died.

    " To be honest Rita I have not really thought about it much. I have always just assumed I would be a ninja until I died, but if I am honest I would like to one day have a family and rebuild my clan. "

    As Yamato said that the waiter had returned to them as he laid out there food on the table. Yamato food was pineapple cut into tiny pieces and mixed in with the meat that was mixed in with rice. this was all served inside the pineapple as if it was a bowl. The bottle of sake and two cups was sat in front of him. They also sat two wine glasses out to for the bottle of wine they sat down on the table as well.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Rita Mon Jun 24, 2024 12:35 am

    Rita's eyes sparkled with a mix of mischief and satisfaction as she watched Yamato's cheeks flush red. Her words had been intentional, carefully chosen to elicit a reaction from him while remaining vague enough to give her room to deflect if necessary. It was a delicate balance, and she was proud of how she had managed to walk that fine line.  She didn't want Yamato to think she was the kind of easy hussy who slept around on the first date.

    "I wanted to make sure he knows I'm interested," she thought to herself, "but without giving him the wrong impression. I need him to see me as someone worth investing in, not just a fleeting fancy."

    Yamato seemed to ponder her question when she asked him about his goals for himself. , his eyes reflecting a mix of uncertainty and hope.  Rita's heart warmed at his confession. His words about wanting to rebuild his clan and have a family someday resonated deeply with her.

    His sincerity and vulnerability in that moment made her feel even more connected to him.  She gently placed a hand on his, her touch lingering as she spoke. "That sounds like a beautiful dream, Yamato. And I believe you'll make it happen."  It was a bit presumptuous but she hoped that maybe she could be the woman standing by his side in that dream.

    As they began to eat, Rita continued to observe him, her mind whirling with thoughts about their evening. She hoped that her words had not only gotten a rise out of him but had also conveyed her genuine interest in who he was as a person.

    Rita's curiosity piqued as she watched Yamato, pondering how he was going to eat with those face bandages on. The thought of catching a glimpse of what lay underneath intrigued her, and she decided to make a game out of it. It seemed like a fun idea, adding an element of mystery and excitement to their dinner.

    "This is just the beginning," she thought, "and I'm looking forward to seeing more of the man beneath the ninja."  Perhaps she could draw him more out of his shell by talking about herself a bit.
    She took a sip of her plum wine, her eyes subtly scanning Yamato's movements.

    "One of my hobbies, believe it or not, is setting off explosions for fun," she said, her tone light and playful. "There's just something so thrilling about the power and the precision involved. I love the way a well-planned explosion can change everything in an instant."

    Rita felt a warm connection growing between them, one that she hoped would lead to a deeper understanding and bond. For now, she was content to enjoy their dinner and the playful banter that had already made the evening special.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
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    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

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    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:15 pm

    As the waiter placed there food and drinks down for Rita and Yamato they continued to talk and flirt and just having a good time. but now it was time to eat and drink and it was hard to do that with his face wrappings so Yamato gently and ever so slowly reached up and made a slit by sliding the bandages up and down so there was room for the food and drink. The tsuchikage would then take a bite of food as he made a yumm noise before pouring him self and Rita a cup of sake before he drank his cup down.

    As the two of them was talking Rita brought up how her hobbies was setting off explosions. ' Yeah that sounds about right for a Kotōshura' Yamato would think to him self as he tried to think of a good Hobbie that he had which would be interesting.

    " Well my Hobbie is kinda lame compared to yours but I like to travel around and try all the sake from every restaurant and village. I make a mental note of which sake is the best and which I rank above others depending on how long they was bottled for and the taste. "

    Yamato said as he poured him self another little sake cup full of sake. It might seemed like a odd Hobbie but it was a Hobbie non the less.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Rita Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:52 pm

    Rita’s eyes sparkled with delight as she watched Yamato skillfully maneuver his face wrappings to make room for the food and drink. She admired his meticulousness, her curiosity about what lay beneath the bandages growing with every passing moment.

    As Yamato described his hobby, Rita couldn't help but be charmed by his unique interest. She took a sip of her plum wine, savoring the flavor, and then looked at him with a thoughtful expression. "Traveling and tasting sake from different places sounds fascinating, darling.”

    “It's like you're on a constant adventure, discovering new flavors and experiences. Plus, it shows you have a refined palate, appreciating the subtle differences in each bottle. I find that quite impressive."

    She leaned in slightly, her voice lowering as if sharing a secret. "My dream is to build amazing puppets that can do things people think are impossible right now. As an engineer, I’m always tinkering and experimenting, trying to push the boundaries of what’s possible. Imagine a puppet that could think, adapt, and even fight alongside us like a real partner. The possibilities are endless."

    Rita took another bite of her food, enjoying the rich flavors while letting her words sink in. She glanced at Yamato, her eyes full of excitement and determination. "We both have our unique passions, and that's what makes us interesting, don’t you think? Maybe one day, my puppets will be able to help with your sake-tasting adventures, carrying bottles and taking notes for you," she said with a wink, her playful demeanor shining through.

    She was genuinely enjoying their conversation, feeling a connection with Yamato that went beyond their titles and responsibilities. It was refreshing to share their dreams and hobbies, and Rita felt a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect growing between them.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 164
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    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

    Character File
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    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:24 am

    Rita seemed really interested in Yamato hobbies as she said that it sounded fascinating, she said he had a refined palat in order to distinguish the subtle tastes in each bottle of delicious sake. As she spoke about it it made him want a drink of the sake in front of him so he poured him self a glass and drank it down.

    " why thank you Rita, I never really saw it just like that but yeah it really is like a little adventure. "

    While they was talking she suddenly whispered as if she was telling him a secret, she told Yamato that her hobbies was also building puppets and tinkering with them. That sounded very interesting to Yamato so he listened intently to what she was saying. Even when he lived in the land of wind suna it was rare to find a puppet user within the ranks of the village. Even once he came to iwa he had seen one or two but not as many as there used to be in the past. It was almost as if the art of puppet making was almost dead. She said that maybe one day her puppets could travel around with him and carry the bottles of sake even tale down notes for him.

    " You know I'm glad that there are still people out there that still enjoy the art of puppet making, it's almost as if the art has dried up like the desert and died out. That is also a great idea, I could use my magnet style to have them follow me with out needing to ise chakra strings"

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 52
    Join date : 2024-06-01

    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Rita Tue Jun 25, 2024 1:03 am

    Rita smiled warmly as Yamato appreciated her hobby of building puppets, something she held dear amidst the dwindling artistry of puppet-making in the ninja world. His acknowledgment made her feel a sense of validation for her craft, especially coming from someone like him who understood the intricacies of unique skills.

    "Yes it's like breathing life into something that can be both beautiful and useful," Rita replied, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I've always been fascinated by how each puppet can be designed to serve different purposes.”

    “It’s a shame really. I heard that someone tried to start up a society for Kugutsu users but apparently it soon fizzled out after the founder got sick or something.” She said with a shrug. “It’s no wonder the art of puppets isn't more popular.   Making anything decent enough to be actually useful for battle is insanely expensive.” She said with a long sigh.  

    It went without saying that most puppeteers that remained either attached themselves to a rich backer to fund their creations. Or were just very eccentric.   Rita definitely belonged to the latter category since she knew Iwa didn’t have cash to spare to fund her research but had attached herself back to her home village anyhow out of a sense of nationalistic pride.

    As she spoke, Rita's mind buzzed with possibilities. She saw her puppets not just as tools but as extensions of herself, each one a testament to her creativity and ingenuity. The mention of using magnet style to control them without chakra strings intrigued her, hinting at a synergy between their abilities that could lead to innovative collaborations.

    "Maybe we could even collaborate on something one day," Rita added with a hopeful smile. "Fuse your expertise in sake with my puppetry skills—I can already imagine the possibilities. It's exciting to think about what we could achieve together."

    She took a sip of her drink, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of future projects and the bond forming between them over shared passions. Rita sensed that this dinner was more than just a meal; it was the beginning of a partnership that could lead to remarkable achievements.

    Rita paused, taking a sip of her wine, her eyes meeting Yamato's with a mix of determination and excitement. "It's projects like that that drive me, that keep me up at night brainstorming and sketching out new ideas. I want to leave a mark on this world, to create something that will be remembered long after I'm gone."

    She smiled warmly at Yamato, appreciating his attentiveness and the safe space he provided for her to share her ambitions. "But enough about my projects," she said, her tone playful. "Tell me more about your favorite sake discovery. Any particular bottle that stands out in your mind? I'd love to hear the story behind it."

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 164
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    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

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    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Tue Jun 25, 2024 1:07 pm

    Yamato was surprised that he could be having such a nice time at dinner with Rita, they sat there for what seemed like hours but was probably only 30 minutes talking about there many hobbies and what not. As they was talking about there hobbies Rita said that some one a while back tried to start up a society for puppet users but he must have gotten sick cause the whole thing fizzled out. This was News to Yamato cause he had no idea about any of that but It was surely a shame to hear. She mentioned how they could collaborate something one day, she could use her art of puppet making with his expertise in sake.

    " Yeah that would surely be a interesting thing to see, we should definitely do that one day."

    Yamato said as he took a bite of his food. Rita would then ask the tsuchikage about his travels and what his favorite sake discovery was. Yamato had to think about it as he had a few story's where he discovered a excellent strand of sake that was just to die for.

    " Well let's see, ah I know. A few years ago I was on a routine scouting mission to the land of clouds, wasn't nothing to major I was just asked to track the whereabouts of a missing ninja who went Rouge and escaped into lightning territory. While I was out unfortunately I lost my footing and fell into a large ravine and was washed down the water. Luckily for me a old man found me and nursed me back to health, as we talked and got to know each other he shared some of his own blend of sake and I'm not sure what ingredients he used but that was some of the best sake I have ever tried."

    Yamato said while he poured him self a cup of sake and drank it down. He would love to find that man again if he could and get that recipe for that sake of his cause he would like to place it with the other recipe he had acquired over the years.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    [*]Link to Known Techniques: in character updates
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 52
    Join date : 2024-06-01

    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Rita Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:16 pm

    Rita couldn't believe how effortlessly the conversation flowed with Yamato. The evening seemed to pass in the blink of an eye as they delved into their shared interests and past experiences. When she mentioned the defunct puppet users' society, she was surprised to see Yamato's genuine interest. His openness to collaboration sparked her imagination.

    "Yeah, it's a shame that society never took off," Rita said thoughtfully, swirling the remnants of her drink. "But hey, maybe we could pick up where they left off someday. “ 

    Rita chuckled at Yamato's tale, her eyes sparkling with amusement and curiosity. "You know, that sounds like the kind of adventure I'd sign up for—minus the falling into ravines part. But discovering hidden gems like that sake? That's what makes traveling worthwhile."

    That old man must have been quite a character. If you ever track him down again, I'd love to meet him and learn more about his blend. Imagine the possibilities!" Rita mused, a smile playing on her lips as she imagined the flavors and craftsmanship involved.

    As the conversation continued, Rita found herself drawn to Yamato's adventurous spirit and deep appreciation for craftsmanship. She couldn't help but wonder what other tales he had hidden beneath his calm exterior.

    She took a sip of her drink, nodding thoughtfully. "I've always had a soft spot for booze, almost as much as I do for explosions," she admitted with a mischievous grin. "Maybe Iwa could earn some extra ryo by opening a brewery. Imagine the blends we could create, combining traditional craftsmanship with new ideas. It could be a hit!" Rita leaned back, imagining the possibilities. 

    Rita chuckled softly, her eyes meeting Yamato's with a playful glint. She leaned in a little closer, lightly touching his arm. "You know, speaking of sake, I might have something special to share with you sometime," she teased, her tone laced with intrigue.

    "Our clan's 'special' bomb sake," she continued with a grin, "crafted with a little extra kick. It might just blow your mind." Rita's expression turned mischievous as she leaned back, waiting to see Yamato's reaction to her flirtatious offer.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 164
    Join date : 2023-11-06
    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

    Character File
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    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:52 am

    As the conversation progressed Rita mentioned how iwa could make some extra money by opening up a brewery, Yamato kinda like that idea in fact. As Yamato was telling her his story she said that was the kind of adventure she would sign up for besides the falling into the ravine part. She said that she always did have a soft spot for boose just as she did with explosions.

    " You know Rita that is a great idea, I'm not sure of iwa already has one but if not we should definitely build one."

    Yamato said as he took up his cup of sake and tipped it back. Rita would lean in closer as she placed her hand on his arm and Yamato could tell that she was teasing him as she said that she would love to show him there clans special drink the bomb sake. Yamato would give off a sly cocky grin as he looked at Rita.

    " My oh my, that drink sounds like it would be to die for, I would love to try it one day."

    Yamato said as he teased Rita back then tossed another shot of sake back. Reaching over he would also take a bite of his food as the two of them continued to talk the night away.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Rita Thu Jun 27, 2024 2:54 am

    Rita's eyes sparkled with excitement as Yamato entertained her idea about the brewery.  "I think a brewery could really put Iwa on the map in a new way. It could be a place where people come together, share stories, and enjoy life. And I’d be more than happy to help make that happen."

    When Yamato mentioned trying the clan's special drink, Bomb Sake, Rita's smile grew wider. “Oh, you’re in for a treat,” she said, her voice dripping with flirtatious charm. “Like you said It’s a drink you’d die for, but hopefully not literally.”

    As they continued their conversation, she felt a connection growing. The sake was warming her, and so was Yamato's company. The night was turning out to be more delightful than she had anticipated. She could see a future where they not only shared ideas and dreams but also supported each other in making them a reality.

    She gazed at him with a mixture of admiration and affection, thinking how wonderful it was to find someone who shared her enthusiasm for both craft and life’s little adventures.  She leaned in closer to Yamato, her playful smile never fading.

    "You know," she began with a mischievous glint in her eye, "I’ve been thinking, how about we start up sports teams in the villages? We could have friendly competitions and, of course, a big celebration with plenty of sake afterwards."

    She giggled softly, giving his arm a gentle squeeze. "Imagine it,  you the Tsuchikage leading his village to victory on the field and then raising a toast with some Bomb Sake. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Besides, I’d love to see you in action, both on and off the field." She winked, taking another sip of her sake, enjoying the playful banter and the growing connection between them.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 164
    Join date : 2023-11-06
    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu|Doton|Fuuton|Jiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:12 pm

    Rita was excited to hear Yamato say that they should make a brewery in iwa, she was right tho it would make for a great place to come gather and have a drink over a story or just to have a drink after a hard day of working. There could be music and snacks as well. It would have to be a little different then a restaurant but he was sure it could work. She then said that he was right the bomb sake was to die for but hopefully not in a literal sense of corse.

    " It goes with out saying I don't think anyone would wish to actually die having a drink."

    Yamato said as he chuckled then took another bite of his food. Rita then said something very interesting as she spoke about sports, Yamato did not know much about sports but he was always fascinated by how people was.

    " Yes sports is a odd thing to me, never was able to get into it. But I do that that one sport where the team holds a ball and tries to get it to the other side of the field."

    Yamato would say, Yamato would then pour a cup of sake and passed it to Rita before he poured his self another cup as well. She had made the joke of how she would like to see him in action on and off of the field. He would just give a cocky grin as he look at her.

    " I bet you would, you play your cards right and you just might still get your wish "

    Yamato would jokingly say tho half serious as well. Yamato was enjoying his night out with Rita she really knew how to keep the mood light but fun as well.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
    [*]Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6897-yamato-kazahana
    [*]Link to Known Techniques: in character updates
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 52
    Join date : 2024-06-01

    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Rita Sun Jun 30, 2024 2:27 am

    Rita smiled warmly as Yamato expressed his amusement at her remark about the bomb sake. His light-hearted response eased any lingering tension, and she nodded in agreement.

    "You're absolutely right," Rita replied, her tone light and playful. "Dying from a drink would be quite the unfortunate end to an otherwise enjoyable evening. Though I imagine that for some seniors, that might actually be a preferred way to go," she quipped with a playful wink, raising her sake cup in a mock toast before taking another sip.

    She took the cup of sake Yamato poured for her, appreciating the gesture of camaraderie and friendship. As they continued their conversation, Yamato mentioned his lack of interest in sports, prompting Rita to chuckle softly.

    "I understand," she said, sipping the sake delicately. "Sports can be an acquired taste. But yes, that game with the ball and the field—football, I believe they call it—is quite popular in some places. Though I never quite understood why they call it that. I mean, there's hardly any feet involved, except for kicking the ball occasionally," she remarked with a bemused expression.

    When Yamato playfully responded to her earlier comment about seeing him in action, Rita grinned mischievously. "Oh, I'll keep that in mind," she teased back, her eyes sparkling with humor.

    Rita leaned forward slightly, her curiosity piqued as she asked Yamato, "Tell me, Yamato, do you collect anything? For some people, it's stamps or coins. As for me... well, oddly enough, I like to gather golf balls." She grinned mischievously, taking a playful sip of sake. "I find they're particularly useful as projectiles, and they do look rather nice on the wall of my living room."

    She chuckled softly, her eyes glinting with humor as she awaited Yamato's response. Rita enjoyed teasing a bit about her unconventional hobby, knowing it often sparked intrigue and sometimes raised eyebrows among those unfamiliar with her playful side.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 164
    Join date : 2023-11-06
    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu|Doton|Fuuton|Jiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.  Empty Re: The Renku Hibachi-A date for two.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Today at 4:14 am

    Yamato laughed as Rita mentioned that senor would probably prefor to go out with a good drink, the tsuchikage could not agree more he had known a few elderly in his days that was just like that. Rita would accept the cup of sake from Yamato and he would warmly smile in return. It seemed she also understand his his view toward sports as she said that it was a preferred taste, she mentioned how she found it odd why they called the sport football since there was hardly any kicking done.

    " I could not agree with that more Rita, they should probably rename it to handball instead"

    Yamato would say as he attempted his hand at a joke, it was probably a lame joke but a joke no less. The two of them continued to enjoy there food and drinks and then Rita asked Yamato if he collected anything. Her self she collected golf balls as she hung them up on her wall. She would probably laugh at what Yamato collected but he found them quite interesting.

    " It's nothing to special but I like to collect Ninja info cards. They can give you information on different ninja as well as information on nation's or even different ninja weapons. I find them both neat and educational in a way."

    Yamato said as he took a bite of his food then took the napkin and wiped his mouth. He did not know many other people to collect them so he was probably one of the rare ones who dose.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
    [*]Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6897-yamato-kazahana
    [*]Link to Known Techniques: in character updates

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