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    Unlimited Grinding

    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:05 am

    Again cloaked in that alter of hers, she found a secluded location of the training grounds. She found it difficult at times to maintain this constant disguise, and it was always a risk, but she needed to remain at least reasonably under cover with the general masses, partially because anyone could attack her and attempt to extort her family. So, she remained incognito, which was for the best as she had some training to do. With a silent command, Gyeong extended his hands outward, palms facing downward. A subtle hum filled the air as invisible forces obeyed his will. Metal particles in the earth beneath him responded, rising and converging into a shimmering platform suspended mid-air. The platform took shape gradually, coalescing into a solid surface beneath Gyeong's feet. It hovered steadily, defying gravity's pull with the magnetic field he manipulated effortlessly. Gyeong stepped onto the platform, his movements precise and deliberate.

    Learn: Desert Suspension

    Last edited by Chinatsu on Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:24 am

    He continued with his training now, mastering some of the last vestiges of power from this particular portion of his bloodline that he could recall. There were many higher ranking and stronger techniques available to her, but they were yet outside of her grasp. From what she understood, this would be helped by more training, particularly in getting her reserves increase so that she could use more taxing but powerful techniques. For  now, she would work on the basics, still disguised as always, her chakra signature radiant with magnetism, her sensory skills active and sensing, even though she was still a novice at it. He gathered up his chakra and spread sand all about, using fine control to move it into select locations as a thin gossamer veil, suspended by a web of his delicate chakra.

    As the sand settled into place, Gyeong closed his eyes, concentrating on the task at hand. The Concealed Sand Cat Picture was not merely about manipulation—it was a skill of perception, enabling him to detect hidden or invisible beings by disturbing the otherwise undisturbed sand. With a deep breath, Gyeong opened his eyes, his gaze sharpened with newfound clarity. The sandy web before him acted as a sensor, reacting to the subtle disturbances caused by concealed presences. He observed as faint ripples and disturbances in the sand's surface revealed the presence of hidden creatures, their outlines faint yet discernible amidst the grains.

    Learned: Concealed Sand Cat Picture

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    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:09 am

    Returning again to the training grounds, Chinatsu donned her disguise, finding a quite and isolated place for her self to train in peace and with out any kind of important or notable interruptions at all. Today required only a small amount of meditation for him, a simple task really for the time being that would not prove terribly challenging. The issue at hand was the chakra suppression technique, something that many sensors knew and were capable of but which would help his feminine side more. At least until he created something a bit more lasting or permanent. This was basically similar to reducing his chakra signature to the point that it was effectively turned off. Simple enough.

    Learned: Chakra Suppression

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    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:09 am

    They day yet remained young and there was much to do for the relatively young red haired man that was known as Gyeong. Tapping into something a bit more plain than any kind of special clna based techniques of a KKG that China would never be able to reveal safely Gyeong would instead go towards the powers of his wind released based chakras and begin learning a bit of those techniques first as he went on. This was again nothing terribly unique and in fact would be a widely learnable technique by any one with the skill, but it was useful. A quick snake seal and he was able to emit a bubble of wind chakra almost like his hand which would then grip a training sword which he could then manipulate. Not the most useful technique but rather versatile even if it lacked power.

    Learned: Verdant Mountain Gale

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    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:10 am

    The final piece of training for today would have to once more be another of the techniques that belonged to the category of the wind release based chakras that he had access to and was againg another basic technique in a library of abilities. This was both defensive in nature but also would be able to clear out pesky weather conditions which would be quite useful. He had dreamed in his more contemplative moemnts of becoming something that he did not quite understand, but which was a slayer of lightning in some capacity. This could be useful in that regard. With a pulse of chakra simply placed, a gust erupted from him and cleared away a bunch of dust from his person and surrounding area.

    Learned: Passing Typhoon

    Strength D
    Constitution: D
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    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:15 pm

    *Everything previous already claimed*

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    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:22 am

    With a new day came another technique and an opportunity to learn a collection of new skills really in an important way. Once more as per usually she was in her disguse and was thus hidden from the prying eyes of enemies and allies alike so that she could continue to live her dual life as she was about to. Today the male presenting form would practice the third element that had not yet actually occurred thus far along the training journey which was that of the earth release, having worked on some magnet as well as some wind release abilities, but had not yet taken on any of the earth abilities. Many were incredibly useful and this one was of course no different as controlling the very ground upon which someone walked was quite powerful indeed. Probably he would replace many of these eventually with magnet but not now. With a few seals he would slip under the ground to make use of the subterranean voyage technique, which required him to also activate his sensory abilities to locate others but was highly utilities either way.


    Learned: Subterranean Voyage

    Strength D
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    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:23 am

    The prior bit of practice was an interesting one not only for the ability it would grand from a mobility perspective but also from the view point of a stealth option, but it was odd because the library had so many variations of these kinds of abilities. Many could swim beneath the water, fuse with solid surfaces, or simply become completely invisible. And yet this ability of the hiding like a mole technique was so similar to the subterranean voyage as to be almost redundant at the point. But then again there was the element that he already had sensory, and this used weak versions of magnetic perception to locate individuals. As he wove the seals and once more delved into the earth, he thought about the possibilities of that, with magnetic abilities being useful regarding sensory enhancements. This could potentially greatly benefit him at least in that small capacity.

    Learned: Hiding Like a Mole

    Strength D
    Constitution: D
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    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:23 am

    The theme of the block of training scheduled for today seemed to revolve around the themes of stealth as well as those of physically transitioning under ground to navigate the world. In this case, the double suicide decapitation technique allowed not simply for movement, but for an offensive assault, some what similar to the previous voyage beneath the earth ability but which was more directly offensive in that sense. He would practice here upon a dummy, simply slipping beneath the earth effortlessly in this case and then navigating below the dummy, aided by his sensory capacity. It was a simple activity then to pull it under the ground and entrap the target. Not terribly powerful, but potentially useful against more caster-y type enemies.

    double suicide decapitation

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    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:47 pm

    Along the coming day, the woman once more donned her powerful disguise, partially because she did not have a private training appointment as she had grown accustomed to in her youth. No, she simply had a relatively modest apartment by her own standards, though the Kazehana took good care of her in either capacity. As Gyeong, she headed back to the training grounds, not the most amazing on the planet, but certainly adequate for the purposes of training ones own skills regardless of what those skills might have ended up being. The Drilling Air Bullet technique was a powerful ability without hand signs needed and thus could be quite stealthy depending on how someone were to employe it. A deep breath was initially required to infuse the wind with powerful and deadly chakra and after a relatively simple shape transformation was applied the user simply exhaled out a ball of deadly force at great speeds. Quickly he had shredded a training target, cloth falling gently to the floor.


    Learned: Drilling Air Bullet

    Strength D
    Constitution: D
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    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:48 pm

    It was a simple day, another bout of training to go through and to learn new abilities on this day. He had been training rather hard on a variety of abilities in order to remain competitive wit his peers, even as a genin, and had done but a few select missions thus far. He would need to do some more in order to make a trip to the markets, but for now he simply needed to learn as much as possible. Divine Wind was quite interesting, if maybe poorly named, and allowed the user to generate some tornados for some offense and defense simultaneously. The destruction of the projectile was a interesting ability but he was not sure if it would really be particularly important, but worth learning about in either capacity. A single seal would help him in transforming his chakra both elementally into wind to take control of the surrounding area and to shape it into a small tornado. After a second try, he was able to more easily create multiple tornados. Useful in a tight pinch he supposed.


    Learned: Divine Wind

    Strength D
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    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:49 pm

    The final piece of the block for today would be the Gale Palm ability, an extremely itersting technique he had in fact never actually seen in use. He wished there was a sensei to demonstrate it, but he thought he got the jist more or less from the scroll he borrowed from the village library. This one required more seals than some of the previous and so he initially used the time to learn the seals in his mind before moving on to the manipulation of his energies, with this ability being quite odd. First he was able to wrap him self with wind energies and to make swifter his movements, but if he did not want to do that he could instead wrap it around projectiles, and he tried this out as well in time. Versatile if a little complicated to say the least. The scroll additionally indicated that were he supernaturally fast already he would still be able to increase himself but not by the same incredible amount. Curious, but his suspension technique seemed better.


    Learned: Gale Palm

    Strength D
    Constitution: D
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    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:24 am

    Once again Gyeong rose to go on down to the large training grounds, rounding out a bit of self tutoring in the area of wind release abilities before broaching once again into some of the earth release realms than he was eyeing. For China it felt almost as if she spent more time examining scrolls and learning about the ninja way than she did doing missions or trainings, though she assumed that this would change a bit as she felt more confident in her abilities and had a stronger graps on her blood line given abilities. The technique in question here was not a terribly subtle one but was actually extremely direct and powerful, again requiring a stirng of hand sighns dedicated to the emmory before blasting a powerful gust of wind which could boast great speed and immense range. The range alone should make it quite effective, and it was a wide spread attack, even if it were not the most highly powerful one.


    Learned: Great Breakthrough

    Strength D
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    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:26 am

    There was only a final technique from the wind library available in the capacity which would allow the young man to learn it at his current skill level and proficiency. With every pasing day he was able to feel himself getting just a tad stronger and increasing his accuracy as well as importantly his total energy reserves. He would need to make or reate some new magnet abilities if he were not able to soon meet the clan leader or something to get anything from him there but for now he could round out his abilities on the front of the wind techniques and then would go through his earth studies. This technique, the rotating shuriken, would agan not require any signs of the hand but would be useful in making thrown weapons more powerful and under greater control. For he was not currently very physically strong, this would allow him to make a lethal swarm around him if needed and then fire them. Similar to his magnet powers to be honest.


    Learned: Rotating Shuriken

    Last edited by Chinatsu on Thu Jun 27, 2024 10:15 am; edited 1 time in total

    Strength D
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    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:32 am

    Once more he entered the arena for the ned of the day, with the sun growing long and shadows extending as evening continued to approach. It would soon be time for dinner but he wanted to get one more ability under his belt before he called it quits. He should also look to some basic techniques which did not require an element at all even though is proficiency there was much reduced, all things considering. But for now it was back to the earth library, an important constituent element in the formation of magenetic waves. The earth techniques tended to be slower and require more signs it seemed, but manipulated the very ground upon which people needed to walk. An excellent option in many cirtumstances and the earth flow river was no different as it would allow him to display an enemy. This would be even more powerful if he could, say, toss someone off a cliff or anything of that nature. He would use his energies then to create a quick rush of mud and flood the a target dummy, sending them rushing 20 meters away quickly


    Learned: Earth Flow River

    Strength D
    Constitution: D
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    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:36 pm

    Today was, as so many prior, another day in the life of Gyeong heading on down to the large training facility where he had spent so much of his time. He would need to eventually return to some of the missions he had done a few of but he needed some money, though helping to do some of the accounting for Kumo definitely gave him a bit of a second wind. Maybe he would need to make a store. But for now he would study the seals required for the next ability, the Earth Shore Return. Strange name for a large wall, but a bit of defenses would not go amiss, particularly as he had not mastered the shield of sand yet. He quickly slammed his hand into the soil and filled it with his chakra, shaping the very earth into a wall before him to guard him from attacks. It would do for now.


    Learned: Earth Shore Return

    Strength D
    Constitution: D
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    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:37 pm

    The tearing earth turning palm was the next available technique for him to begin studying and eventually matering. Despite his efforts, neither wind nor earth felt quite as good to him as basic magnet abilities. Perhaps in time he would grow more accustomed to the style, or perhaps they would remain as supplemental abilities at the end of the day. Still, they were useful, and the tearing earth turning palm seemed so impressively useful in this capacity. He would do the seals, finding that they were rather cumbersome to have to go through for there were many, but the results spoke for themselves. He placed his hand upon the ground and swirled his chakra towards one of the training dummy’s, focusing it upon the dummy and noting how familiar it felt regarding magnetism. A similar approach. He would then watch as it caused the doll to violently sink into the ground, being buried under stone and particulate.


    Learned: Tearing Earth Turning Palm

    Strength D
    Constitution: D
    Speed: D
    Stamina: D
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:38 pm

    The final piece of today’s training would be more earth release based powers, this one much more offensive than some previous trainings being that of the ability which was the stone pistol technique whereby he could launch a flurry of powerful stones to hit an enemy with impressive range. This one required some seals but nothing unmanageable and he would memorize them by going through a few times and then eventually he would move the chakra into his mouth, feeling it transform comfortably in the earth formulation. He had always felt more comfortable with wind to be honest and his magnetic powers felt more resonant with those abilities. This was the opposite and the nature transformation took a few moments before he eventually progressed onto the shape transformation. A technique that really required both then it seemed. He would shape the pebble before expelling it, allowing to expand to a whole boulder. Impressive and strong, if simple and direct.


    Learned: Stone Pistol

    Strength D
    Constitution: D
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    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:16 pm

    The final available ability within the stone library at his current rank regarding earth techniques was this, the technique known as the Hiding in Rock ability. This seemed quite weak in all honesty but was possible that it had a touch of utility for his future plans and abilities, though he assumed he could eventually improve upon it when he had a better idea of what was going on in the technique world. He had no special ideas for this but could think of some. No seals was always nice, but he would focus chakra around his body and transform it to an earthen nature, using it then as a kind of slip to allow him to phase through the nearby stone some used for punching practice, which seemed insane to him. Merging with the stone felt initially odd but after moving around a bit he got used to altering the way his energy flowed to allow him to “step” on certain parts of the stone without fully unmerging. It took some concentration to the point that he could barely even move with how slow it all made him, but it was ok.


    Learned: Hiding in Rock

    Strength D
    Constitution: D
    Speed: D
    Stamina: D
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:16 pm

    Having explored the libraries more, he found some techniques that others had made but donated to the library, with this one being the gentle step, another wind technique that sounded to be named strangely. This was amazing with its utility and mirrored some of the powers of his suspension technique but that would not always be available. Placing wind upon his feet and stepping upon the very sky was actually much more natural than he assumed, again because of his practice with the magnetic abilities which essentially allowed him to fully fly. But should he fall or be deprived for some reason it would be useful to have some back up plans. He had heard rumors than some sages had this kind of ability at a much higher price. Funny.


    Learned: Gentle Step

    Strength D
    Constitution: D
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    Perception: D
    Stone Genin
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    Unlimited Grinding Empty Re: Unlimited Grinding

    Post by Chinatsu Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:17 pm

    The final again for the day was another technique fromt aht library of donated abilities which was really quite humble of people. Generally everything was closely guarded which made sense as people spent a lot of time trying to get this to work and create these abilities but the few generous souls were quite nice to experience. Another back up ability in this one he would run up a set of invisible wind steps but then he would allow himself to stand still and fall to the ground, but would swirl wind about him and slow his fall so that he would not be injured by the fall. Again, useful in dire kinds of situations.


    Learned: Gentle Descent

    Strength D
    Constitution: D
    Speed: D
    Stamina: D
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

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