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    Animal Testing Facility

    Innocence Uchiha
    Innocence Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 175
    Join date : 2020-06-10

    Animal Testing Facility Empty Animal Testing Facility

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Thu May 09, 2024 9:46 pm

    Innocence's credentials at the local hospital and her family's influence allowed her access to the animal testing facility of the Konoha's national laboratory. It was here that she could access the order-book which would allow her to place an order for exotic animals which could be used for testing here at the laboratory. Some bleeding heart liberal shinobi didn't like the idea of using animals as a means to propel shinobi science, but thankfully her father had not listened to them. They could be noble creatures but as far as he was concerned, humanity's primary concern was itself. Our survival comes before their own. Innocence thought to herself as she walked along the row of cages. She had ordered three animals which she would be given sole legal custody of. Of course, she hadn't been entirely truthful as to why she wanted these "test subjects." Their purpose was not to advance Konoha's biochemical arsenal but to advance her own arsenal prior to Exams. She could have taken the creatures to O'uzu Island with her but that would be wholly unnecessary. This newfound ability of her's gave her the power to summon these pets when she needed them most, straight from the very Earth was said to have produced all life. Innocence made the appropriate handseals and reached out to each of the beasts. The first she had nicknamed Mighty Jei Young, he was a silverback gorilla and a rather docile one at that. A metric ton of sedatives will do that. She thought with amusement. Innocence tapped his hand and nicked it with a scalpel drawing blood and committing the DNA within to memory. She did the same for the eagle named Harley and for the anaconda snake named Winslow. Upon making physical contact and communing with their dead tissue, she know had their entire genetic profile memorized allowing her to recreate the animals from the omni-abundant earth beneath her feet. Innocence smiled as she tossed the bloodied scalpel into the bio-hazard bin and washed her hands before leaving. With each step, her preparation for the Exams was drawing to a close. This is going to be fun....

    Animal Testing Facility 7uImUHM

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 08, 2024 4:37 am