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2 posters

    Xing Kanada


    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2017-11-18

    Xing Kanada Empty Xing Kanada

    Post by Xing Sat Nov 18, 2017 2:44 pm

    Character Profile
    Xing Kanada Cd1b30c520d7dea3e84f64620ca1c603--status-medium

    Name: Xing Kanada
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Title: N/A

    Clan: Nature Clan
    Bloodline: Sage Transformation
    Element(s): -


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    1050 EXP to raise Stats to D

    Unique Abilities:
    Master of the Scalpel - Upon picking up the skills of a Medic, Xing discovered the Chakra Scalpel technique and immediately saw the use in it, as well as his skill with it. He naturally possessed a high aptitude for the Chakra Scalpel technique from the moment he began using it, removing the Coordination requirement in order to allow him to use it offensively. However, as a result the price for maintaining the technique is doubled.

    Sadomasochist - Xing is a naturally born sadomasochist, which is the result of an abnormality within his pain receptors. Pain is interpreted as pleasure to him and he enjoys inflicting pain on others as well. Pain dealt to him or pain he deals to others causes adrenaline to rush through him, increasing his Strength by ++ when dealing pain, and increasing his Speed by a ++ when receiving pain. The adrenaline clouds his mind, resulting in a -- to Intelligence and Perception when dealing pain and when being dealt pain respectively. These boosts only occur so long as his target is alive, and so long as he can feel the pain dealt to him.

    One Handed Seals - Xing has learned to perform hand seals with a single hand due to what his future skill set will entail, but as he is performing seals this way, his Coordination is dropped by a tier.


    History: There was a clan that was once feared for its power and savagery, commanding an entire land with this power and their fearsome reputation. However, those they crushed underfoot rose to combat them. They where annihilated almost completely, the rest of their number scattering to the wind or joining the village that had destroyed them so thoroughly. A small number made their way to different lands altogether, and even fewer still joined the villages of these new lands, rather than become recluses that attacked anyone that came near. A few settled within the Land of Water, within the village of Kirigakure. They lived for a generation or two, whittling down to only two. These two bore a child, but were afraid of what may happen if they grew around others from their clan. They left the baby, raven of hair and brown of eyes, at a orphanage nearby and fled the village, hoping their baby boy could have a normal life.

    Xing realized at a young age that he was less than normal. Pain didn't fell like others described it to him, and he even liked it. That automatically marked him as different from the rest of the children in the orphanage. He also realized he didn't...feel like the others did. He figured out quickly how to put up a convincing front so he could fit in, so that those strange looks would stop. It didn't really make him uncomfortable, it just made it harder for him to do things with people constantly staring all the time. It worked and he refined his normal act over the years, before he was placed within the Shinobi Academy. All orphans had the choice of either becoming a Shinobi or learning a trade to become a well functioning civilian. He chose the former because he knew that it was a dangerous profession, and he could find no shortage of pain therein. At the academy, he realized his passion for fighting and bloodshed, but also realized that he needed to hide that too. He found the perfect way to do so upon his graduation: the guise of a medic. No one would believe that he could possibly murder someone in cold blood as a timid medic. So he began walking his glorious path that was sure to be paved in blood and pretty smiles...

    Personality: Xing is what one might describe as a modern sociopath. He has two personalities, one a simple mask while the other is how he truly is. The mask is a person everyone would love to be around. The mask is caring and compassionate, always putting the needs of others before himself or so it appears. He always has an innocent and pure look upon his face, a smile never far from his lips and reassuring words not far behind. He also makes it a point to help people whenever he can, which is his front for becoming medic. Wanting to help people and make the battlefield a less bloody place by administering medical treatments to those around him. He plays the part of the playful and studious medic very well, often fooling all of those around him so that they are none the wiser.

    Xing's true personality is something much more sinister. He is fond of dark humor and prone to examining his foe and making comments that he knows will affect his opponent in one way or another. Picking at insecurities, bringing up dead friends or family members, anything he can glean from them that can be used to hurt them deeply. He has a sharp tongue, all the better to tear down foes. He also is obsessed with fighting and bloodshed, being a true sadomasochist. He will put himself in the path of danger, risking fatal injury to win a fight. He has begun to walk the path of a medic to heal himself and his opponent in the midst of a fight, both to prolong the joyous experience and to experience the pleasuring pain for as long as possible.

    Roleplay Sample: N/A
    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

    Posts : 1252
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu | Weapon Crafting
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Xing Kanada Empty Re: Xing Kanada

    Post by Rin Matoi Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:25 pm

    Xing wrote:
    Character Profile
    Xing Kanada Cd1b30c520d7dea3e84f64620ca1c603--status-medium

    Name: Xing Kanada
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Title: N/A

    Clan: Nature Clan
    Bloodline: Sage Transformation
    Element(s): -


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    1050 EXP to raise Stats to D

    Unique Abilities:
    Master of the Scalpel - Upon picking up the skills of a Medic, Xing discovered the Chakra Scalpel technique and immediately saw the use in it, as well as his skill with it. He naturally possessed a high aptitude for the Chakra Scalpel technique from the moment he began using it, removing the Coordination requirement in order to allow him to use it offensively. However, as a result the price for maintaining the technique is doubled.

    Sadomasochist - Xing is a naturally born sadomasochist, which is the result of an abnormality within his pain receptors. Pain is interpreted as pleasure to him and he enjoys inflicting pain on others as well. Pain dealt to him or pain he deals to others causes adrenaline to rush through him, increasing his Strength by ++ when dealing pain, and increasing his Speed by a ++ when receiving pain. The adrenaline clouds his mind, resulting in a -- to Intelligence and Perception when dealing pain and when being dealt pain respectively. These boosts only occur so long as his target is alive, and so long as he can feel the pain dealt to him.

    One Handed Seals - Xing has learned to perform hand seals with a single hand due to what his future skill set will entail, but as he is performing seals this way, his Coordination is dropped by a tier.


    History: There was a clan that was once feared for its power and savagery, commanding an entire land with this power and their fearsome reputation. However, those they crushed underfoot rose to combat them. They where annihilated almost completely, the rest of their number scattering to the wind or joining the village that had destroyed them so thoroughly. A small number made their way to different lands altogether, and even fewer still joined the villages of these new lands, rather than become recluses that attacked anyone that came near. A few settled within the Land of Water, within the village of Kirigakure. They lived for a generation or two, whittling down to only two. These two bore a child, but were afraid of what may happen if they grew around others from their clan. They left the baby, raven of hair and brown of eyes, at a orphanage nearby and fled the village, hoping their baby boy could have a normal life.

    Xing realized at a young age that he was less than normal. Pain didn't fell like others described it to him, and he even liked it. That automatically marked him as different from the rest of the children in the orphanage. He also realized he didn't...feel like the others did. He figured out quickly how to put up a convincing front so he could fit in, so that those strange looks would stop. It didn't really make him uncomfortable, it just made it harder for him to do things with people constantly staring all the time. It worked and he refined his normal act over the years, before he was placed within the Shinobi Academy. All orphans had the choice of either becoming a Shinobi or learning a trade to become a well functioning civilian. He chose the former because he knew that it was a dangerous profession, and he could find no shortage of pain therein. At the academy, he realized his passion for fighting and bloodshed, but also realized that he needed to hide that too. He found the perfect way to do so upon his graduation: the guise of a medic. No one would believe that he could possibly murder someone in cold blood as a timid medic. So he began walking his glorious path that was sure to be paved in blood and pretty smiles...

    Personality: Xing is what one might describe as a modern sociopath. He has two personalities, one a simple mask while the other is how he truly is. The mask is a person everyone would love to be around. The mask is caring and compassionate, always putting the needs of others before himself or so it appears. He always has an innocent and pure look upon his face, a smile never far from his lips and reassuring words not far behind. He also makes it a point to help people whenever he can, which is his front for becoming medic. Wanting to help people and make the battlefield a less bloody place by administering medical treatments to those around him. He plays the part of the playful and studious medic very well, often fooling all of those around him so that they are none the wiser.

    Xing's true personality is something much more sinister. He is fond of dark humor and prone to examining his foe and making comments that he knows will affect his opponent in one way or another. Picking at insecurities, bringing up dead friends or family members, anything he can glean from them that can be used to hurt them deeply. He has a sharp tongue, all the better to tear down foes. He also is obsessed with fighting and bloodshed, being a true sadomasochist. He will put himself in the path of danger, risking fatal injury to win a fight. He has begun to walk the path of a medic to heal himself and his opponent in the midst of a fight, both to prolong the joyous experience and to experience the pleasuring pain for as long as possible.

    Roleplay Sample: N/A


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