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    Kekkei Master


    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 325
    Join date : 2018-08-02

    Character File
    Skills & Elements:
    Class: S
    Ryo: 260,000

    Kekkei Master Empty Kekkei Master

    Post by Seid Sun Apr 25, 2021 10:56 pm

    Seid was deeply troubled. The Otsutsuki was standing near a cliff, donning of white robes over his ANBU armored outfit. After his great battle with Karaku. He had undoubtedly changed. The usual carefree nature had been corrupted. Slowly, day by day, he was learning that the Ten-Tails was not to be tamed by just anyone. Everything had changed, he had attained formidable powers and he had to master it. The first order of business was mastering the Dust techniques. Having already mastered the five elements already.

    Karaku developed more than an immense animosity in him, it also gave him a Kekkei Tota ability. Right before his battle against the ten tails, he would learn the Detachment of the Primitive World Technique. The Jinchuriki had been adapting to a new life, with these powers and his physical appearance forever changed. He had been studying the power needed to use  it. He was certain his vast reserves of stamina would be more than enough. His rivaled that of Karakus who refused to share his powers.

    Darkseid made a few handsigns, outputting the largest flow of chakra he's ever put into a technique. He held his hands outstretched, over the cliff. Expanding quite quickly was a large square shape. It went for about 30 meters before it the large structure stopped growing. This shape was pretty big by regular standards. Anything caught within it would instantly be dematerialized.

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: S++ (Otsu, Metropolis)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: B

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 325
    Join date : 2018-08-02

    Character File
    Skills & Elements:
    Class: S
    Ryo: 260,000

    Kekkei Master Empty Re: Kekkei Master

    Post by Seid Sat May 08, 2021 1:33 am

    There was nothing in any dimension he'd ever been to that could stop this amount of force. Except for one thing. A single black orb floated from behind his back so that it floated several meters into the air. Now he would be performing the more difficult version of the Primitive World Technique. The great Pillar. True to the name it was crafted to be bigger and faster creation, a giant pillar. Almost impossible to escape, the shape was ever constant. Seid began to focus his chakra yet again, this time it was different.

    There needed to be precise control for this technique. There was a searing sound in the air as a large sphere like structure appeared in front of the Jounins hands. He held the shape right in front of the Truth Seeking Ball he setup. Just holding this shape commanded immeasurable power. No technique had ever costed him such amount of chakra. It was apparent that those that wielded this power needed an amazing amount of chakra. One he seemed to be blessed with, and the amount of Sixth Paths chakra adds. He would be able to use this power more gracefully. Exerting more power he fired the large Dust oval, where it became a pillar of pure destruction.

    The construct would create almost instantly, Seid had point all of this into the air, not wanting to completely obliterate the surrounding area. The construct turned into a gigantic pillar, blasting past the Truth Seeking ball. Just as he expected. It was unaffected by the power of the Kekkei Tota. Seid ended the technique and recalled the Truth Seeking ball back towards the six floating behind his back. His power would have much more toning to do. Before he would challenge his greatest foe yet.

    Karaku. Your time has come to be conquered. Deep wthin his body, he could feel Karaku stir.

    Try me boy. Such evil. Darkseid would take much pleasure in destroying him. Perhaps he had changed. The very air seemed to still be changed fundamentally. As if the matter had been disturbed. Seid would have to study this element more deeply. And create more powerful techniques. One he would use against the Ten-tails. He opened a flying platform with a Truth Seeking Orb. Getting on top he flew back to the Otsu district.



    Learned Detachment of the Primitive World Technique (300), Detachment of the Primitive World Technique: Pillar (300) = 600/600

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: S++ (Otsu, Metropolis)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: B

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 4:16 pm