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    Uzumaki Roku


    Village : N/A
    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2020-10-19

    Uzumaki Roku Empty Uzumaki Roku

    Post by Rokumaru Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:11 pm

    Name: Uzumaki Rokumaru
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure no Sato
    Rank: Genin
    Title: N/A

    Clan: Uzumaki
    Bloodline: Kazen Tentai | Hiden (1 skill point)
    Element(s): Wind Release | Fūton (1 skill point)
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Iryōjutsu (2 skill points)


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: C

    Unique Abilities: N/A

    Uzumaki Roku 032f468dd5b9e0c0a63998140e01b1da

    History: The middle child in a very large family, Rokumaru was born outside of Uzushiogakure and has little sense of belonging to the village; having lived in the Hidden Mist for his whole life ties the redhead to Kirigakure instead. With a mother in the ranks of Kiri’s shinobi he was expected to follow in her footsteps after showing signs of the Kazen Tentai, but the young man shares little of her enthusiasm in serving the village. Nearly seven years after graduating the Academy, Roku remains a passionless Genin, putting in only enough effort to differ user himself from the civilians around him. Increased scrutiny from his family and superiors alike have begun to put pressure on him to take his training more seriously, though whether the youth can meet these newfound expectations is unclear. His days are invariably spent wasting away his merchant father’s wealth with drinking and gambling.

    Personality: Impish with a sharp tongue and poor impulse control, Rokumaru has a habit of getting on people’s nerves with his malicious sense of humor and general laziness. Being a shinobi grants Roku a degree of respect he does not have to earn which is often stretched to its limits. Bearing a powerful bloodline inflates his ego as few Genin could naturally match his unnatural endurance; as he grows older and his peers become stronger, Roku remains among the Genin to escape the increased competition being a Chūnin or higher would provide. Only when his pride is sufficiently provoked, or his antics have placed his life in danger, does Rokumaru feel the need to overcome the low expectations others have for him. A general love for living keeps the redhead in a perpetual good mood, pestering and joking with allies and enemies alike.

    Roleplay Sample: Placid waves lapped against the dock as Rokumaru dropped his boots onto its decayed wooden planks, dipping his feet into the warm, murky water. A kunai pressed against his thumb split the skin and he held the digit over the container of worms sitting beside him; thick Uzumaki blood soaked into the soil, bathed the night crawlers as they wriggled to escape the fluid before he plucked one from where it was half-burrowed. Attaching it to his line, the writhing bug dripped dark red across the wood as he reeled back his fishing rod and cast it out into the ocean. The murky black water appeared bottomless under the half-moon rising over the distant horizon. He hummed an off-tempo tune as he felt his bait already being set upon by curious carp. How big of a worm would he need to catch one of those Hoshigaki, anyway? Sucking on his cut thumb, letting the fish that had ate his line tire itself out before he bothered reeling it in, Roku decided he’d ask one of the shark-freaks what brought their primal instincts out from those waterlogged brains of theirs.
    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Uzumaki Roku Empty Re: Uzumaki Roku

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Tue Oct 20, 2020 1:51 pm

    Rokumaru wrote:Name: Uzumaki Rokumaru
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure no Sato
    Rank: Genin
    Title: N/A

    Clan: Uzumaki
    Bloodline: Kazen Tentai | Hiden (1 skill point)
    Element(s): Wind Release | Fūton (1 skill point)
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Iryōjutsu (2 skill points)


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: C

    Unique Abilities: N/A

    Uzumaki Roku 032f468dd5b9e0c0a63998140e01b1da

    History: The middle child in a very large family, Rokumaru was born outside of Uzushiogakure and has little sense of belonging to the village; having lived in the Hidden Mist for his whole life ties the redhead to Kirigakure instead. With a mother in the ranks of Kiri’s shinobi he was expected to follow in her footsteps after showing signs of the Kazen Tentai, but the young man shares little of her enthusiasm in serving the village. Nearly seven years after graduating the Academy, Roku remains a passionless Genin, putting in only enough effort to differ user himself from the civilians around him. Increased scrutiny from his family and superiors alike have begun to put pressure on him to take his training more seriously, though whether the youth can meet these newfound expectations is unclear. His days are invariably spent wasting away his merchant father’s wealth with drinking and gambling.

    Personality: Impish with a sharp tongue and poor impulse control, Rokumaru has a habit of getting on people’s nerves with his malicious sense of humor and general laziness. Being a shinobi grants Roku a degree of respect he does not have to earn which is often stretched to its limits. Bearing a powerful bloodline inflates his ego as few Genin could naturally match his unnatural endurance; as he grows older and his peers become stronger, Roku remains among the Genin to escape the increased competition being a Chūnin or higher would provide. Only when his pride is sufficiently provoked, or his antics have placed his life in danger, does Rokumaru feel the need to overcome the low expectations others have for him. A general love for living keeps the redhead in a perpetual good mood, pestering and joking with allies and enemies alike.

    Roleplay Sample: Placid waves lapped against the dock as Rokumaru dropped his boots onto its decayed wooden planks, dipping his feet into the warm, murky water. A kunai pressed against his thumb split the skin and he held the digit over the container of worms sitting beside him; thick Uzumaki blood soaked into the soil, bathed the night crawlers as they wriggled to escape the fluid before he plucked one from where it was half-burrowed. Attaching it to his line, the writhing bug dripped dark red across the wood as he reeled back his fishing rod and cast it out into the ocean. The murky black water appeared bottomless under the half-moon rising over the distant horizon. He hummed an off-tempo tune as he felt his bait already being set upon by curious carp. How big of a worm would he need to catch one of those Hoshigaki, anyway? Sucking on his cut thumb, letting the fish that had ate his line tire itself out before he bothered reeling it in, Roku decided he’d ask one of the shark-freaks what brought their primal instincts out from those waterlogged brains of theirs.



      Current date/time is Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:05 am