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    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2020-10-18

    Katsu Empty Katsu

    Post by Katsu Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:23 pm

    Birth Name: Inori
    Preferred Name: Katsu
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kirigakure No Sato
    Rank: Jonin
    Title: B-Class

    Clan: Yuki
    Bloodline: Ice  Release
    Element(s): Suiton  Futon
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu Bukijutsu Genjutsu

    Stats(One Stat Raise)

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception:D

    Unique Abilities:
    Bonus Experience: 500
    Yuki-Onna:  Ice release jutsu are cheaper in chakra cost  by one rank. Wind jutsu are one rank more expensive in chakra cost.
    Ice Release 1000XP

    Reaching Master level increases your ability to produce Scorch a custom color to it (i.e. Pakura had white centers with pinkish-red flames) as a symbol of your mastery. Socially in your clan you will be recognized as a master and be regarded with high respect.

    Appearance: Katsu 1323063_entry027_texas-arknights

    History: Inori was born to two loving parents in an illustrious founding clan of the Mist Village. Inori was a typical child, she enjoyed playing with her friends, petting random cats, rolling down hills. All of it. Inori was accepted to the academy at a typical age and began her studies straight away.

    As many Genin were, Inori was placed within a squad of her peers that both complimented and contrasted her allowing for much growth and development to be had in the coming years. The young lady did missions and trained with her squad with very little of note happening. She once again neither stood out or fell behind, simply filling the role she was meant to. As she approached the level of a chunin she was given more specialized training, finally starting to develop into something worth notice she found that she had a knack for ninjutsu and for knives. Although she was not much stronger or faster than her peers she had shown that she had a fair bit of intelligence and a sharper set of eyes.

    At the age of twelve, her sensei finally deemed her ready to take part in the Chunin Exams. Inori breezed through the written portion and did her best to hold her own in the group portion as well. Determined not to make a total fool of herself, she was able to at least defeat one opponent before falling in the quarterfinals to the eventual tournament runner up. While she wasn’t the most deadly kunoichi the Mist had to offer, her other skills had proven to be nothing to laugh at. In addition to showing promise as a leader the powers that be thought she might be useful as a sensor as many of her clan did. While she had much to prove yet on the battlefield she had certainly begun to come to her own as a solid part of a support division.

    All was going well, she had even taken a few missions as the leader of her former team leading the pair left behind in rank but not in companionship had accepted and come to appreciate her sharp mind and senses. Her life was following the path it was expected to until her entire existence was upended by a peculiar twist of fate that would leave her changed in body and spirit forever. On a mission in the Rain Country, Inori and her team had come upon a mischievous fox spirit that had been harassing a small hamlet on the outskirts of the the actual Rain Village. They had finally cornered the crafty being and Inori closed in to finish the creature off. From the body of the yokai came a strange wave of energy, her soul was captured by the yokai but only partially. Before their very eyes her team  saw her body disintegrate into glowing blue chakra and scatter to the winds. She was quickly clued in to the fact that she was not in her own body. “I was hoping you’d get this close. To be honest I didn’t know what would happen when I did this but it seems we’re going to be stuck together for a while.” The fox spirit, known as Katsu, had used her soul magic to create a link between the souls of the two and acting cleverly was able to exploit it. The spirit began absorbing Inori’s essence into her own and caused their beings to merge. Inori’s soul and mind mixed with that of the yokai creating a creature not quite human or spirit.

    The two minds and souls had become one and now shared the same body. While Inori’s mind called the shots she had been fundamentally changed physically and mentally. Inori snapped back to reality seeing her team standing around her waiting for answers. She explained that the the mission was successful, but it would seem her new body was  permanent. Inori, who now referred to herself as Katsu, was at crossroads in her life and upon her return she requested that she be allowed to search the world for answers to her situation and to see if it had ever happened before.

    Personality: While Inori’s mind usually calls the shots, occasionally the yokai she shared the body with would take over. This usually happens in times of great distress Katsu becomes the yokai that changed her life forever.
    Inori’s Traits: Kind. Caring. Team player. Curious. Friendly. Courageous.
    Inori’s Flaws: Pushover. Impulsive. Ponderous.

    Katsu’s Traits: Serious. Decisive. Clever. Tenacious.
    Katsu’s Flaws: Cruel. Mischievous. Defiant. Bloodthirsty.

    Roleplay Sample: It had been a day since Ame returned from the botched meeting between the former Raikage Mezamashii Hikaru and the former Hokage, Ridori Mitsu. Ame had been there along with her fellow Jounin Senju Kanji. Ame only knew the name of one of the Hokage’s companions, the other survivor of the bloodbath: Maboroshi Sadao, the fuinjutsu expert. Ame had returned home with a newfound respect for the shinobi of the Hidden Leaf village; especially for the late Yondaime Hokage Ridori Mitsu. She also returned with less respect for many of those who she once considered her peers especially for Senju Kanji and the late Yondaime Hokage Mezamashii Hikaru. They had betrayed not only her trust but the trust of her country. They also shamed the honor of both the country and the village, one that Ame has fought and nearly died for. They were an insult to the memory of all the people she’s known that have died including a good number who she was extremely close to. Ame had killed people to make sure her country and village’s named would remain intact a village that while powerful and ruthless, achieved their goals without lies and deception. All of the former Raikage before him had inherited a country that was broken in some way: Daichu founded a country where before only a village was, Unubra expanded that country into an empire rivaled only in area but not in strength, Persephone took the shambled economy caused by such rapid expansion and turned it into a thriving center of commerce and prosperity. All Hikaru could claim was that he caused hate where before only suspicion existed. However, Ame would not sully his name in public, it is not proper to insult the dead nor did she think it would do well for the morale of the village. She would tell the full truth or at least release the documents pertaining to it fully when she felt the village was ready.

    Today was only partially about Hikaru and Mitsu, the real purpose for the address that Ame would be given today is Ame’s inauguration and first public appearance as the Godaime Raikage. Ame didn’t know how to approach this and wasn’t entirely sure what she would say or even what to wear. Ame was debating whether to wear something formal or something more practical, both of them have their drawbacks. If she’s too formal she can appear to think she’s more important than others or possibly alienate some of the people from the less affluent areas with her rich tastes in dress for such occasions. Should she dress in something more practical she might appear to be planning to pick up the villages warlike tendencies of the past, at the time they were popular however the current generation may be wary of such thoughts as they are the ones who actually fought in said wars when they were children and wouldn’t want their sons and daughters to experience that. Perhaps her best choice would be to wear something practical and wear the Raikage’s Coat to find a good middle ground and possibly appear to be more down to earth; her hope is that she can both in speech and in appearance that she was going to make a national identity of her own. Kaminari no Kuni will not be known as a country of aggressive warmongers but as a country of honourable people who show respect and courtesy to everyone regardless of lifestyle or affiliation. Her economic goals are high however she will start small and first look to build stronger relations with other countries so that in the future trade agreements and maybe even alliances could be forged.

    Ame chose to wear her winter outfit with the Raikage Cloak, her address was quick approaching in terms of real time however for Ame the next five minutes would be like hours partially due to nerves partially due to the mental scramble she would be going through in order to gather the words necessary for her to make this address properly as can happen at times when she is a tad stressed or worried her mind was on hyperdrive going through a casualty loop of what could go wrong. Ame took a large drink out of her flask in order to try to calm her nerves as much resentment as her drinking might bring from the conservative types in the village; Ame didn’t really care about that she wouldn’t change herself for the job. The village would come to understand her in time and hopefully come to accept her, given her service record she knew that at least her generation of shinobi would respect her as would those before hers. The issue lies with the younger generations who might view Ame as a nobody, seeing as most of her service was abroad she didn’t have much contact with younger people beyond Nao and Unmei; even then she never really interacted with Nao she just knew him as her sensei’s son. Ame was however young enough that she could have at least some credibility with the younger shinobi. Ame surrendered to the fact that not everyone would be accepting of her initially, regardless of laurels personality, or looks. What she could change however is how they perceive her down the road on the merits of actions. Ame didn’t know what she was going to say in her speech so she instead decided to eliminate things she wouldn’t be saying in a sort of mental checklist. Do not shame Hikaru, no matter what I must say to divert suspicion: they mustn’t know. Do not promise to do things that are beyond your complete control. Do not lie.

    The time of the address was upon Ame, she could no longer muse over her possible words and instead must find them and stick to her list of don’ts. As Ame had hoped, there were no cheers only wanting stares and silence. They wanted to know what happened and why this girl before them was wearing the cloak that belongs to the strongest ninja in their village, the Raikage. “As some of you may know, my name is Ame Kioku, as more of you may know the Yondaime Raikage Mezamashii Hikaru has been killed during our meeting with the Leaf Village, the Yondaime Hokage Ridori Mitsu also died. As you may have also heard our Daimyo was assassinated by the traitor Kanji Senju. As even more of you know I have been appointed as Raikage. I have proven myself as loyal to the council of our village, not only due to my history of doing dangerous missions outside of the village but because I helped to kill the men who betrayed our village and our trust. Hikaru had great plans for our village, I share his desire for raising the prosperity and success of the village. However, I will not promise that I can achieve this I can only control myself completely I cannot promise that the village will be a Utopia; only that it won’t fail. As long as I live, Kumogakure will not die. I would never betray my home or my family. Seeing as you are all under my protection and leadership, so long as you honour our country I will protect you as if you were family. I do not want to be just a figure head or be thought of as a higher power. I don’t want anyone to be afraid to approach me or talk to me; if you have any issues that I can help with talk to me about them and I will assist you the best I can. Well, that’s all I have for you guys I guess… See you guys around!” Although Ame had withheld much she didn’t tell a single lie. A contributing reason Ame is Raikage whether she likes it or not is because the council thinks it will keep her quiet, seeing as she knew much about their corruption and their shady dealings. Ame would reveal nothing at this moment seeing as it would cause more issue than it would fix. Ame knew that in the coming times there could be turbulent relations with the Leaf Village and should it escalate into war she needs to be sure that her enemies are outside the village and not in it. At the very least she can keep the village united.
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Katsu Empty Re: Katsu

    Post by Hana Kaguya Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:18 am

    Katsu wrote:Birth Name: Inori
    Preferred Name: Katsu
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kirigakure No Sato
    Rank: Jonin
    Title: B-Class

    Clan: Yuki
    Bloodline: Ice  Release
    Element(s): Suiton  Futon
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu Bukijutsu Genjutsu

    Stats(One Stat Raise)

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception:D

    Unique Abilities:
    Bonus Experience: 500
    Yuki-Onna:  Ice release jutsu are cheaper in chakra cost  by one rank. Wind jutsu are one rank more expensive in chakra cost.
    Ice Release 1000XP

    Reaching Master level increases your ability to produce Scorch a custom color to it (i.e. Pakura had white centers with pinkish-red flames) as a symbol of your mastery. Socially in your clan you will be recognized as a master and be regarded with high respect.

    Appearance: Katsu 1323063_entry027_texas-arknights

    History: Inori was born to two loving parents in an illustrious founding clan of the Mist Village. Inori was a typical child, she enjoyed playing with her friends, petting random cats, rolling down hills. All of it. Inori was accepted to the academy at a typical age and began her studies straight away.

    As many Genin were, Inori was placed within a squad of her peers that both complimented and contrasted her allowing for much growth and development to be had in the coming years. The young lady did missions and trained with her squad with very little of note happening. She once again neither stood out or fell behind, simply filling the role she was meant to. As she approached the level of a chunin she was given more specialized training, finally starting to develop into something worth notice she found that she had a knack for ninjutsu and for knives. Although she was not much stronger or faster than her peers she had shown that she had a fair bit of intelligence and a sharper set of eyes.

    At the age of twelve, her sensei finally deemed her ready to take part in the Chunin Exams. Inori breezed through the written portion and did her best to hold her own in the group portion as well. Determined not to make a total fool of herself, she was able to at least defeat one opponent before falling in the quarterfinals to the eventual tournament runner up. While she wasn’t the most deadly kunoichi the Mist had to offer, her other skills had proven to be nothing to laugh at. In addition to showing promise as a leader the powers that be thought she might be useful as a sensor as many of her clan did. While she had much to prove yet on the battlefield she had certainly begun to come to her own as a solid part of a support division.

    All was going well, she had even taken a few missions as the leader of her former team leading the pair left behind in rank but not in companionship had accepted and come to appreciate her sharp mind and senses. Her life was following the path it was expected to until her entire existence was upended by a peculiar twist of fate that would leave her changed in body and spirit forever. On a mission in the Rain Country, Inori and her team had come upon a mischievous fox spirit that had been harassing a small hamlet on the outskirts of the the actual Rain Village. They had finally cornered the crafty being and Inori closed in to finish the creature off. From the body of the yokai came a strange wave of energy, her soul was captured by the yokai but only partially. Before their very eyes her team  saw her body disintegrate into glowing blue chakra and scatter to the winds. She was quickly clued in to the fact that she was not in her own body. “I was hoping you’d get this close. To be honest I didn’t know what would happen when I did this but it seems we’re going to be stuck together for a while.” The fox spirit, known as Katsu, had used her soul magic to create a link between the souls of the two and acting cleverly was able to exploit it. The spirit began absorbing Inori’s essence into her own and caused their beings to merge. Inori’s soul and mind mixed with that of the yokai creating a creature not quite human or spirit.

    The two minds and souls had become one and now shared the same body. While Inori’s mind called the shots she had been fundamentally changed physically and mentally. Inori snapped back to reality seeing her team standing around her waiting for answers. She explained that the the mission was successful, but it would seem her new body was  permanent. Inori, who now referred to herself as Katsu, was at crossroads in her life and upon her return she requested that she be allowed to search the world for answers to her situation and to see if it had ever happened before.

    Personality: While Inori’s mind usually calls the shots, occasionally the yokai she shared the body with would take over. This usually happens in times of great distress Katsu becomes the yokai that changed her life forever.
    Inori’s Traits: Kind. Caring. Team player. Curious. Friendly. Courageous.
    Inori’s Flaws: Pushover. Impulsive. Ponderous.

    Katsu’s Traits: Serious. Decisive. Clever. Tenacious.
    Katsu’s Flaws: Cruel. Mischievous. Defiant. Bloodthirsty.

    Roleplay Sample: It had been a day since Ame returned from the botched meeting between the former Raikage Mezamashii Hikaru and the former Hokage, Ridori Mitsu. Ame had been there along with her fellow Jounin Senju Kanji. Ame only knew the name of one of the Hokage’s companions, the other survivor of the bloodbath: Maboroshi Sadao, the fuinjutsu expert. Ame had returned home with a newfound respect for the shinobi of the Hidden Leaf village; especially for the late Yondaime Hokage Ridori Mitsu. She also returned with less respect for many of those who she once considered her peers especially for Senju Kanji and the late Yondaime Hokage Mezamashii Hikaru. They had betrayed not only her trust but the trust of her country. They also shamed the honor of both the country and the village, one that Ame has fought and nearly died for. They were an insult to the memory of all the people she’s known that have died including a good number who she was extremely close to. Ame had killed people to make sure her country and village’s named would remain intact a village that while powerful and ruthless, achieved their goals without lies and deception. All of the former Raikage before him had inherited a country that was broken in some way: Daichu founded a country where before only a village was, Unubra expanded that country into an empire rivaled only in area but not in strength, Persephone took the shambled economy caused by such rapid expansion and turned it into a thriving center of commerce and prosperity. All Hikaru could claim was that he caused hate where before only suspicion existed. However, Ame would not sully his name in public, it is not proper to insult the dead nor did she think it would do well for the morale of the village. She would tell the full truth or at least release the documents pertaining to it fully when she felt the village was ready.

    Today was only partially about Hikaru and Mitsu, the real purpose for the address that Ame would be given today is Ame’s inauguration and first public appearance as the Godaime Raikage. Ame didn’t know how to approach this and wasn’t entirely sure what she would say or even what to wear. Ame was debating whether to wear something formal or something more practical, both of them have their drawbacks. If she’s too formal she can appear to think she’s more important than others or possibly alienate some of the people from the less affluent areas with her rich tastes in dress for such occasions. Should she dress in something more practical she might appear to be planning to pick up the villages warlike tendencies of the past, at the time they were popular however the current generation may be wary of such thoughts as they are the ones who actually fought in said wars when they were children and wouldn’t want their sons and daughters to experience that. Perhaps her best choice would be to wear something practical and wear the Raikage’s Coat to find a good middle ground and possibly appear to be more down to earth; her hope is that she can both in speech and in appearance that she was going to make a national identity of her own. Kaminari no Kuni will not be known as a country of aggressive warmongers but as a country of honourable people who show respect and courtesy to everyone regardless of lifestyle or affiliation. Her economic goals are high however she will start small and first look to build stronger relations with other countries so that in the future trade agreements and maybe even alliances could be forged.

    Ame chose to wear her winter outfit with the Raikage Cloak, her address was quick approaching in terms of real time however for Ame the next five minutes would be like hours partially due to nerves partially due to the mental scramble she would be going through in order to gather the words necessary for her to make this address properly as can happen at times when she is a tad stressed or worried her mind was on hyperdrive going through a casualty loop of what could go wrong. Ame took a large drink out of her flask in order to try to calm her nerves as much resentment as her drinking might bring from the conservative types in the village; Ame didn’t really care about that she wouldn’t change herself for the job. The village would come to understand her in time and hopefully come to accept her, given her service record she knew that at least her generation of shinobi would respect her as would those before hers. The issue lies with the younger generations who might view Ame as a nobody, seeing as most of her service was abroad she didn’t have much contact with younger people beyond Nao and Unmei; even then she never really interacted with Nao she just knew him as her sensei’s son. Ame was however young enough that she could have at least some credibility with the younger shinobi. Ame surrendered to the fact that not everyone would be accepting of her initially, regardless of laurels personality, or looks. What she could change however is how they perceive her down the road on the merits of actions. Ame didn’t know what she was going to say in her speech so she instead decided to eliminate things she wouldn’t be saying in a sort of mental checklist. Do not shame Hikaru, no matter what I must say to divert suspicion: they mustn’t know. Do not promise to do things that are beyond your complete control. Do not lie.

    The time of the address was upon Ame, she could no longer muse over her possible words and instead must find them and stick to her list of don’ts. As Ame had hoped, there were no cheers only wanting stares and silence. They wanted to know what happened and why this girl before them was wearing the cloak that belongs to the strongest ninja in their village, the Raikage. “As some of you may know, my name is Ame Kioku, as more of you may know the Yondaime Raikage Mezamashii Hikaru has been killed during our meeting with the Leaf Village, the Yondaime Hokage Ridori Mitsu also died. As you may have also heard our Daimyo was assassinated by the traitor Kanji Senju. As even more of you know I have been appointed as Raikage. I have proven myself as loyal to the council of our village, not only due to my history of doing dangerous missions outside of the village but because I helped to kill the men who betrayed our village and our trust. Hikaru had great plans for our village, I share his desire for raising the prosperity and success of the village. However, I will not promise that I can achieve this I can only control myself completely I cannot promise that the village will be a Utopia; only that it won’t fail. As long as I live, Kumogakure will not die. I would never betray my home or my family. Seeing as you are all under my protection and leadership, so long as you honour our country I will protect you as if you were family. I do not want to be just a figure head or be thought of as a higher power. I don’t want anyone to be afraid to approach me or talk to me; if you have any issues that I can help with talk to me about them and I will assist you the best I can. Well, that’s all I have for you guys I guess… See you guys around!” Although Ame had withheld much she didn’t tell a single lie. A contributing reason Ame is Raikage whether she likes it or not is because the council thinks it will keep her quiet, seeing as she knew much about their corruption and their shady dealings. Ame would reveal nothing at this moment seeing as it would cause more issue than it would fix. Ame knew that in the coming times there could be turbulent relations with the Leaf Village and should it escalate into war she needs to be sure that her enemies are outside the village and not in it. At the very least she can keep the village united.


    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

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