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    Chika and his many Crafting Endevours


    Village : N/A
    Posts : 484
    Join date : 2020-06-06

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    Class: C
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    Chika and his many Crafting Endevours Empty Chika and his many Crafting Endevours

    Post by Data_Sora Sun Aug 16, 2020 9:19 am

    Chika stood at a recently cleared out area near the front of the Hyuga Clan District. He had spent several months drawing this up in his workshop after finding out the old Clan leader had, due to poor management, almost 200k ryo in deductables for the clan, and Chika had cashed in. As such he saw it as an opprotunity to take another step forward in both his shinobi carrier as well as his carrier as a Hyuga clan leader to start work on a shop. It would be a simple shop within the district, hopefully one that he could use to not only sell his puppets, but also connect the clan with the rest of Konoha more.

    "So brother, you've finally decided to take initiative."

    "That I have sister, and hopefully it'll be worth the trouble of those who may become angry at me. If we are to become strong once again we must get a better foothold."

    "Spoken like a proper Hyuga. Now then, I'll be off to calm nerves and do as much damage control as possible. You come up with Hyuga-centric items we could sell as a way to mitigate this issue more while you make the Shop.

    "Glad to hear we're on the same page. Best of luck."

    With his sister departing to the main building, he'd chuckle. As much of a pain as she was, she did care. Spinning the hammer he had in hand and activating his chakra strings, he'd get to work.

    Crafting Store within Hyuga District; 5 days & -150,000 Ryo

    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 484
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: C
    Ryo: 0

    Chika and his many Crafting Endevours Empty Re: Chika and his many Crafting Endevours

    Post by Data_Sora Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:38 am

    Stepping back he's admire the work done before him. It had taken several days, but he managed to finish his Store. It had taken him the better amount of the week to do it, and thanks to several interruptions took longer then he had anticipated, but it was done.

    The store, having the name 'Chika's Cog & Crafts' had a simple design. The exterior at the moment was nothing fancy as it matched the surrounding clan buildings, though that would probably change over time. The only big indicator it was a store was that of a simple sign on the roof with the store name on it. He didn't want something too extravagant as to cause a scene, but he still needed something that'd draw customers in, so several Karakuri were set up as if they were people relaxing around the store, like reading a book or tuning a guitar.

    "Congrats kid, you would've made your mother proud."

    Turning around, Chika would see his uncle on his mother's side, so rarely seen due to his failing health and different clan lineages, but here he was, with his sister pushing the wheelchair he was in.

    "I know you haven't gotten along very well with either of our families, but I think this is the right step for you. With your store here, this may help inspire more Hyuga to take up the art of puppetry.."

    A tear in his eye, he'd respond back to his old man. "I hope so uncle, I hope so."


    Store - Complete (20XP)

    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001

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