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    So yall rich rich?

    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 402
    Join date : 2018-05-30

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    Skills & Elements: U/A
    Class: X
    Ryo: 2 million Ryo

    So yall rich rich?  Empty So yall rich rich?

    Post by Bayushi Thu Jan 16, 2020 6:43 pm

    Raijin laid waste to all the guards guarding the government's building. His sage clone outside to guard. They were tough to most but right now Raijin was in a fever. The revenge would be sweet but necessary. They would pay, literally, for their failed assassination attempt. He made sure to snoop in on their intelligence files and resource sites. Knowing what Konoha knew would be invaluable.

    Quickly making his way to the vault. Preparing a few exploding seals on the latches. He blew the latches off the vault door. Using his small scroll, he grabbed all the ryo and exclusive scrolls. Even their artifact weapons and tools. He took a look at the scrolls and was shocked to see they had Iwagakures scrolls and from a few other villages as well. He took them all. Storing them in his own scrolls he put them in his cloak. He put the white light saber onto his sash. Then he left the building with his clone.


    Strength: C
    Constitution: B > S (Jashin)
    Stamina: B > S (Jashin)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A > A++ (Jashin)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: A
    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

    Posts : 869
    Join date : 2018-08-06
    Age : 27

    Character File
    Skills & Elements:
    Class: X
    Ryo: a looot

    So yall rich rich?  Empty Re: So yall rich rich?

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Sat Feb 01, 2020 10:04 pm

    Akihiro arrived at and entered the vault to find it empty, as well as any guards in the area completely wiped out. Konoha had been robbed blind and he hadn't been there to defend it. In all fairness, he had been sent to the hospital but...how come he was the first one to respond to this incident? Where was everyone else? And if these guards had been harmed...could there have been any more victims? His mind immediately shifted towards Kimiko. He'd never forgive himself if something happened to her while he was away.

    He needed to get to her and to the rest of the clan as soon as possible. If this had been revenge for his attack on Nozomi, it was entirely possible that the Uchiha had been set as a target. Quickly, he marked the inside of the vault with his Flying Thunder God technique, underneath an empty shelf fixed to the wall where one would not see the mark unless they were looking for it. Afterwards he ran towards the Uchiha Clan district, he needed to make sure every single one of his clan members was alright and unharmed.

    FTG mark



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