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    Eyes to Remember [Mineko]


    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2019-12-09

    Eyes to Remember [Mineko] Empty Eyes to Remember [Mineko]

    Post by Kyousuke Fri Dec 27, 2019 8:42 pm

    WC - 437
    Chakra - 49.5/50
    It was another day where the young Sasaki heir had been freed from his natural duties as a member of Kumogakure no Sato. No missions of sort had been assigned to him and he was free to do as he pleased. Unlike those, however, who had been given free time; Kyousuke had spent the entire morning from dawn at the second training grounds of the Kumogakure, far from the village, among the mountains in isolation. Once more beneath the waterfalls, he had continued off where he had last left in his training. Shirt, shoes, and sword placed neatly at the riverside, the Sasaki was clothed only in a pair of black pants, skin exposed to harsh cold temperatures. It was there that he would hone the focus of his clan’s sensory technique, the Matagi Shingan. Beneath the waterfalls he had found the perfect training for the sensory technique. Due to the Matagi Shingan exiting chakra through the pores of the Sasaki’s skin, their skin would turn sensitive, weak to both cold and heat that entered the range of their sensory. It was the Sasaki’s greatest weakness, one hidden from anyone but themselves. That very weakness was something he had used to his advantage. Whilst heat was entirely intolerable, the cold was just an obstacle that prevented him from focusing the use of his sensory, something he strived to overcome with enough practice.

    And so eyes closed he would exercise his breathing, acclimating both his mind and body to the cold until he felt himself comfortable enough to add the use of his Matagi Shingan to the exercise. From then the difficulty of his training would spike rapidly. The goal had been to maintain his sensory spread to its maximum range despite the waterfall, yet it was one task easier said than done. Everytime he would struggle to maintain the range, and each single time he was forced to either halt the technique’s use or limit its range. The last time he tried the same method, he had managed to control his sensory as the day went on, though now he had no such luck with his control. This was something he needed to instill within his body, memorized through repetition.

    Hours would pass, and morning would slowly turn into afternoon. Again and again, he would fail to control his sensory, each failure stacking a brick of his frustration until it would all come crashing down. Escaping through a roar from his body, his intense chakra would create a minor magnitude, just barely affecting his physical surroundings unbeknownst to the Sasaki. He needed something to clear his mind.



    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2019-12-10
    Age : 22

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Doton, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: D
    Ryo: 20,000

    Eyes to Remember [Mineko] Empty Re: Eyes to Remember [Mineko]

    Post by Mineko Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:08 am

    It was a day like any other, Mineko and her partner, Indigo, embarked through the forests of Kumogakure no Sato, far from civilization. They came to hunt an elk so they ventured to where the hills form; where the elks naturally appear. Unknown of the paths, Mineko was left to rely on her witts, she had not yet found any hilltops near. It would be a long trek back to their camp if they hadn’t begun their return, they would meet themselves cold and hungry and lost at dusk, they decided to play things safe so they settled on a family of rabbits, hid under the dug up hole behind a tree stump. “I’m sorry, Indigo. I will hunt you an elk once I figure out this place.” Mineko apologised as she stabbed through the crying mother rabbit’s neck with a sharpened twig in front of its children.  Indigo gnawed on the mother rabbits raw warm flesh and Mineko killed the rest of the rodents then cooked her food.

    At noon, they finally returned to their base. Clouds flowed in amble motion. A nearby river made its white noise. The earthy aroma the ground produced from every step Mineko took was the cherry on top of the tranquility of the atmosphere. She has grown accustomed to it all. Mineko laid below to her favorite tall tree that stood no taller than the others, sat up and rested, felt as though it was custom-made, as Indigo laid himself onto her lap. About to set into slumber, it was disturbed by an itch in her throat. Her tired legs couldn't handle another hike but Mineko was so annoyed by the itch, what felt like scraping her tonsils through sandpaper every time she tried to cough the itch out, she had to get water.

    Surely a month has passed since Mineko arrived here in the forests of Kumogakure, she took it upon herself to discover areas that would bring in good use to her, such as the waterfall, and have ventured through paths which looked never worn.
    She had made her way to the waterfall with small tired Indigo in her arms, somberly pacing through trees and shrubs. Until the sight of a young man appeared before her eyes, luckily it seemed she wasn’t in his sight. She halted. Gazing at the stranger’s direction, he looked as if he was asleep as the waterfall poured heavy onto him. Could he have been alive? his pose stood lifeless. Was he breathing? the weight of water did not budge him, not not even for a second. He will come out looking like a dried raisin once he steps out, Mineko thought, he already does.

    Mineko observed the man closer, clung onto top of the tallest wood around the waterfall. The stranger’s body was toned and built, with his wide shoulders, fine jaw, and all, which only heightened Mineko’s interest. The stranger’s form was bewitching, difficult to look away, excusing to herself that she was merely waiting for him to give up some time sooner but he didn’t. Her patience eventually grew thin, as it did she made ten wooden stakes from the tree’s branches, almost needle like; long, thin, and skin piercing.

    She borrowed one to pierce it to her exposed thigh, the blood trickled slowly even after squeezing the wound. She smeared the blood on her hands and proceeded to paint the symbol of her clan; the wolf fangs. She glanced below at Indigo on the grass, still fast asleep from exhaustion. He was always fond of naps.

    Leaped from tree to tree, the wind drying, staining the blood on Mineko’s cheeks, to attempt to shoot the stranger with one of the stakes.
    Two from his left, aimed to his ear.  
    Two from his front, aimed to his left eye.
    Another two from his front, aimed to his right eye.
    Two from his right, aimed to his other ear.
    The last attempt timed two seconds longer than the rest did. Another two appeared out of the blue from the front, aimed to the stranger’s heart.

    Hopefully more than one shots, all that Mineko wants was that the stranger collapses. A lesson to teach him to never use her water.

    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2019-12-09

    Eyes to Remember [Mineko] Empty Re: Eyes to Remember [Mineko]

    Post by Kyousuke Mon Dec 30, 2019 6:40 pm

    WC - 744
    Chakra - 49/50
    Eyes wide shut, Kyousuke engulfed himself in complete darkness. Only his mind, and his senses would allow him to feel all that surrounded him. Slowly he would control his breathing, mind drifting, flowing naturally into focus. Nothing forced, everything achieved through peace. Little by little the range of his senses began to expand well past the waterfall. His chakra had been spread to his fullest capabilities, and he took slow deep breaths to fight the cold that had often overcome him. He held the range for a full second, and then another, slowly the seconds would pass forming into minutes. He had achieved it. Balance. Focus. Mastery of his senses. And just before he would be able to celebrate the accomplishment, those same senses would be put to the test.

    Two thin twigs flew into the radius of his chakra, entering with a sharp break of wind completely directed at him. It was sloppy and far too slow to pose any threat. Instinctively his right arm would move perfectly to catch the thrown object within his hand just inches away from his head. The twig in his possession would be used to deflect the other with a slap. Two more would enter his sensory radius, this time coming from the front and aimed at his left eye. Easy enough, he would tilt his head drastically to the right, completely evading the attack. Ever persistent, another would come, this time aimed to his right eye which he evaded by doing the opposite, now tilting his head to the left eyes still closed off. Two more had come from the right, but they would be disposed of just as he easily by the twig still in his hand. Tossing the twig he held simply at the path of the ones incoming, he had altered both’s path to simply fall along the water and sink deep into the river.

    For a moment the attacks stopped, as if the assailant had begun to rethink their actions. Sure enough— however— they continued. Two more pairs of sharpened twigs would enter the young samurai’s field of perception. Clearly whoever it was had not learned from their first failure, and now It was time to educate them.

    Golden eyes were woken, within them hints of fury targeted at this unknown foe.

    Summoning all his acrobatic might and speed, Kyousuke used both his hands to stand upon the rock he had been sitting on for hours, allowing his now upward legs to fall in front. His hands pushed off once an angle was reached, sending him forward into the air, just missed by the two twigs. Mid air he would adjust his body to straighten accordingly for a land. His feet would land perfectly into the river, a controlled and constant surge of chakra allowing him to stand on the otherwise tension void surface as if it were a completely solid structure. As he landed, his body would naturally lower to absorb the impact of his landing whilst both, yet the Sasaki did not waste movement. With pure efficiency, he lowered down into a sprinter’s stance. He had been launched forward, his sensory radius moving just as he did, keeping the Sasaki boy within its center. The foe had been made to enter his range.

    There was no escape.

    He felt two beings one a creature soundly asleep along the grass, second a human stood in concealment above the trees, his attacker. With all his physical speed that would be imperceivable to her untrained eyes, Kyousuke would burst to her location. He sprinted to the bottom of the three and continued to run at the wooden base, using his chakra to cling sidewards despite gravity’s clear opposition.

    And within the blink of an eye he was right beside her. Launched upside down, Kyousuke had pushed himself backward from the tree to make a backflip. His left leg whipped by her ear as he contorted his hips, slamming into a direct hit that would knock her sideways from the tree branch. He followed through with his kick, spinning him completely and stopping as he faced the tree branch forward. Not finished with his assault, he used his hands to catch himself, grip assisted by his chakra to swing from the tree branch. As she would fall, he would rise from under her legs stuck together to form a drop kick that would missile with the momentum he created to smash into her ribs.



    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2019-12-10
    Age : 22

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    Skills & Elements: Doton, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: D
    Ryo: 20,000

    Eyes to Remember [Mineko] Empty Re: Eyes to Remember [Mineko]

    Post by Mineko Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:02 am

    Mineko leaned her back against the tree then looked over to the strange man’s direction. He was gone yet the faint smell of his wet hair strangely lingered closer and closer and closer... to which had widened Mineko’s eyes to its capability and halted her breath. Her body shivered from the sudden breeze, coming in in unexpected direction below and then, there he was. She turned her head without a moment passing, she could sense a wave of familiar anger within him, like an enraged animal with means to threaten.
      Of course, Mineko should have expected an incoming attack if ever the man deflected her stakes but she shouldn’t have approached with such incompetence to a creature she had no knowledge or experience with, now the lack of acknowledgment from similar past mistakes had to be dealt with again. Mineko’s arrougance has given her recurring problems, probably one ordeal bigger than the last; it was a flaw of her that she has always looked over.

    The man appeared upside down before her eyes in mid-air — Mineko made an expression that was a mixture of disturbance, curiosity, and wonder, the only feature Mineko could make of him was the glimpse of golden glimmer in his eyes in contrast to his dark hair— and he swung his leg to Mineko’s head, instinctively, she dodged to a bow yet the speed of the man was incomprehensible, her attempt faltered which left her ear ringing in pain.
     She stood up and moved backward abruptly as she could, regaining her composure but the whirling sensation bested her, letting her slip into her own demise. Falling from the wood, her assailant kicked her in the abdomen, Mineko grunted in almost excruciating pain from yet another unexpected blow. Her body was thrown no far meters away, close to the bark of another tree.

    This man has the speed almost to light, Mineko thought. She had not faced an opponent with such swiftness, not before him. No matter.

    Mineko coughed loudly with her itchy throat and shook her head, his actions haven’t made her any weaker, only more irritated than she already was.
      How did the man know where she was? His eyes were shut when she threw her stakes
      “You dare vex me?” She whispered to her breath with furrowed brows, she pushed herself onto the ground to stand back on her feet. She has fought bears that attacked stronger than those kicks, the memory made the ends of Mineko’s lips slightly curl. Back straight. Chest puffed. Feet distanced. She lifted her arms close to her body and gestured with both hands as to say; and mouthed silently “Come at me.”

    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2019-12-09

    Eyes to Remember [Mineko] Empty Re: Eyes to Remember [Mineko]

    Post by Kyousuke Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:59 am

    WC - 419
    Chakra - 48.6/50
    With the aerial drop kick landing smashing directly on his opponent’s midsection, Kyousuke’s knees would naturally bend to absorb the shock of the mid air collision, yet like a spring they would straighten out once more in an instant using the girl’s body as a platform to jump upside down. Speeding the pull of gravity, he sprung himself back down to the ground while simultaneously pushing his opponent even further away. As he descended mid air the Sasaki contorted his body, adjusting himself to land safely on his own two feet. Be made it look effortless.

    It would take awhile, but eventually the girl would be forced back down to earth, crashing on the dirt ground all the way from the tree branches with a hard thump. Her fall and his completely showed the difference in their skills. She was of no threat to him, and he had quickly realized that. Still, his senses zeroed in to the mysterious girl’s every movement, cautious of her next plan of attack. It seemed there was none. She coughed, struggling to grasp her breath pushing herself to rise from the dirt whilst he stood tall simply watching over her from a distance.

    His golden eyes were cold, bearing not a shred of humanity they had usually possessed. This was battle. Something he had been trained in from birth, and until it had been proven otherwise he would assume she had come to kill him. Nonetheless he would refrain from striking her down in her moment of weakness… or that was the plan until her words set her own funeral. For a moment his pupils widened in momentary confusion. “Vex you?” He shot back almost immediately as the words exited her mouth, the expression of his golden eyes transforming from a mix of confusion and disbelief to anger. “First, you strike at me with no warning, interrupting my training. Now you come at me with your false bravado and misplaced pride as if you weren’t the one who just tried to kill me? How dare I? No. How dare you!”

    Suddenly within a span of a thought he had shot his body forth in another burst leaving dust in his wake. Just as the girl’s hand outstretched to gesture towards him, he had appeared right in front of her. With his momentum, Kyousuke’s front left leg moved to slam once more into her midsection. Stabbing at her stomach with a swift side kick that aimed to throw her back a couple of meters.



    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2019-12-10
    Age : 22

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Doton, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: D
    Ryo: 20,000

    Eyes to Remember [Mineko] Empty Re: Eyes to Remember [Mineko]

    Post by Mineko Fri Jan 24, 2020 2:03 pm

    Vex you?” So he heard... He has a sharp sense of hearing, Mineko had to admit if only his kicks were as sharp. “First you strike me without warning… Now you come at me with your false bravado…” Mineko tuned out most of the words he ventured off his mouth, listening with half an ear. Her focus was fixated on manifesting her chakra within her. Controlling her breathing. She couldn’t care less of his speech… However, she well understood his indignation. In the way, he expressed his taut fury piqued her interest to him. Was it may be because of his diction, perhaps, gave a regal essence? perhaps more of a general soldier? One distinction was certain, the underlying cockiness in his voice reminded her that he was a bit like herself.  Maybe she should have warned him easier, without any unnecessary violence. Maybe; maybe not...

    She lifted her arms close to her body and gestured with both hands and mouthed silently “Come at me.” And without a single passing heartbeat, Mineko was given what she asked for. In a flicker, he saw the unknown man almost dissipated in the air. She attempted to do her plan. Body Replacement Technique. — No more than half a second, before she can even intertwine her hands to seal the Jutsu, the man already dashed way far ahead of where he once he stood from. With no time for her turning or sensing to where he could have been,  he had Mineko tumbling. Rolling her body to the ground.

    What happened?” Was all her mind could ever process from the surge of fear climbing up to her spine. She felt a warm pain in her stomach. That was the fresh bruise blackening on her skin. With a wrinkled forehead and eyes tightly shut, — the sudden fear gathered a rush of adrenaline along with it— her trembling arms tried resting on her stomach once more. With jagged crescendos of breath, she reluctantly opened her eyes and cautiously spun her head to the man’s direction. And there he stood watching her.

    “Next time…” Was all she could muster to mutter under her breath. “Next time…” She attempted once more. She swallowed her spit and caught herself coughing as she did so. “I see you here...”
     She carefully pushed her body to fall stomach flat onto the ground. It took a few tries but once she did, it felt like another kick to the ribs, it made her softly squirm.
     Palms faced down along with her, she spun her head to look him in the eye once more. Mineko realized the glimmer he once had in his eyes were his pupils; his striking golden diluted pupils matched with her gaze. “I’ll have you beaten to a pulp.” She stated as gravely as she could. Inhaling another breath of air audibly after.


    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2019-12-09

    Eyes to Remember [Mineko] Empty Re: Eyes to Remember [Mineko]

    Post by Kyousuke Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:22 am

    WC - 111
    Chakra - 48.6/50
    Rage had filled him, giving his blow power. With one final blow their little battle was over. The girl was sent crashing back on the dirt ground. Still, though she had some final parting words. A warning. One that did little to alleviate the boy’s anger. “Next time, I won’t be as kind.” He said finally. With his own parting words he turned his back on the defeated opponent. Whatever reason she had for attacking him seemed to be of little to no importance. It wasn’t worth his time.

    Taking his belongings across the river, he would return to his home. The day spent to find peace and spirituality clearly wasted.




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    Eyes to Remember [Mineko] Empty Re: Eyes to Remember [Mineko]

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