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    Kobayashi Mamoru


    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2019-12-17

    Kobayashi Mamoru Empty Kobayashi Mamoru

    Post by Mamoru Mon Dec 23, 2019 12:40 pm

    Kobayashi Mamoru OAnaV8R
    Name: Kobayashi, Mamoru
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure no Sato
    Rank: Genin | D-rank
    Title: -

    Clan: Yuki
    Bloodline: Ice Release

    • Fuuton
    • Suiton
    • Hyoton[1000 exp to unlock]


    • Ninjutsu

    *Trading 1 skill point for 500 exp and stat raise
    *1050 spendable exp


    • Strength: D-Rank
    • Constitution: D-Rank
    • Stamina: D-Rank
    • Speed: D-Rank
    • Coordination: D-Rank
    • Intelligence: D-Rank
    • Perception: D-Rank

    Unique Abilities:
    Quiet Contemplation [Stat Boosting] - Mamoru relishes the thrill of combat, either sparring with another or fighting in a life and death situation. It is only here where he finds an inner peace that mediation has no hopes in achieving for him. When fighting, the world around him slows down, allowing him to see things in finer detail. [Act the cost of 5 cp, Mamaru gains a +1 tier of Perception and lose -1 tier of Speed. This can be toggled on/off]

    Battle Focus [Stat Boosting] - Mamoru relishes the thrill of combat, either sparring with another or fighting in a life and death situation. It is only here where he finds an inner peace that mediation has no hopes in achieving for him. Once shaking and uncertain limbs now move with the confidence of a master martial artist [Act the cost of 5 cp, Mamaru gains a +1 tier of Coordination and lose -1 tier of Strength. This can be toggled on/off]

    Mamoru stands mere centimeters shy of 6 feet, however to everyone he meets, and ask about his height, he ensures them that he is 6 feet; due to the fact that, in the end, the difference between the two heights are nigh negligible, and only noticeable when standing beside someone of the corresponding height. At 165 pounds he does not have an imposing figure - something which he is working to change. Supple and lean, it might be a surprise to some how much muscle the teenager has. His daily runs keeps him in the shape needed for his line of work, though, recently, he has been making changes to his routine and added lifting into the regiment. In private or public, he maintains a strict diet of seafood and vegetables, only deviating from it during special occasions or when necessary.

    In terms of posture, it depends on the situation around the teenager. Naturally, there is this subtle dancer-like grace about him as if each step was part of a routine being performed for an invisible audience. Other times, when in the company military comrades, his back tautings and straighten out, head held high and hands to his side, but, despite that, there seemed to be a modicum of relaxation to the posture. Likewise, he sits all the way back in a chair, and shows the proper customs when sitting at a table - elbows off the table and never putting his foot on anything, even a footrest. In the private eyes, when dealing with certain friends and family, his mannerisms is more relaxed; he slouches, have no problem in putting his feet on a foot rest when offered. He also has a habit of popping his joints(fingers, neck, ankles, wrists, etc) when not in the public’s eye.

    A habit picked up from his father, Mamoru shaves a majority of his body, the exception being his hair. The teenager absolutely loathes body hair, mainly that persist on his own, and constantly shaves it. Asides from his hatred of hair, the more practical reason why he does, is simply to lower the risk of leaving behind dna(hair) on a mission that could be traced back to him. His hair is soft and have a healthy sheen to it. Unscented soaps and conditioners are used the majority of the time to keep anyone from identifying by a certain fragrances. When the time arises, he does shower in scented soaps, but they tend to have a light earthy undertone to them.

    Mamoru’s glacier blue eyes can be as cold as their namesake, but hidden within them is a raging fire of emotions that can be expressed at the drop of the hat. Always alert and attentive, only when in the presence of his family does his eyes droop, giving him a lazy-like appearance.

    With parents who never pulled their punches, Mamoru had a number of different scars with all but two of them being healed completely; the latter remaining only do to him wishing so. There is a circular scar on his right bicep; the byproduct of his father’s senbon piercing through his entire bicep. Across his stomach is a hand size burned mark, once again caused by his father during a sparring section. Mamoru does not have any tattoos as of yet.

    His voice is not too deep nor too high. Instead of raising during anger, his voice gets considerably more softer to the point it is like a faint whisper. His voice cracks whenever he talks too fast, or when nerves get the better of him.

    His clothing attire various on the situation at hand, but, when not on duty, his attire mainly consists of various styles of kimonos, though, none of the high end variety. He does wear casual pants, and shirts as well. When on duty, his attire is as expected of a Kiri shinobi.

    Mamoru was born in the North Eastern part of Kirigakure no Sato - sixteen years prior to the current year - mere seconds before his twin, Zaylee, followed suit. An unexpected arrival, for both came two weeks earlier than expected, by the divines neither one of them had any health complications due to their sudden arrival; both were relatively healthy newborns. In reality though, with the number of precautions their parents took to ensure nothing would would to them, the fact that both of them came out healthy was almost guaranteed. Still though, both parents released a sigh of relief upon seeing the twins in excellent conditions.

    Adventurous and troublesome, his hobbies mainly consisted of looking for ways to escape either parents’, or relatives’, clutches. Sitting still was not something he enjoyed doing, unless it was in the company of his twin, or whenever something interesting got his attention. Thus the first few years of his life were blissful, carefree and filled with plenty of wondrous activities. This all lasted uninterrupted until his fifth birthday.

    When he turned five, his time was split between both parents, tagging along to work with them. Time with his stern and caring father was spent watching the older man work at the clinic. Other times, he was whisked away by his mother, and watched the woman work in the kimono shop. Day and night, no matter the parent he was with, Mamoru found himself enthralled by both of their crafts, and yearn to learn them. Unfortunately for him, neither parents gave into his begging, thus he had to remain patience, as they ensured he would learn eventually.

    Waiting was not all bad for Mamoru. Having a better grasp of reading, he was given books to read, many of them detailing his parents’ crafts. The details being written in an easy to learn and follow way, thus, it gave him little trouble. Although he could not try his hand at what his parents were doing, they at least kick started his journey down their path. Giving him the tools, so that if he wished, he could follow their line of work. For, unlikes other parents, his did not care about their child followed after them or not.

    Reading was not the only thing he did, him and his twin were both taught proper etiquette by both parents. Unlike his sister, who soak up the lessens like a sponge did to water, Mamoru was different. Much to their mother’s chagrin, and father’s amusement, he had inherited some of the latter’s fiery temperament. Quick to anger and even quicker to lash out against anyone who annoyed him, extra time was needed to curve such behavior. And that is where his father came in, and thus, Mamoru learned much from the older male who was so used to putting on an act in front of others.

    With such a supportive family, he was allowed to dabble in his ever changing interest between schooling via a private tutor. His parents wanted both children to have the opportunity to flourish, to learn at their own pace while advancing in areas they excelled at and getting help in the areas which they might struggle in. Mathematics, history, geography, science, social studies, art, literature, and so forth were all apart of the curriculum Mamoru learn alongside his twin. He was taught the wonders of the world, and that he should learn from it. Both parents also warn of the dangers which lurked in the world, and to proceed with caution. Neither parent sugarcoated what awaits them if they did not heed their words.

    While his twin found joy in arts, Mamoru was different. Even after becoming older, the male still had a temperament, much like his mother did, and needed an outlet for it. The end result being training with his mother - Marici. A kind and caring woman she was, Mamoru was beaten countless of times during the training sessions. Scars mended, the memories of the beatings stuck with Mamoru, and pushed him forward. He craved more of the adrenaline that was rushing through his veins when sparring with his mother, or father(when he had time), and sought it out more. And like taking a needle of euphoria , Mamoru was hooked. Out of the countless of interests, he finally found something that spoke to him, and it was . . . wonderful

    On the way to the market place with his twin, Mamoru spotted the Kirigakure Academy, and much like his twin, got transfixed by what he saw - shinobi in training. Though he enjoyed training with his parents, Mamoru desired to spar with others around his age and/or level, thus he desired to be a shinobi and learn their craft. A selfish desire that hid a non-selfish reason, that being, he wanted the power to protect those who he cared about. From the youngest age, he desired the power to protect his loved ones, and now he found a way to do just that.

    Knowing what awaited him, Mamoru entered the Academy with his twin. The private tutoring serving him well, and helped him succeed in his academics. Three years were spent in the academy, and in those years, he had gotten into a couple of scuffles due to fellow peers messing with his twin or generally annoying him. Yet, he still managed to graduate alongside his twin with his family and friends cheering them on.

    A social teenager, Mamoru looks to make connections with his peers, and others in a higher position of power or authority, something that is easy to do with his friendly and charming disposition. The relationship formed being seen as a viable asset to him, either for the present time, or in the future. The value could be anything from knowledge about the world, learning techniques, etc. An assert they might be, he still values these friends, acquaintances, comrades, and coworkers to a great extent; he won’t sacrifice a connection unless the benefits outweighs the potential gain of keeping them around.

    Burning the proverbial bridges does not bother him much, if, as previously mentioned, the value is worth the decision. An investor mentality is not too far off in describing his mindset when it comes to relationships and forming bonds with others. He keeps others close to him until an opportunity asides to make sure of investment, that is the growth of the relationship between him and the other. Teachings from his father has taught him to make use of others, for they would do the same to him, if given the chance. And the teenager does this on a subconscious level.

    Although he has been taught to expect to be used by others, this does not stop him from seeing it as wrong. He does not take kindly when others use him for their own gains, even if he was doing the same. He finds the act to be vile, and will immediately distance himself from the person, even if their value is worth mending the relationship. The rules of the game applies to others, but not him. His hypocritical view is something he has been called out on a number of occasions by his parents, yet, it still remains as a part of him.

    Unlike others who manipulate or deceive others, Mamoru does not view himself above them. Often times, especially those in higher positions of authority and having more power than him, Mamoru sees them as above him. He is David and they are Goliath. By viewing them as a bigger threat than himself, Mamoru acts cautiously and meticulous take his time in gaining their trust and companionship. His parents taught him what happens when something is half-assed or rushed.

    Mamoru does not flaunt his status, nor clan name, around. As evident by his surname, he prefers, much like his family, to keep the ‘Yuki’ name as far away from him as possible. With how prestigious of a clan, he knows the weight that the name carries, and while he has no problem in carrying the responsibility, he prefers not to. The teenager does not want handouts from others due to his surname, or being apart of the Yuki clan. He wants to work for everything. He wants to comfortable be able to say he earned his place in the world, instead of getting it by charity of others. Although he knows charity will happen, or people will bend a knee upon realization of his clan, he only reclutanctly accepts their offerings.

    As previously hinted at, Mamoru prefers to achieve things on his own. An ambitious young man, his eyes are always on a goal or a dream that he wishes to accomplish. He does not slouch when it comes to making progress towards whatever his current goal is. A zealous worker he is not. The teenager knows when to take breaks, and when to take it easy while making way towards a goal. He does not wish to get burnt out for then the experiences would be meaningless. Thus, he takes his time in accomplishing his goals in a timely and practical manner. Needless to say, Mamoru has a strong work ethic.

    Mamoru is not as simple as the urbana, poilite, and charming personality that he display when in public. The teenager has inherited the fiery temperament of his mother, Marici, combined with sociopathic tendencies of his father, Daremo. The end result being someone who conforms to the rules of society only to blend in, and not attract attention to themselves. But will show signs of irrigation and thirst for violence when dealing with those who have little value to him, or those who he sees as fools, or anyone who threaten his family. Him tapping his folded arm with a finger, or twirling a small weapon, is clear physical indicators the teenager is attempting to rein in the need for bloodshed.

    To those opposing him, Mamoru’s viewpoints are inhumane to say the least. While some try to stay within the ‘grey’, the teenager’s ideology on dealing with threats is dark. Torture, murder, threats, and everything else under the sun, Mamoru sees them all as valuable means to use against those who oppose Kirigakure no Sato and his family. There is no honor when it comes with dealing with internal and external threats. It is yet to see how far he would actually go, for an opportunity has yet to aside when he is left to his own devices, but, for now, it is safe to assume his mentality is befitting for the darker occupations a shinobi might have. To him, the end justifies the means.

    Saying everything, Mamoru temperament and violent disposition can easily be quelled or forced to the surface by his twin; Zaylee. Being the older brother, by two seconds, he cares for her well-being and safety. He does what is needed to make sure she is safe and sound. When someone threatens her, Mamoru does not hesitate in lashing out in anger and violence. Only by her, or his parents intervention, does he calm down enough that the need for violence is suppressed fully for the time being. No one else has this much sway over his tendencies. In short, Mamoru is an overprotective, quick to anger, guardian angel of Zaylee.

    Mamoru is not a fool. He has a hard time controlling his violent tendencies, but manage to suppress them whenever visiting his family’s workplaces. The elderly, and young children, are also exempt from seeing this sign of him. When it comes to the former(children), he views them as still being innocent, and they do not need to be exposed to such darkness. The later(elderly) had a world worth of experience, and though he suppresses his darker tendencies, probably sees them anyway. If they choose to continue talking to him, then it means they accepted his nature. In both cases, he actually enjoys being around them for different reasons; the children reminds of him the light in the world and his sister, and the elderly is a constant remainder of what he, hopes, await for him at the end of shinobi career.

    Roleplay Sample:

    Sitting in the backyard, wearing only a black pair of hakama pants, was Mamoru. Even though it was snowing, the chilling temperatures did not affect the half-naked male. Eyes closed, he focused on moving his internal chakra throughout his body, using the energy to provide just enough heat to keep him from feeling the bite of the winter snow. A Yuki he was, thus having an immunity to cold temperatures, he still found purpose in the aforementioned exercise as it gave him another chakra control exercise. Soon afterwards, he opened his eyes, revealing cyan blue orbs, and looked towards the direction of his Daremo’s owned hospital, “It is time.”

    Emerging out of the house, wearing a blue and white kimono with a dragon motif, Mamoru began making a familiar walk towards the hospital that his father owned. Although he hasn’t shown any aptitude towards the medical arts, he still enjoyed spending time at the workplace. The knowledge gained from being around others who practice the medical art was invaluable to the young man and his development as a shinobi. Furthermore, it was always fascinating to see the different types of injuries and alignment that comes in during the day. Nevertheless, he was not going there the aforementioned reasons, instead, he was there to pick up his twin; Zaylee.

    Okay, ‘pick up’ is the right word to describe what he was during as he watched his twin leave the establishment. Knowing his sister enjoyed her independence, Mamoru followed behind her. Keeping a good enough distance from them to avoid suspicion by his other half. Though, he does wonder if she knew that he essentially follows her home whenever he can. He is doing so to make sure nothing happens to his younger sister. In short, Mamoru was being his normal overprotective self.

    With the house in view, Mamoru took a way back to the house, slipping in the backdoor after patiently waiting outside for some time, to give the impression that he was still outside training. The sweet aroma of their mom’s cooking greeted him as he walked into the living room, and made his way into the kitchen. Immediately spotting Zaylee, who was getting plates, and their Mother putting the final touches onto food. “I’m right here.”, he spoke as he helped Zaylee set the table, “I was outback mediating.” His words only be a half-truth, “How was your day, Zaylee?”, he inquired.
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-20

    Kobayashi Mamoru Empty Re: Kobayashi Mamoru

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Dec 23, 2019 1:11 pm

    Mamoru wrote:Kobayashi Mamoru OAnaV8R
    Name: Kobayashi, Mamoru
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure no Sato
    Rank: Genin | D-rank
    Title: -

    Clan: Yuki
    Bloodline: Ice Release

    • Fuuton
    • Suiton
    • Hyoton[1000 exp to unlock]


    • Ninjutsu

    *Trading 1 skill point for 500 exp and stat raise
    *1050 spendable exp


    • Strength:
    • D-Rank
    • Constitution:
    • D-Rank
    • Stamina:
    • D-Rank
    • Speed:
    • D-Rank
    • Coordination:
    • D-Rank
    • Intelligence:
    • D-Rank
    • Perception:
    • D-Rank



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