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    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2019-12-09

    Test Empty Test

    Post by Kyousuke Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:35 pm

    Test Cropped-56293058_p0

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non sem in orci aliquet pellentesque. Ut ut semper quam, ut lobortis libero. Pellentesque mattis facilisis hendrerit. Cras tristique ante vitae arcu euismod, volutpat ornare diam pulvinar. Proin sagittis tempor orci. Quisque rutrum pulvinar lacus, non ornare turpis feugiat eget. Nam ante ipsum, volutpat sed nibh eu, suscipit accumsan risus. Fusce egestas a lectus ac imperdiet. Nam dapibus, ex id sodales aliquam, sapien sem porttitor elit, vitae dapibus nisi orci vel nunc. Vivamus porttitor eleifend augue, non consectetur arcu mollis tincidunt. Phasellus nunc mi, ultrices in justo nec, posuere fringilla risus. Praesent id eros ac nisi semper volutpat faucibus sit amet justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at lacus hendrerit, semper nunc finibus, tristique tortor. Pellentesque a velit ac lacus gravida congue.

    Donec hendrerit rhoncus auctor. Phasellus vitae accumsan ligula, ultricies scelerisque metus. Etiam fermentum sagittis orci eget maximus. Aenean mattis aliquet quam, sed eleifend sem hendrerit at. Quisque in porttitor est, non scelerisque nulla. Fusce tempus accumsan enim, sed tempus nibh vestibulum eget. Curabitur sapien lacus, hendrerit in malesuada ut, viverra quis urna. Praesent volutpat consectetur ligula, vitae efficitur urna pulvinar at. Integer dignissim augue vitae massa pellentesque consectetur.

    Ut eu diam ut urna luctus auctor. Vestibulum feugiat sed ante et iaculis. Vivamus id nibh mi. Vivamus sit amet nunc ex. Aenean dapibus tellus nunc, sed aliquet sapien interdum sed. Nunc augue est, molestie quis condimentum vel, blandit mollis ligula. Quisque ligula diam, lacinia sed hendrerit ac, vestibulum vel nibh. Sed ut convallis risus, vel euismod urna. Vestibulum convallis mi nec felis imperdiet, quis gravida ex euismod. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras a diam eleifend, ullamcorper ex a, fringilla tellus.


    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2019-12-09

    Test Empty Re: Test

    Post by Kyousuke Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:58 pm

    Test ObVvoc6

    [Sasaki Clan]

    [Kumogakure no Sato]

    [Sensory: Matagi Shingan]

    [Current Clan Leader:] Sasaki, Kaido

    [Current Clan Members:]

    Sasaki, Kenpachi †
    Sasaki, Kaida †
    Sasaki, Kaido
    Sasaki, Kyousuke

    Clan History/Description

    The Sasaki clan trace their roots long before the era of warring clans, a time whence shinobi had yet to rise to their prominence of today. Back then it was the mighty samurai that fought amongst each other, petty wars that held no meaning save to satisfy the greed of their lords and bring samurai pride. As always war had ravaged the world. Blood was shed and lives were lost with no sight of an end. Though among the many powerful samurai that sought to use their strength for fame and glory across the lands, there was one that stood out amongst them all. There and then was Sasaki Kenpachi, birthed a bastard to the great sage Hamura, he was the blade that served no one. A ronin. Back in a time when someone watching your back was the difference maker between life or death, Kenpachi chose to stand alone and travel the world with nothing but the blade strapped to his waist. Born an orphan never knowing of his true heritage or the hidden world of shinobi that existed he had always felt himself capable of great things and so across the world he dared to prove himself as the greatest swordsman to ever live, challenging all that he would come across until the limits of his steel had been reached.

    Slowly his name would spread throughout the world, rumors of a man undefeated in an era where hundreds if not thousands of samurai were slain each passing day. Eventually the warring lords began to take notice of his presence, each looking to recruit the ronin into their ranks. They offered many things; gold, power, land, title— yet no offer phased the ronin for he served one purpose alone; to prove himself the greatest swordsman in the world, not for any lord, but for Sasaki Kenpachi alone. Each time the rewards that came with joining an army grew even more substantial, each time Kenpachi would reject them all. Angered, the lords would eventually send their absolution. Join or die. Again he refused, welcoming challenges even from the most powerful lords. From then on bands of samurai ordered by their masters would hunt  down Kenpachi, yet he simply took these as a form of challenge. Whether a dozen or a hundred he would defeat them all, standing  tall against impossible odds. As they tried to strike him down only farther did his legend grow.

    Time came to pass and eventually Kenpachi’s travels would lead him back home in the land known in today’s time as Kaminari no Kuni. There he settled down, hanging up his sword, marrying a beautiful maiden, and building a house atop a quaint hill. For awhile, everything seemed to be perfect and the man who had once sought to live and die by the sword, found peace in a simple life. Though no matter the simplicity of the life he had now chosen, forever would his past would come to haunt. Out on a hunting trip, Kenpachi would return to only a ruin of what was once his home, the flames of his torn household lighting the dark night. Corpses of his wife and children were crucified to a post, made to suffer before facing their ultimate demise. The culprits ranged in the hundreds, samurai warriors of a lord he had refused to join so long ago. Insurmountable anger overcame Kenpachi’s body and in that moment he snapped. Something within him had awakened, a surge of power he had never in his life felt before. Chakra. Suddenly he could feel everything; the dancing of leaves, the lifeless bodies of his family, the fear of those that stood before him. By the time the sun would rise, only a field of death would bathe in its warmth. With only a void of anger left where the love of his family once stood, Kenpachi chose to hunt down each warlord one by one to satisfy his hatred. With his new found strength none would escape him. Day and night he hunted down all that did him wrong, bathing in the blood of a hundred thousand men, all who had deserved his wrath. And so his legend grew, the man who would stop the war, the one no one could escape. Matagi no Ningen.

    Eventually his thirst for rage had been quenched along with the deaths of those he believed to be responsible, but still Kenpachi was not satisfied, for no amount of bloodshed could ever bring back his happiness. Inside he took responsibility for the deaths of his beloved family, the act of which he could have prevented entirely if he had just ended the war so long ago and not simply ignore it's existence. Now, though he had learned from his mistakes. Peace would be achieved through his actions… even if he had to stop it by force, but to stop a war he needed an army. Fearful of the lone warrior, the men that once served the dreaded warlords were more than willing to join him and be spared from death. From then they would serve as the foundation of what would eventually become the Sasaki empire.

    A pure genius with the blade and gifted with the overwhelming force of chakra, Kenpachi’s vision of peace through war seemed all but inevitable. Many samurai would fall before his army, only given the absolution to join him or die. He was unstoppable, with nary a soul to challenge his might, or so he thought. Kenpachi stood as a god amongst men, and with his sons and daughters he would have stood atop the world uncontested… if not for the shinobi. Time had come and a new era had emerged. The age of the shinobi. Suddenly the samurai he had long known as his enemy had grown extinct, eradicated by the new breed of warriors that similar to him and his people, had the ability to use chakra. Aged and overconfident Kenpachi would eventually meet his demise in battle leaving his children to fight for his throne. Shinobi clans began to rise left and right challenging the Sasaki for all that they once owned, though despite the new forces that now opposed them, the children of Kenpachi crawled atop each other, squabbling amongst themselves to see who would lead the clan into the future. Civil war broke out within the family and they were beset from all sides. Eventually the once mighty Sasaki Empire crumbled, reduced to protecting the sole land that remained under their rule, the land that was once Kenpachi’s home, the Ganryu province of Kaminari no Kuni.

    When all seemed grim for the Sasaki, a new warrior would rise to reclaim their once feared status. Sasaki Kaida, daughter of Kenpachi, had risen over her brother’s and sister’s. Through battle she proved herself to be the rightful ruler of what was once the Sasaki empire. With her leadership they would rise from shadows. When before the Sasaki would face their opponents in open combat and win through honor, under her rule they would learn to become true hunters of men. Rumored to have inherited the same level of prowess her father had with the Matagi Shingan, she became known as the ‘Shinobi Hunter’ of the Sasaki clan. Through her guidance the emergence of the Sasaki rained swift upon those that had chosen to seek them as an enemy. Unlike her father, Kaida saw no use in taking the lands nor the people of the clans she had defeated, instead like a true hunter she eliminated her prey leaving no survivors and wiping those defeated from the annals of history as she believed befitting of all weaklings. From then the Sasaki would once again be feared as the samurais who contended with even that of the shinobi. No longer would they seek to rule the nation as an empire, but strike such intense fear into their enemies that they would not even dare seek to strike out their home.

    Throughout the decades of the warring states period, the Sasaki remained constant. Even with the passing of Kaida, her true legacy had already been set; to instill within her people a culture that would never see the repeat of the empire’s civil war. The Sasaki rejected those that were weak, leaving only the strongest at the top, whoever that was, it was they that all would follow.
    While long had it been since his passing, Kenpachi’s dream of peace within Kaminari no Kuni was eventually achieved, though it was not by the doing of his kin. The shinobi had— amongst themselves— formed an alliance that would give birth to Kumogakure no Sato, claiming the country under the rule of the newly appointed lightning daimyo. Sudden as it was, the Sasaki agreed to the ceasefire among clans. Uncertain of their future in the age of shinobi, they isolated themselves within their province. Many sought to join the newly established Kumogakure no Sato whilst some wished to declare their independence from the new regime. Ultimately it was Sasaki Kaido, the current leader of the clan that would see the Sasaki enter the new age of uncertainty. With the decision to enter his son into Kumogakure no Sato the Sasaki would announce themselves a part of the peace within Kaminari no Kuni, a peace sought after by the ancestor that gave birth to the clan. Peace had been achieved… or so it would seem.

    Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics

    With combat the very essence of the Sasaki for as long as they could remember each member of the clan are natural born warriors, every single one being at the peak of physicality no matter what. Children of the Sasaki are particularly known to be completely distinct from a regular child in muscular stature and maturity, for the code of the Sasaki to forsake the weak sees no discrimination in age. Members of the clan have a distinct look, often bearing jet black hair with sharp golden eyes reflecting their once noble status as rulers. Upon emerging as a member of the Sasaki clan’s military force, each Sasaki is given the symbol of the dragon marked on their body.

    Bloodline Description & Abilities

    The Sasaki clan are known for their undisputed prowess of tracking individuals from a long distance through the use of their sensory technique and then subsequently eliminating targets in close range with their masterful skill with the blade.

    Members of the Sasaki clan are natural born killers that span a vast lineage of world renowned warriors, as such they inherit the fighting genes of their ancestors. The clan members throughout years and years of close quarters combat have become used to narrowly evading blows that would otherwise claim their lives. Having developed their own school of Kenjutsu known as the Raijin-Ryu, members of the Sasaki do not require hand seals or any other activation method in order to use Kenjutsu techniques.

    Matagi Shingan

    The bread and butter of the Sasaki clan’s arsenal is their exceptional ability to track opponents and increase their ability in combat through the use of their chakra sensory jutsu. By expelling a constant stream of chakra from their bodies, Sasaki clan members can ‘feel’ the presence of others around them as if they were in direct contact with them, their chakra acting as a second skin. Foreign chakra molded by others interact with the Matagi Shingan, relaying it back to the user and allowing them to sense chakra disruptions such as genjutsu or chakra poisons.

    Starting level:

    This is the base of the Matagi Shingan and its weakest stage. With the cost of .5 stamina per post the Sasaki clan member is able to expel their chakra around them and feel the exact location of multiple  objects, individuals, and chakra within a 50 meter radius of themselves as if it were touching their skin, they are able to pinpoint these sources and feel chakra disruptions D-rank or lower within themselves and those around them. Through their extremely heightened senses and ability to feel everything around them, Sasaki in this stage are granted 2 pluses in coordination so long as individuals are within their sensory range.

    Matured level:

    This is the second stage of the Matagi Shingan and the point where the Sasaki clan member is considered an adult. With the cost of .4 stamina per post the Sasaki clan member is able to expel their chakra around them and feel the exact location of multiple objects, individuals, and chakra within a 250 meter radius of themselves as if it were touching their skin, they are able to pinpoint these sources and feel chakra disruptions C-rank or lower within themselves and those around them. Through their extremely heightened senses and ability to feel everything around them, Sasaki in this stage are granted a full tier bonus in coordination so long as individuals are within their sensory range. This costs 250 experience to acquire.

    Distinguished level:

    This is the third stage of the Matagi Shingan and the point where the Sasaki clan member is considered a distinguished member of the clan. With the cost of .3 stamina per post the Sasaki clan member is able to expel their chakra around them and feel the directions of multiple objects, individuals, and chakra within a 500 meter radius of themselves as if it were touching their skin, they are able to pinpoint these sources and feel chakra disruptions B-rank or lower within themselves and those around them. Through their extremely heightened senses and ability to feel everything around them, Sasaki in this stage are granted a full tier bonus in coordination so long as individuals are within their sensory range. This costs 250 experience to acquire.

    Elite level:

    This is the final known stage of the Matagi Shingan often achieved by those few elite within the Sasaki. With the cost of .2 stamina per post the Sasaki clan member is able to expel their chakra around them and feel the exact locations of multiple objects, individuals, and chakra down to the minute detail within a 750 meter radius of themselves as if it were touching their skin, they are able to pinpoint these sources and feel chakra disruptions A-rank or lower within themselves and those around them. Through their extremely heightened senses and ability to feel everything around them, Sasaki in this stage are granted a full tier bonus in coordination so long as individuals are within their sensory range. This costs 500 experience to acquire.


    The true complete form of Matagi Shingan only said to have been achieved by Sasaki Kenpachi himself upon the clan’s first creation and rumored to have been attained by his daughter Sasaki Kaida. With the cost of .1 stamina per post the Sasaki clan member is able to expel their chakra around them and feel the exact locations of multiple objects, individuals, and chakra down to the minute detail within a 750 meter radius of themselves as if it were touching their skin, they are able to pinpoint these sources and feel chakra disruptions S-rank or lower within themselves and those around them. Through their extremely heightened senses and ability to feel everything around them, Sasaki in this stage are granted a full tier bonus in coordination so long as individuals are within their sensory range. Additionally, Sasaki clan members who have achieved this level of the Matagi Shingan are able to condense the chakra emanating from their skin to physically affect the world around them. This costs 500 experience to acquire.

    Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks

    Though the Matagi Shingan allows Sasaki clan members great power, its use comes with a great weakness. Expelling chakra through their skin makes the individual’s skin extremely vulnerable. Burns from katon received while in use of the Matagi Shingan acts as a whole rank higher and prevents the use of the Matagi Shingan and any technique requiring the Matagi Shingan for a post.

    Sasaki clan members require TWO skill points in order to use the Matagi Shingan, one for the sensory skill and one for the actual KKG itself.

    Clan Techniques

    Name: Matagi Chikara | 又鬼力
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 50 meters
    Speed: A
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu | Sensory
    Classification: Sasaki Exclusive
    Requirements: Shin-Matagi-Shingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Image reference:
    Through complete mastery of the Matagi Shingan, the Sasaki are able to form the chakra emanating from their skin into physical extensions of themselves capable of interacting with the world as they see fit. The manifestation of their chakra appears in the form of tendril like figures with hands at the very end emerging from whichever part of their body they choose. Created of pure chakra the tendrils are not visible to the naked eye, instead they are perceivable through any means of chakra detection (any rank), dojutsu that are able to see chakra, or through perception of B-rank or higher. These tendrils are able to move at A-rank speed and possess A-rank strength. Upon activation of the jutsu four tendrils are created with the ability to create a maximum of twenty.
    Weaknesses: Though powerful, the Matagi Chikara is costly requiring -10 chakra for each tendril created beyond the subsequent four in addition to the upkeep cost. Each tendril can be destroyed with techniques of equal or greater rank.




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