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Marx Duo
Rivu Aiasan
Kim Chang-Min
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    The Tsuchikage's Office

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

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    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Tue Sep 19, 2017 11:44 pm

    The Tsuchikage's Office 1957786

    The Tsuchikage's Office is relatively luxurious and modern in its appearance. There is a an outdoor terrace with a view of the village. The office is staffed by Nee-san secretary and personal aide who schedule appointments and engage in minor custodial duties. There is a locked cabinet near Nee-san's desk where he stores the village's exclusive techniques. The office is patrolled by a group of A-Rank Guards that make regular rounds on the floor of the office.
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

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    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sat Sep 23, 2017 2:15 pm

    Nee-san was sitting at his desk contemplating the future while he worked. There were stacks of paperwork littered across his desk. Sign this, approve that, deny that other thing. It was dreary work but it also gave him the chance to think and plan. He enjoyed multitasking and the mundane nature of office work allowed him to mentally focus on questions of higher order strategy. He had sent for one of his Jounin recently, a man by the name of Rivu Aiasan. Nee-san had read a fair amount about the various Jounin in his village. He knew their strengths, their weaknesses, what they liked for breakfast, what they ate for dinner, who they were friends with, and where their loyalties lay. Rivu was a peculiarity among the rest though. Of the Jounin he knew precious little owing largely to the man's anti-social behavior and his arm's length relationship with many of the other shinobi in Iwa. Nee-san was not in the least surprised. The years leading up to Iwagakure's founding had been turbulent as a result of the Tsuchikage's madness and the occasional bandit uprising. Many had their own ways of dealing with trauma and chaos and it was not in his purview to judge the attitudes of his shinobi so long as they presented no obstacle to his management of the village. In Rivu's case the man's solitary nature would prove to be a useful trait that Nee-san would exploit for a fairly sensitive mission.

    The Tsuchikage was wearing a simple black turtleneck sweater underneath his traditional Kage robes. The wide brimmed hat was set aside for the time being exposing his bald head and an array of piercings in his ear and brow. The Tetsudashi's eyes were concealed behind a pair of sunglasses and as he plotted his expression did not change. It was as if he were a robot, automatic and methodical. The nation was in dire straits. The massive wealth that had been generated to jumpstart the village's economy had proven sufficient to lay the foundation for a military society but it was ultimately not sustainable. Earth Country lacked the resources for true prosperity and as a result it would need to open up lines of trade with other nations. Diplomatic overtures would have to be made and alliances secured if Iwagakure were to prosper. Nee-san had a plan to achieve his objective of financial security for his homeland but he also knew that a true leader always killed two birds with one stone. The mission he had drafted would do so much more than bringing in much needed wealth to the treasury but he needed to entrust the mission to someone who understood discretion. Someone who kept to themselves and would not be asked what his assignment was as there were none who would think to approach him. That someone was Rivu and so the Nee-san patiently waited for the Jounin to enter his office.
    Rivu Aiasan
    Rivu Aiasan

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Rivu Aiasan Sat Sep 23, 2017 5:17 pm

    It had been some time since he had stepped into this office; not since well before the Mad Tsuchikage began his apparent path towards dementia. Since that time, the consistent flow of missions had slowed to a total halt. These days, he felt like little more than a glorified guard within the stable walls of Iwagakure. This wasn't a terrible state of affairs, given his decades long history with war and strife within the nation, but it did little to give him a sense of purpose. It was for this reason that a new leader was incredibly welcome.

    Of course, Rivu was not yet sure how he'd receive this new Tsuchikage. Having never met the man, all he knew of were his public exploits. In his eyes, however, the true measure of a man is found in the way they conduct themselves behind closed doors.

    In an appropriately symbolic gesture, however; Rivu casually opened the office door before swinging it  gently back closed. Stopping just inside, he took a pause to glance over this Nee-san. Funny that this man would look to be nearly twice Rivu's senior when the inverse would be closer to the truth. Between turtle neck and sunglasses, the jounin wondered how his relatively flamboyant attire would be recieved. Between his poofy pants tucked into his boots, his small red vest practically covering nothing, his popped collar and the nearly shoulder length gloves, their differences seemed to already be quite vast.

    Grabbing his wrists against the small of his back, he knew that neither could really size the other up at this point. With his eyes lazily held half open and a stone cold look of incurious ambivalence across his face, Rivu would speak.

    "You sent for me, Lord Tsuchikage?"
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

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    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sat Sep 23, 2017 6:34 pm

    "I did." Nee-san replied curtly as he looked up from his paperwork and examined the Jounin. The man was young but no doubt skilled. He had a proficiency for Ijutsu if he had recalled the man's report correctly. The Tsuchikage leaned back in his chair and gestured for Rivu to come forward and sit in the chair near his desk. "Please take a seat" he added in a eerily monotone and gentle voice.

    The Tsuchikage would spend a few minutes in silence looking over Rivu before speaking on the reason for his summons.

    "I have a mission for you Rivu. It is very urgent and requires the utmost discretion" The Tsuchikage reached into his desk and removed a scroll that had the mission inscribed. He placed the scroll on top of his desk and leaned back in his chair. Before he gave Rivu the mission, he wanted to clarify some things with respect to the young man's behavior. He didn't like it when people that he knew fairly little about had to be entrusted with critical information. That of which he knows little he can exert little control over. The purpose of the summons was hence two-fold: to see if Rivu was competent and willing to take on the mission he had in mind and to see if he could somehow extract kompromat from his Jounin. At the very least it was Nee-san aim to find out his true motivations so that he may better understand what made this Jounin tick. This knowledge could be used to better assist him in serving the village and obtaining his goals, but more importantly it could be used to manipulate him for future endeavors he might not normally wish to participate in.

    "I'm told you keep to yourself and work best alone. Is that true?"
    Rivu Aiasan
    Rivu Aiasan

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Rivu Aiasan Sat Sep 23, 2017 7:09 pm

    Taking a seat, as instructed, Rivu hoisted one boot upon his knee in comfort and locked eyes with the shaded shinobi.

    In the next few minutes of silence, the tension was palpable. It took only seconds for a single brow to raise on the young jounin's face. It was a strange interaction already. He's sizing me up... It was an astonishing mirror match up already and this boded well for their relationship. It was smart to be skeptical, especially about those those more shrouded in obscurity. The records, among other shinobi, for Rivu was particularly sparse and stranger things have occurred in this world than children infiltrating a village. A slight twitch at the corner of his mouth would momentarily betray his pleasure at a leader more competent to head this village than the last.

    "I have a mission for you Rivu. It is very urgent and requires the utmost discretion"

    Rivu nodded, his eyes never straying from Nee-san's. Leaning forward, Rivu gripped the scroll and leaned back to hear his query.

    "I'm told you keep to yourself and work best alone. Is that true?"

    Again, Rivu nodded.

    "I haven't done a mission with a team in years, Lord Tsuchikage; not since my chuunin days. If you have need for a single shinobi, I'm your man."

    With that, he'd break the gaze to unfurl the scroll and read whatever it might say.

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
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    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sun Sep 24, 2017 2:48 am

    Nee-san would nod and look on as Rivu would read the contents of the scroll which contained the following information:


    After he was done reading, Nee-san would speak to his Jounin candidly while also gauging the man's reactions.

    "Iwagakure and the Earth Country as a whole cannot sustain the kind of growth I seek on its own. We will need to forge alliances in order to prosper. Sunagakure was founded only recently in what we can assume is a natural response to the centralization of national armies across the globe. Many think of them as our natural enemy and have begun preparing contingency measures for assault and defense. Yet where others see inevitable conflict, I see possibility"

    Nee-san would pause here and take a miniature puppet from a drawer in his desk to show Rivu. The construct was about the size of an action figure but it would serve to demonstrate the Tsuchikage's point.

    "Like it or not, the Earth Country shares many of the Wind Country's customs, cultures, and even fighting styles. Puppetry may have originated from the shinobi in the Wind but it has taken on a life of its own here. There is no other nation that has as much of an intimate history with us than the Wind Country. We've fought each other enough to know each other's strengths and weaknesses. Better to deal with the devil you know than with the devil you don't"

    Nee-san put the puppet back in his desk and continued:

    "The council doesn't share my vision and I haven't the patience to deal with their backward way of viewing the world. I need you to set up a meeting between the Kazekage and myself. The sooner we are on the same page, the easier it will be for us to implement a mutually beneficial agenda. I chose you because I needed someone strong enough to see the mission through without involving extra ears and eyes that might compromise such a sensitive mission."

    Nee-san at this point would give another pause although this one would be much shorter than the previous silence between the two. The corner of the man's mouth upturned by a hair of an inch normally indicative of a smirk if not for its brevity.

    "Before you accept....I am curious as to why you don't play well with others. I see no reprimands on your file so I assume that if you haven't performed a mission with a team in years then its a matter of personal preference."
    Rivu Aiasan
    Rivu Aiasan

    Posts : 30
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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Rivu Aiasan Sun Sep 24, 2017 2:43 pm

    After reading the scroll, Rivu curled it up and placed it safely into the pouch at his hip before continuing to listen to Nee-san.

    Sunagakure was a place he had not been expected to be ordered to go. A mere 70 years ago, Rivu himself was enjoying the lavish lifestyle afforded to the members of the Nature Clan as a consequence of the puppet regime. To now go meet in secret with the leader of what is basically still the Kazehana Empire? He wasn't sure what to make of this just yet. Regardless, this was his mission for the sake of Iwagakure.

    Nee-san's next question, mixed with his subtle smirk, was to be expected. His wisdom and intelligence did precede him, after all. A fake half smile crept across one side of Rivu's face. With his terse introduction followed by the comprehensive talk of the mission, idle chit-chat seemed to be out of left field... He's looking for something... Just how suspicious of me is he?

    "Personal preference; yes, Lord Tsuchikage. Though, for the betterment of Iwagakure, I would gladly lend my hands to another," he said, unfolding his legs and rising from the seat. "Is there anything else?"

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

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    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sun Sep 24, 2017 5:07 pm

    Nee-san didn't like the answer. Rivu was not entirely forthcoming about his desire to work alone and his dodge only served to make the Tsuchikage more curious. The Jounin was quickly becoming an interesting subject for him. This could bode well or ill for Rivu depending on how he handled himself on this mission. Rivu asked if there was anything else to which Nee-san feigned a thoughtful response before replying. He had already planned on closing the meeting with this final remark but he wanted Rivu to think that the Kage viewed his life as an afterthought in the grand scheme of things.

    "If the Kazekage sees fit to seize you and extract valuable information from your mind.....I don't need to tell you what you must do in that situation"

    Assuming Rivu gave Nee-san the answer he expected, a nod and a dismissive wave would be the only logical response. If he did not they would have more to talk about. Once Rivu left his office the Tsuchikage would begin writing some notes down regarding the meeting before turning his attention to another critical issue that had manifested recently: The Amandi Clan.
    Rivu Aiasan
    Rivu Aiasan

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Rivu Aiasan Sun Sep 24, 2017 5:59 pm

    Rivu blinked nonchalantly, as if to say that he really didn't have to tell him what had to be done.

    Nodding, he turned away towards the door. Lifting his right hand above his shoulder, he limply flicked his wrist in a lackadaisical wave goodbye.

    Of course, Rivu had absolutely no doubt that he would return from this mission, such was the confidence of 90 years. Ignoring his skill, chances were that the Kazekage would probably be quite interested in his services as well, given his birthright.

    "I'll be back, my Lord," he would say as he opened and closed the door behind him. His next stop? With no one else to worry or care, nowhere else but the Land of Wind. Once he had left the tall spire of the office, he would practically be gone from the village; surrounded by a sea of people, the lonely shinobi carried on to the first something in a long time.

    [Exit to Sungakure]


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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Bryn Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:18 pm

    "Come along now, Kameko, don't fall behind."

    "Dad, please, just... don't. Don't talk to me like that."

    "Awwww, am I gonna embawass you in fwont of all your fwiends?"

    "Fuck you."

    Kameko's father, Mizuki, reeled back from his daughter's incredible disrespect. Kameko tried to stifle her smile, but a small grin couldn't help but tug at the corners of her mouth in reaction to her father. It had become a sort of game to them, brought on from trash talking each other while playing Go when she was twelve or so. It had somehow gotten carried over into real life, every day interactions with each other with any kind of honorific or seemingly respectful words thrown out the window the last few months. They only did it a couple times a day, but when they did they both found it funny.

    "Alright, fair enough," Mizuki said. He paused for a couple seconds. "When we get in here though, you're going to let me do most of the talking. I'm bringing you along on this meeting because you're going to need to know how to do this yourself when I'm no longer here to run the clan. So pay attention, okay?" He was serious now, though Kameko was still feeling like playing around a bit more like girls are known to do.

    "If I can't say anything, then why even bother?" Her question raised a sigh out of the middle aged man as he debated on whether or not to slap his daughter on the back of the head or not. Kameko noted that another comment like that would likely wind up with that exact outcome.

    He looked down at her, a smile still on his lips. "Just don't be a smartass, okay?"

    Kameko sighed loudly. "Whaaaaaatever, Dad."

    "Thanks sweetheart." His hand patted her on the back, his strength knocking Kameko forwards a bit. Probably did that on purpose she thought to herself, probably for the "whatever" comment. Whatever. Kameko's father was wearing a royal blue kimono with pink lilies woven into the fabric. A sash kept everything in place, with not a single weapon to be seen on his person. His hair was cut close to his skull since "it just got in the way". Brown eyes greeted the world, sunken from exhaustion and stress along with the rest of his face. Wrinkles and grey hair had set up a good base on his face and in what little hair remained on his head. He was a man of experience, and most of it was not exactly pleasant. Kameko respected that in her father, one of the last to grow up in a world where there were no shinobi villages and people were truly inhospitible to their clan.

    Kameko was dressed nicely, though not fancy. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail so that her headband fit on her forehead without yanking any more hair than necessary out of her head. She had no makeup on, not that she needed any, and her eyes were wide open and devoid of any hint of stress and exhaustion. Many got lost in their deep blue color, almost matching her father's kimono. She had on skintight shorts and a mesh t-shirt for comfort, and over this she wore a kimono matching her father's in design. Her pleasant figure gave her the appearance of a mature woman despite her age of fifteen years, making her a truly beautiful girl to behold. It was a shame she was still so ignorant of this asset. She had on her shinobi sandals, wanting to keep it somewhat casual. They weren't going to a party or anything after all.

    The two got to the Tsuhikage's Complex amid the stares of a few guards that found their clan unlikeable even now. They didn't attack them physically, only with their stares. Kameko ignored them in favor of thinking ahead to her meeting with the Tsuchikage alongside her father. It was her first time meeting the Second Tsuchikage, and an event she had been looking forward to for a couple days now. They entered, with the secretary waving them to the Tsuchikage's office and following their path. The pair traversed the required area and stopped directly outside his door. The secretary opened the Tsuchikage's door to announce their arrival.

    "Lord Second, Mizuki Amandi and his daughter are here."

    Assuming he told them to come in, the pair would step into his office.

    Mizuki stood up straighter, gaining perfect posture as he had been trained to do. Kameko followed suit, keeping her back perfectly straight and her hand clasped in front of her. She tried to avoid staring by looking around, but always found herself looking back at the man who was doing so much paperwork. I mean, lord that man's desk was just... it was stacked with paper man! The thought of administration sent a chill down Kameko's spine if it involved doing THAT much paperwork. She'd rather get her hands dirty in the forge or figure out a new chemical in her spare time. She didn't even really want to be a shinobi at first, but her father made her learn. If he hadn't done that, she wouldn't have become the superb enchantress that she was today though so she couldn't complain too much about it.

    "You summoned me, Lord Tsuchikage?"
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

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    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:48 pm

    "Lord Second, Mizuki Amandi and his daughter are here."

    Nee-san Tetsudashi looked up from his stack of papers and waved the two in. He had asked for the Amandi Clan Leader but was also presented with his feminine spawn as well. Nee-san cared nothing for children and cared even less for females but he made no motion to have her removed from the meeting. Surely this girl would be the man's heir, an unwise choice but a choice that he did not feel the need to correct. The man gestured to the two chairs in front of his desk and steepled his hands as the two would take a seat.

    "I did summon you here. I want to talk about the future of the Amandi Clan and its place within Iwagakure"

    Nee-san would take a natural pause here and examine the man from behind his sunglasses. There would be an uncomfortable silence that lasted a while as he sized up the clan leader. Kameko would be entirely ignored by the Tsuchikage, it as as if she wasn't there at all. Once his inspection of the clan leader was complete he'd speak up.

    "There are many within the village that consider your presence to be an affront to the memory of the nation's forefathers. The Amandi Clan was a serious enemy of the independence movement and a lot of shinobi have never forgotten that. Some on the council would prefer you expelled and I know of one member—who will go unnamed—that wouldn't mind if you weren't extended the same hospitality that we gave to the Nature Clan"

    For the second time of the day, Nee-san's would indicate amusement in the most inconspicuous way possible. A small upturn of the corner of his mouth as if he wanted to smirk but could not be bothered to expend the energy to do it.

    "Fortunately such people are in the minority. I am of the opinion that the Amandi is a welcome addition to Iwagakure. Your kekkei genkai is intriguing and your skill in Chemistry is unparalleled. All the same, the Daimyou and I have expended a fair amount of political capital protecting your clan and we seek a modest return on our investment"

    It was here that Nee-san would pause again. Any interjections on the part of Mizuki or his insolent daughter would be met with a casual handwave telling them to wait for him to finish speaking. Nee-san took his time retrieving a cigar from a wooden case near his desk, lighting it up, and smoking it with a bit of fare. The smoke danced in front of his face and wafted upwards past his shades. He mulled the smoke in his mouth as if contemplating his next words. Words that he had already formed quite some time in advance.

    "I'm levying a sales tax on all products produced by the Amandi. Ten percent. The proceeds will go towards strengthening the village's defenses. I'll also need to request your services....You will render them pro-bono of course. I have need of three poisons. I leave it to you to exercise judgment on their properties but they must be of impeccable quality preferably S-Rank but a lower rank will do if you aren't capable of making something stronger. Finally, I need a sample of your bloodline limit. It is quite rare and unlike anything the world has ever seen before. I'm sure you must find this difficult to accept but the reality is we cannot allow the risk of a former Kazehana Empire affiliated clan to stray from the nest. Think of it as insurance. The sample will remain in my care indefinitely until your loyalty has been proven. You have my word it will not be accessed or improperly used by anyone."

    At no point did Nee-san pose an interrogative to the Amandi Clan leader. He was being told how things were going to be and he did not want to invite debate, discussion, or negotiation into the terms. A lesser mind would see it as punishment for their allegiance to a foreign enemy but one who was much smarter would see it as the price for admission. In a single generation the Amandi could easily match the nobility of the Tetsudashi, Muramatsu, or Kotoushura if they cultivated goodwill with the Tsuchikage. People often forget that the Kotoushura started out as notorious terrorists who cared little for the lives in the Earth Country but now they were as respected as some of the oldest shinobi clans. This boon could belong to the Amandi as well if they were smart enough to play their cards right. Nee-san would continue smoking in silence before giving an imperceptible nod so as to indicate he was ready to hear the man's assent.

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Bryn Wed Sep 27, 2017 8:24 pm

    Mizuki and Kameko would take their seats as bidden, allowing the Tsuchikage to speak. Kameko listened intently, though she still tried to avoid direct eye contact if she could. The Tsuchikage... he just unnerved her for some reason. Why, she could not say quite yet, but perhaps it was just the distinction in skill and power she knew was there between them. When he had gotten through a few sentences, however, she knew that this room was about to get very tense, very quickly. Her respect for her father's wishes is the only thing that allowed her to bite the her tongue by biting down on the inside of her cheek.

    Her father sat there, his face one of neutrality. Kameko knew that look though. It was the look of her father restraining himself. Despite his age, Mizuki still held a relatively good outlook on life and wore a somewhat positive look about him most days. Mizuki knew the Tsuchikage better than Kameko did, even if that wasn't on a personal level. He waited patiently for the Tsuchikage to finish his plainly bigoted slanders on their clan before speaking.

    Kameko herself was absolutely livid. Not only did he lie, but he also had the audacity to demand such a personal thing as a sample of their bloodline. She tasted blood, continuing to bite down despite this. Her fists had clenched, bunching her kimono in her lap up and wrinkling it in her white knuckled grasp.

    "Forgive me Lord Second, but I do not recall the definition of neutrality being 'supporting the enemy'," he stated simply. The Amandi had ceased all relations with the Kazehana when the Land of Earth broke out in revolt so long ago to those living now. There were almost none living today in the Land of Earth who remembered the Kazehana Empire as their overlord. "I fear that if we had truly supported the Empire, we would have already taken the same path as the Cursed Ones long before this meeting. We have proven our loyalty, and still have not done business with the Land of Wind over the last seventy years."

    Kameko shifted, the tension in the air causing her heart to pound. She really, really wished her father hadn't dragged her here. "And while I'm sure there are some who still truly believe us to be truly reprehensible, I would tell them that if they wished to begin a civil war that they had better get it done in one day. I would not see the Land of Earth in another feud over such foolish persecution, after all." The Land of Earth had always been a land that prided itself on independence, fighting for it many times throughout their existence. Sometimes they failed, sometimes they succeeded. Every time it did, the map of the world was forever changed. Persecution for non-existent events would not go without a major backlash by many of the clans in the village. None particularly liked the Amandi, but very few actually disliked them and those that did were usually victims of the slowly recovering business of the Amandi.

    Her father's face had not changed at all, remaining relatively passive in his overall expression. He spoke to Kameko like this whenever he caught her lying, though that seemed to apply to everyone and not just his children. "On the subject of business, I'm afraid I'm also going to have to decline. I don't give what little profits we have without goods or coin in return. It's a clan policy, you see, so even if I were to accept I would likely be voted out of the position of head and replaced with one who would say no. I'd rather cut out the middle man. As another clan policy, we refrain from contracts with the state. The Kazehana taught us a valuable lesson, and we would not care to repeat it again." With that, Kameko's father would stand and then bow his head at the Tsuchikage. "And because of that, I must inform you that talks are now over. Clan policy, you see." Mizuki turned to leave, his daughter standing up quickly and following suit. His larger gait left her somewhat behind, but she would still get out as quickly as politeness would allow. He did not even find the blood sample worth answering, it seemed.

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

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    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Thu Sep 28, 2017 7:37 pm

    Their anger was plain to Nee-san. The girl was barely restraining herself but the Mizuki's expression would betray little to one who was not as sharp as the Tsuchikage. The demands were met with hostility as he expected. What he did not expect or rather what he had given a relatively low percentage of was there outright refusal. Mizuki would set about correcting his Kage and offering all manner of excuses that were largely unresponsive to Nee-san's concerns. Nee-san didn't care if the clan was innocent or guilty, the truth of the matter was of little consequence to him and his council. There were those who wished to line their pockets with Amandi funded tax revenues and the Tetsudashi himself coveted their poisons and had no use for paying money for them. Worse yet, the Amandi had grown bold and increasingly assertive in the way they conducted business or at least so local shops had supposedly complained. The truth once more being a malleable tool to advance the interests of those on Nee-san's council. Nee-san listened as Mizuki prattled on about clan policy with respect to pro-bono work and state contracts. The Amandi were problematic in that their kekkei genkai was incredibly unique and the risk of their betrayal was unacceptable. The kekkei genkai was to be Nee-san's assurance of their continued cooperation but judging by the man's words he had no intention of relinquishing his bloodline.

    Nee-san took a drag from the cigar and lightly scratched his bald head. Mizuki rudely excused himself without his lead and took his daughter with him. Nee-san said nothing having already put in place a contingency plan for this unlikely event. He would allow the Amandi to leave although it would be a simple matter to remove their heads and collect their kekkei genkai for himself. He did not wish to risk instability within Iwagakure and Mizuki had been wise enough to see that the Tsuchikage would not allow outright violence against them. He needed to maintain the appearance of strength and unity, and sparking a war with a clan specializing in poison was not going to bring about that goal. He figured he could bully Mizuki into submission but it appeared the man was too proud and too intelligent to be so blatantly manipulated. Unfortunately for him, Nee-san would not soon forget the insult and would promise silently to himself to repay the insolence tenfold.

    The Tsuchikage sent for his brother whom he had recently prompted to Jounin Commander. Reisan Tetsudashi initially refused but then accepted when his brother confided that he needed his guidance and leadership. None of the Jounin were ready to take the position as of yet and even more importantly he had yet to find one that he could trust. Although there was one shinobi he had recently sent to Sunagakure that might prove competent and trustworthy enough to take the role. However, until that time Nee-san had need of his older brother Reisan whose rough and harsh way of getting things done led to concrete results. After a few minutes of waiting the bald Tetsudashi appeared before his brother and bowed politely.

    "Lord Tsuchikage"
    "Big brother Reisan"

    Nee-san would step out from behind his desk and open up the sliding door to the terrace where he beckoned his older brother to follow. The Tsuchikage stood looking out over the village with his hands behind his back and his Kage robes fluttering in the breeze. The black turtleneck and pants that he wore contrasted with the pure white color of the robes giving him a distinct look. He clenched the cigar in between his lips and inhaled. Reisan followed him out and gripped the railing of the terrace. The man was angry and tense almost all the time but Nee-san could tell he was especially vexed today. There was only one reason Nee-san was calling him today and he knew in advance on what it could be.

    "The cocksucking candy lovers won't play ball huh?" he cursed menacingly
    "They're extremely proud....that and they clearly understand that open violence against them is not even a consideration"
    "Maybe its time we changed the calculus. People have starting growing bold since the First's resignation. Maybe its time we made an example of the Amandi"
    "No. I have plans for Iwagakure and they can't succeed if we have to violently subdue a clan whose specialty is slipping poison into people's food and drink"
    "Let me gather a squad of Tetsudashi, they won't have time to e-"
    "Genocide is not an option. End of discussion, Reisan"

    The man was ten years his senior and he looked infuriated by Nee-san's command but he held his tongue. He had pushed his younger brother into the role and would not undermine him when he governed as he saw fit. Nee-san knew that Reisan was a warrior at heart and not a strategist. The man's weapon of choice was a warhammer and it fit him well considering that every problem was a nail for him. He was well suited to be the clan's leader but he was a less than ideal choice for Jounin Commander especially given Nee-san's view of the world. But alas, he meant well and for this Nee-san felt the closest thing to gratitude a man of his mind was capable of feeling.

    "The Amandi are going to be upset. They may try something rash. I want you to alert the guards that as of now no Amandi is to leave the village. The borders of the country itself are also sealed off to them for travel. Right now containment is the best strategy. I will bring them to heel one way or another"

    Reisan nodded.

    "I'm going to write to the Daimyou and tell him that I am restricting their ability to do business with anyone outside of Iwa. The tax will go forward as planned except now it will be 50% as a penalty for their insubordination."

    "What about their kekkei genkai? What about the insurance?"

    "The kekkei genkai is ours to take at our leisure. Once their trapped within the confines of Iwagakure we can take it as we please but I will make no open move against them for now. As for insurance, I already have that covered..."

    "I'll give out the order. Anything else Lord Tsuchikage?"

    Nee-san shook his head and Reisan leapt from the terrace in a flicker like movement dashing across the rooftops to spread the news of the Tsuchikage's containment strategy. Nee-san finished his cigar, tossed it over the railing, and went back inside. As he shut the door behind him, his aide came in. The man poked his head in the door and he gave a nod. The aide shut the door and scurried out of the office to find Masuyo Kaede. Nee-san took his seat at the desk and continued doing paperwork until his next appointment.

    (Word sent to Gate Guards not to let Amandi Clan leave the village)
    Rivu Aiasan
    Rivu Aiasan

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Rivu Aiasan Wed Oct 04, 2017 10:21 am

    He had swiftly returned from his long trek to Sungakure. The meeting with the Kazekage had been... eventful... Feeling glad to be back among the sturdy stones, he walked through the bustling crowds of the Hidden Stone. Having long since zoned out, Rivu was immediately upon the tall spire of the Tscuchikage complex. The social interactions with the necessary guards and receptionists mattered so little that he wouldn't even be able to recall any spoken words on recollection.

    Rapping at Nee-san's door before swinging it open, the stone-faced shinobi of the Stone stepped in.

    "Lord Tsuchikage," he would say, nodding his head slightly in greetings. Getting right into it, he would continue with the fact that his mission had been a resounding success. "Three days, where the Land of Birds defends their border from the Land of Wind; the Kazekage will be there."

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Wed Oct 04, 2017 1:40 pm

    A knock followed by an entrance brought none other than Rivu to his desk. Nee-san raised his head from the paperwork and sat back as he took in the good news. Rivu had been able to deliver what he had sought: an meeting with the Kazekage. The meeting place was a tad bit closer to the Land of Wind than he'd prefer but ultimately it mattered little. He did not fear Sunagakure's military might. If Shin Kazehana wanted to kill him he wouldn't be the type to swarm him with silly minions. Nee-san gave a nod indicating that he was pleased with the man's words. It was nice to hear good news after his meeting with the Amandi Clan Leader didn't go as planned.

    "Excellent" he said. "What of their defenses? What have you been able to surmise with respect to their military?"

    Nee-san was interested in hearing what the Jounin had to say. He did not expect a completely accurate summation nor did he truly expect Rivu to offer anything that would form the basis of concrete intelligence but how he responded would give insight into the way he thought. Nee-san saw a bit of potential in the young man and his task to analyze their strength would in of itself be an assessment of his competency as a strategic thinker.
    Rivu Aiasan
    Rivu Aiasan

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Rivu Aiasan Wed Oct 04, 2017 10:50 pm

    Continuing towards the table as Nee-son responded, Rivu sat down. Lifting one foot to lay across his knee, he would continue.

    "Their might was not an easy read on a single brief encounter. That being said, I would venture to say that our villages are on about equal footing. They're guards were no more noteworthy than our own and, with the exception of the Lord Kazehana himself, I was not intercepted. This would be speculation, my Lord, but I believe his aggressive posturing was an act to appear to be overcompensating. This is likely due to his not fully understanding the state that we are in and wanting us to underestimate his forces."

    "I assure you, we should not."

    All of this was predicated on the notion that these guards at village gates and Kage complexes were almost wholly unimpressive. Based on Rivu's own sizing up of these men, they were little more than fodder. All Rivu would need to get through these men was time. Beyond the Kazekage himself, he had seen no one that would give him pause. That being said, how likely was it that someone stepping into Iwagakure would confront Rivu? The main takeaway was that Sunagakure was not to be underestimated just as Iwagakure waas not to be underestimated.

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:20 pm

    Nee-san listened as Rivu explained the situation in Sunagakure. The village did not seem to be operating at maximum capacity which is what he figured would be the case. Both Iwa and Suna were running on the financial fumes of their constitutive clans and given their lack of resources unless the expanded their military would stagnant in comparison to more geographical gifted villages. Nee-san noted Rivu's method of analysis and his words of caution with respect to underestimating their forces. The man's caution was admirable and his report fairly astute given his limitations. Nee-san did not send him on an espionage mission and he hardly expected a comprehensive and in depth intelligence report on the status of their power but it was interesting to see how Rivu came to the conclusion that he did. Apparently the Kazekage gave him a hard time with some aggressive posturing. Nee-san wasn't sure what he had said or done but he guessed that since his messenger was sent back in one piece it was not anything to be concerned about.

    "Interesting. I want a full report once I get back from the meeting with the Kazekage. Note down everything that he said when you met him. Make note of his office and the general structure and design of the village. Anything and everything that you saw and heard while in Sunagakure should be mentioned."

    Nee-san rummaged through his desk and pulled out a file. He had given some thought as to what to do with this Rivu Aiasan. He came to the conclusion that Rivu's solitary nature was a problem for a variety of reasons. For one, the village could not spare having idle Jounin who did not mentor the next generation. The nation's strength would depend on investing in the future and that meant all upper level shinobi ought be expected to take at least one student. Secondly, and most importantly, Rivu's disconnection with the village could prove troublesome in controlling him in the future. Nee-san needed someone to attach to him if only to encumber him with enough responsibility to reduce his free time. A ninja without ties to other shinobi was dangerous and far more susceptible to undue influence. Nee-san could not guarantee that he would care for or even like his student but how Rivu would treat her would give him ample insight into the man's character. Nee-san had decided that how well he trained her would impact his suitability for the position he had in mind for Rivu.

    Nee-san opened the file, looked at it, and then looked Rivu in the eye. He had not selected the student from random. Yari Nakatomi was an impoverished little girl with little prospects or familial influence. The girl's family had fallen from grace due to the mistakes of a greedy patriarch. The sob story did not move the Tsuchikage but he was curious if her situation would incur feelings of sentimentality in the Jounin. If it turned out Rivu was as callous as the Kage himself then it would be a noteworthy piece of information about him. Yari's family was not in a position to complain or raise objections about the sensei she was being given due to their current financial situation. It was good that she was in a vulnerable position as the girl's lack of clout meant that if she died there would be zero political blow back. He would be sending Rivu and his new student on missions that would be far more difficult than the average Jounin-Genin pairing. These difficult missions would allow Nee-san to evaluate Rivu's teaching skills, his capability in protecting others far weaker than himself in dangerous scenarios, and his emotional attachment to his comrades specifically those younger than him. This coupled with the fact that it amused Nee-san to place exorbitant pressure on females made them a perfect match.

    "Your work in Sunagakure was acceptable" he said. It was the closest thing Rivu would get to a compliment from the Tsuchikage. The man was more apt to reward with tangible goods than with empty words of praise and admiration.

    "Unfortunately, I cannot have you work alone indefinitely. Iwagakure is at a critical period in her development. Each and every genin must be mentored, preferably by an experienced Jounin. I have selected one genin at random for you to take on as a student. Her name is Yari Nakatomi."

    Nee-san would close the file and hand it to Rivu at this juncture. The file contained very basic information about the girl. Intelligence that one would garner simply by virtue of having access to Academy records and Shinobi registration forms.

    "You will train her and ensure that she becomes a competent asset to the village. I expect you to also take missions with her as befitting her rank
    " The time for dangerous missions would come but even Nee-san was not keen on deploying genin on such missions without a bit of experience first. "When I return we will have much to discuss. Until then, Dismissed"

    Nee-san would make a shooing gesture and return to his paperwork. He had of lot of work to do in order to prepare for his meeting with the Kazekage.
    Rivu Aiasan
    Rivu Aiasan

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Rivu Aiasan Sun Oct 08, 2017 1:24 pm

    Rivu raised his brow. Being assigned a genin? Even after proving capable and expedient in this first assignment? No, this was something the Tsuchikage was going to do in any case. A genin at random? That was unlikely... A spy perhaps? Only time would tell.

    ”Of course, my Lord,” Rivu would say with a nod before reaching into the small pouch at his side. Pulling a rolled up scroll from it, he would rest it on Nee-san’s desk before grabbing the file and turning to leave the office. On that note, the Lord Tsuchikage would find a perfect retelling of Rivu’s perspective during that meeting. What was done, what was seen, what was heard, what was thought; it would be as if he were there himself. The impeccably prudent shinobi had already prepared what Nee-san would need.

    Rivu smiled as he exited the office; maybe that would be enough to impress the Tsuchikage. All that was left was to find this shinobi... and make her strong, of course.


    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Tue Oct 10, 2017 3:22 pm

    Rivu accepted the command and placed a scroll with his report on the Tsuchikage's desk, he then took the file on Yari and then left. Nee-san allowed himself a grin as he realized that the man had already prepared a thorough analysis of the events before even stepping foot into his office. Nee-san studied the report and began to realize that his intelligence was quite remarkable actually. The detail and nuance of the writing as well as his own commentary proved to Nee-san that Rivu might not only be just as smart as him but potentially smarter. This made him a wildly valuable ally....but also a serious threat as well. Nee-san memorized the contents of the scroll and set it on fire via a lit candle in the nearby vicinity. Rivu's knowledge of the Kazekage would come in hand when he would have to sell the idea of this alliance to the Daimyou and the Iwagakure Council. He had drafted several proposals on the matter and he was confident he could sell each and every one of them. Rivu's presence in such a meeting would prove fruitful on the grounds that he might very well pick up on something that the Tsuchikage missed. It would also serve to groom the man for future leadership positions.

    After fully comprehending the report given to him, Nee-san would leave the office. There was a particular Chuunin he wanted to meet with and he had scheduled an appointment for later this afternoon at a nearby park. It wasn't often that Iwagakure produced puppeteers and it was even more rare that such puppeteers caught the eye of the Tsuchikage. He unceremoniously left his office but not before giving his secretary instructions on what to do if someone came in looking for him.
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:29 pm

    When Nee-san arrived from his trip he saw that his desk was stacked with papers and letters. Many of them had been red marked indicating that they were of the utmost and critical importance. The Tsuchikage sat down and immediately got to work. He scheduled a council meeting and examined several curious intelligence reports that had been delivered by Iwagakure's ANBU. He read over the documents carefully and set to work drawing up several missions. The Tsuchikage worked for quite a bit of time before he decided that it was time to summon his new student to his office. He expected Marx to be ready with what he would need for their first training session. Nee-san had the funds to help him on his path as a shinobi but ultimately the onus would be on the Chuunin to truly shine. Nee-san did not wanted to be associated with an indolent weakling and so he would place the heaviest of burdens on the young man. Of course he had come to hope that Marx would warm his bed but that could only be accomplished if he was skilled enough to pose as his dutiful student and right hand.
    Marx Duo
    Marx Duo

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Marx Duo Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:43 am

    Marx actually smiled when he got the summons to the Tsuchikage's office. He had heard the man had went on business to someplace, which would give him ample time to perfect the schematics of his first puppetry collection. He had been inspired years ago to make this, and it had taken all this time to study the materials he would need and make the correct calculations to perfect them. That was a discussion for when he was in the Kage's office, at the moment he was working on his look. He wanted to play a little game of seduction alongside impressing the Tsuchikage. He had a hunch the man was interested, but Marx wanted him to be more than that. He wanted him to be entranced, because Marx never liked the feeling of being dispensable. He needed to turn himself into a prize the other couldn't live without, and would never think of throwing away. He made himself a bit paler than he usually was, then lined his eyes with charcoal before shadowing them with the same. He put a but of silver on the edge of the shadow and blended it with the black, adding a bit more color to the monochrome palette. He painted his lips a pale pink and then moved onto his nails. He painted them black before taking a nice silver color and painting the kanji for "Perseverance" on alternating nails and then the kanji for "Tetsudashi" on the nails he skipped. He let those dry and then began to dress himself. He slipped on a nice pair of tight pants before putting on his favorite boots. He put on a similarly tight half shirt, exposing his arms and midriff, putting on finger-less half sleeve gloves on his hands. He pulled out a choker and eyed it for a moment before putting it on with a smile. He examined himself in the mirror and nodded before grabbing his jacket as well as his sketchbook and leaving his house. He made his way quickly to the Tsuchikage's office and knocked before entering, greeting the other man with a smile "Greetings, Tsuchikage-sama. Did you have a nice trip?" He took off his jacket and stood for a moment, making sure the other got a good look at his entire outfit, before taking a seat.

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Fri Oct 27, 2017 1:19 pm

    Nee-san heard the knock and gave a reply without looking up from his work. "Come in". He hadn't expected Marx to arrive so promptly so when he heard the young man's voice he looked up. "Yes. It was constructi-" he cut himself off when he got a good look at his new student. Marx had adopted a far more revealing attire since their last meeting and he was clearly showing off for the benefit of the Tsuchikage. Nee-san had been caught off guard by such a forward attempt to seduce him. The Kage's brows lifted and he adjusted his sunglasses. They were small gestures but for a Tetsudashi it was quite a reaction given how stoic they tended to be. He hadn't been the object of another man's affection for years and it was a bit surprising to him given Marx's far more subtle flirting at their lunch. Nee-san quickly recovered his composure and instead leaned back in his chair opening his legs a bit while breathing calmly. He wanted Marx right then and there but he knew that business always came before pleasure. He couldn't let his interest in the young man cloud his judgment and if he let Marx think that it was even a remote possibility then he would be doing him a disservice.

    When Marx took a seat in front of him he noticed the lad's painted nails. They were well groomed and seemed so soft but this time they bore an extra feature. The Kanji of his clan's name and that of their highest value: "Perseverance". Clearly Marx had done his homework. Nee-san chuckled at how far the puppeteer was going to capture his attention and make himself available. He couldn't recall being this forward with Hòu Zhuān but that was a different time and he had been raised under different circumstances than Marx. He set the amusement and arousal aside for the time being and looked at his new charge with a neutral expression. He would have Marx to himself soon enough but for now he needed to evaluate him as a shinobi objectively.

    "I trust you've brought your schematics?"
    Marx Duo
    Marx Duo

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    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Marx Duo Fri Oct 27, 2017 3:25 pm

    Marx just knew he had a strong effect on the other male, why else would he stop mid-sentence? His pride swelled just a bit, an innocent smile crawling onto his features. He pulled out his sketchbook and turned it to the page of the relevant schematics, placing it on the desk in front of Nee-san slowly, almost sensually, before sitting down once more "That is my first Era of Puppetry, the first ever collection I wish to make." His mind trailed from seduction to the collection, and his face took on a wistful look "The collection is called the Legendary Trio. They are inspired by a story I read, called Jiraiya Gōketsu Monogatari. It was the story of a hero, Jiraiya who went on a journey, eventually falling in love with a woman named Tsunade. His arch-nemesis was named Orochimaru. Jiraiya was capable of shapeshifting and turning into a giant toad, Tsunade practiced slug magic and Orochimaru practiced serpent magic. The puppets are called Gama, Nume and Hebi, each inspired by the characters and their specific abilities." He tilted his head to the side a bit and pointed to the book "I painted a picture of what they are going to look like in the book, on one of those pages, if you want to take a look."

    "They are each going to be designed to incorporate my new method of puppetry." Marx leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees, placing his chin in his hands and looking at the writing on the pages "They are also each going to be designed the same, fundamentally. They are going to be made of a special wood, I have the chemical composition and properties written there somewhere, I just haven't been able to get the materials to make it. The wood is going to be able to conduct chakra and absorb blood in order to strengthen itself. The inner shells of the puppets are going to be able to mask chakra, as the puppets themselves will be able to store chakra through a system of Fuinjutsu I am going to create. The outer shell will be able to reroute chakra into the inner shell, then into the Fuinjutsu system. In theory anyway. Alongside the chakra circulatory system Fuinjutsu, I am going to make a 'blood' circulatory system Fuinjutsu. Each one will have their own 'blood' type, which are truly just poisons disguised as blood. Though they will have blood plasma. They'll each have five mechanisms each within them, with the only mechanism they have in common being their "Summoning Palm". It will be on each of their left palms, and will simply be a Lightning Flash Blade Creation seal that contains Clockwork puppets that mimic summons. Toads for Gama, Slugs for Nume, and Snakes for Hebi, of course."

    "Gama's Blood Type will be Toad Blood. It is going to be flammable, and act as a form of accelerant due to containing oil. I feel as though the combination will have fatiguing properties due to the combination of materials. His first mechanism will be an adhesive tongue. It is truly just a elastic and adhesive tool shaped like a tongue, with a mechanism to wind up the tongue and launch it like a projectile. The adhesive is strong as well, requiring a good amount of personal strength to rip it off, but like wise taking some skin along with it if the correct solvent isn't used. The second mechanism is hair needles attached to his scalp, with the needles being a unique combination of cactus barbs, iron, senbon and human hair. This combination makes the needles like hair, until they are either tensed with the launching mechanism. This launches the needles much like a senbon would be launched, dealing high amounts of piercing damage to whatever is hit while also lodging themselves in deep. When pulled out, they cause high amounts of bleeding damage as well. They can absorb Toad Blood to tense even further and deal higher damage. The composition of the hairs also makes them potent defensive measures when used together, which is boosted when Toad Blood is added." He took a bit of a breath as he recalled the other mechanisms "The third mechanism is a flamethrower, using a mixure of Fuinjutsu and mechanisms to make it work. It has Fire Element seals to store the flames, or alternatively a sparking mechanism to ignite whatever the fuel is that is being used. It can use Air, Oil or another flammable fuel, or Toad Blood. This is a flamethrower, so of course it is multi-purpose, and the different fuel sources allows it to be used even when the other run out. It can be maintained for quite some time, but it can and will overheat. The final unique mechanism is a Fuinjutsu tag dispenser. It has ten slots and the Fuinjutsu tag can be of any type, and can be placed on a non-living target normally or a living target with a chakra price."

    "Nume is a unique one, as she is support oriented, and perhaps my favorite. Her blood is known as Slug Blood, rather harmless when in liquid form, but when frozen into a solid or heated into a vapor it corrodes whatever it comes into contact with. The liquid form, when injected into the bloodstream, causes rapid blood cell death, while the vapor form deals great amounts of damage to one's lungs. Her first mechanism is the orb she has for her head, which is made from a specialized glass that is capable of storing chakra. Her second mechanism is her most variable one, and I call it the Piston Discharger. She will have various buttons on her arm that modify the appearance of her hand, which then is capable of discharging chakra for attacks in different ways. The Slug Blood can also be released alongside the chakra for different and powerful combinations. Her third mechanism is a shockwave generator in her calf, being capable of generating a massive shockwave through an emission of chakra from the generator. Her fourth mechanism is a chakra battery station with in her..." A mischeivous smile spread across his lips "Bust. The name is rather self explanatory, because the other two are incapable of replenishing the chakra they need to fuel their mechanisms, they are capable of "groping" her in order to transfer the chakra stored within the batteries into their own Fuinjutsu systems. The batteries won't be directly tied to Nume's own chakra system, to make sure there are no mishaps with over drainage, so she can "grope" herself and restore her own chakra. I must admit I made this puppet in a rare bout of teenage male-like lewdness."

    "Hebi is one that is aligned more towards subtlety. He possesses Snake Blood, which is causes gradual paralysis in an area when it comes in contact with an opponent, enters their blood stream or is inhaled in a vapor form. The vapor has an added effect of causing hallucinations for the entire time up until the opponent is paralyzed, causing them to suffer drops in their perception and coordination. His first mechanism is called "Crass Cutter", I thought it was more poetic than sharp tongue. It acts much like Gama's own tongue mechanism, instead of being adhesive it's bladed. It pierces through defenses and armors, and is capable of absorbing his blood and then applying its effects to whatever it cuts. The second mechanism is called "Hidden Shadow Snake Hands", two snake-like mechanisms are concealed within Hebi's arm and can be released by pressing two bottoms on his forearms. The snakes launch outwards and "bite" into whatever is caught within their jaws, locking down on that object if it flips a switch within their mouths. While they can be forcibly removed, it will cause massive amounts of damage to a living target if they are removed that way. The snakes will be able to release the Snake Blood from the fangs to either inject the poison directly into the veins or release the poison as a vapor. Hebi's third mechanism is a poison smoke screen, he possesses slots within his stomach that can hold different canisters of vapor poison, or liquid poisons that turn to vapor when exposed to certain temperatures. Buttons exist to activate the corresponding slots, enabling him to "exhale" the poisons outward to generate the smoke screen. This can act as an easy way to apply poisons to a target, as well as a good concealment mechanism. His fourth mechanism is a simple balloon clone. It will be able to hold two balloons, which will be filled with pressurized gas when prompted, being capable of use as a decoy when one's vision is obscured, as the balloons resemble Hebi, especially when one doesn't have a clear view. Each balloon has an explosive tag attached, which detonates if an opponent comes too close. The gas within the balloon can be infused with Snake Blood in order to apply its effect over the explosion duration."

    Marx leaned back and folded his hands over his lap, looking at Nee-san curiously "Thoughts? Any questions about the designs or the components?"


    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:03 pm

    Nee-san saw that Marx was pleased with his reaction. On one hand he was irritated that anyone or anything could have such an affect on him, but on the other hand he found the lad's interest endearing. He set aside those thoughts however and focused on the schematics that were handed to him. Marx launched into an in depth explanation on how he had come up with the puppets, what they looked like, and how they would function. The boy's work was quite impressive and Nee-san was pleased that he had made the right decision in taking him on as a student. It appeared that he planned on putting his extensive knowledge of Chemistry to work when it came to creating these constructs. As he examined them, he listened to everything that Marx had to say. He grabbed his pen and immediately began making notes based on his own well developed understanding of Kugutsu. Nee-san would read, listen, and write as Marx talked. The man's expression was utterly neutral as he found himself lost in Marx's world. It was refreshing to listen to another puppeteer. He wanted to understand their vision and critique it, perhaps even improve on it if he deemed it worthy. The puppets were exceedingly complex, so much so that he was astonished that Marx even believed he had the capacity to create them. It was possible he had aimed high with the intention of impressing the Tsuchikage but such loftiness could work against him. Nee-san expected him to be strong on his own and although he had promised financial backing he did not want Marx to grow reliant on having a powerful benefactor.

    When Marx had finished talking he spent some more time reviewing the schematics along with the painting designs. He looked up from the work and spoke clearly:

    "Your puppets are incredibly ambitious. There are several complex mechanisms at play here some of which will require fine tuning and revision in order to work properly" It was difficult to say for sure whether these puppets could be built with anything close to the efficiency and power that the boy's explanation had projected. Nee-san assumed that it was of course possible but he would not know until the theory was put into practice. "I like it" he said simply. Naturally he assumed that with Marx's knowledge of Chemistry and Puppetry he had the requisite skills to bring his creation to life if provided with enough funds to do so. He didn't have any questions about the designs or its components, it was all relatively straight forward and he merely wanted to see the schematics to see if Marx was worth the money he was being given. "I'll help guide you if you need any assistance and the village's coffers are open to you for the purpose of this project. When can you have them completed by?"
    Marx Duo
    Marx Duo

    Posts : 24
    Join date : 2017-10-09

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fuinjutsu, Bukijutsu, Kugutsu, Chemistry, Misc Crafing
    Class: C
    Ryo: 50,000

    The Tsuchikage's Office Empty Re: The Tsuchikage's Office

    Post by Marx Duo Fri Oct 27, 2017 11:01 pm

    Marx thought on what his reaction should be to the Tsuchikage's words should be, he ran through several different ones he could give and how they may be received. For once he decided to not be ruled by logic or the need to do what he could to get ahead and he smiled, a bright and brilliant smile. It was one thing to have his puppets praised by someone who didn't know the work that went into them, but it was another thing all together to have the mechanisms and components looked over by someone more experienced in the art and have them praised. It sent a feeling of pure elation to his heart and he felt like letting it be known. He had taken note of what the other had been writing in his sketchbook, having to remind himself to read what was written later. He thought on the question a bit, trying to estimate the time it would take to put together each part "Well, the materials I need should only take a day or two to make, as all I need to do is seal the correct combinations and then unseal them. Measurements and molding will take another day. Making each puppet's frame, inner and outer shells included, will take two days each, just to get their basic structure together. Then the mechanisms, depending on what needs changing and what needs to be removed completely, could take again two days for each puppet. Then comes the fabrication of their outward appearances and the finishing touches....we'll say a minimum of three weeks if I create them without help." He nodded at his estimated time and thought that he would be able to finish them faster if he worked day and night with the minimum number of breaks to maintain proper hygiene and keep himself healthy "Does that work for you, Nee-san sensei?"


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