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    Yearning Empty Yearning

    Post by TsukiTatsuda Fri May 03, 2019 8:16 pm

    White noise can be heard over the roof of the Tsuchikage's office. Akeno's molten gold eyes looking out into the city streets illuminated by lamps that makes pockets of light. Donned on her person is that haori of Tsuchikage, and frankly she personally wasn't comfortable with it. To her it held more weight than just some cloth. It was weighed with the responsibility of her people, and as such it was her duty to protect them. Akeno acquired what she wanted. Just a few days to remain home, but considering what she has done this far Akeno wonders if coming home was such a good idea after all.

    A short knock can be heard from the heavy doors, to which Akeno responded loud and clear.

    ”Enter.” Opening the door reveals a man perhaps in his early twenties with spectacles and wears a purple robe that compliments his blonde locks. In his hands is a small stack of papers.

    ”Pardon for my intrusion Lady Tsuchikage. I'm here to report that the repairs to the city walls is running smoothly. I'd wager it'll be done in a matter of a few days.” The assistant spoke in an efficient manner as he had stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Akeno's vision only shifted from one person moving in the shadows to the next. To hear that Konohagakure actually has been slowly poaching money from Iwagakure like some kind of leech was disheartening to hear.

    ”And what of the troops in training?” After Akeno had taken over and eliminated guards who were loyal to Konohagakure she made sure to begin the training process for men and women under her control. The man flips through the stack for a moment before responding.

    ”Same progress before they are fit to assume their positions. However training them to be jounin will take another week I'm afraid.” That was what Akeno feared to be the case. Perhaps if they had more time or even bought themselves time from the messages. But as the days come and gone Akeno can't help except to be feel anxious. For months Akeno has yet to hear from Honiko or the Society in general. Yet Akeno did accomplish what she claimed that she could do. Except that she single handedly took Iwagakure into her own hands. The grip between her folded hands behind her back tightened as her intellect mind tries to draw up multiple scenarios of what the future has for them. However one thing that stood out is that Konohagakure will definitely strike back to gain Iwagakure one way or another. Casualties from Akeno was relatively small, but the scale Konohagakure will do is more than likely to be larger.

    ”It's funny how things can take a twisted turn...” Akeno mumbled to herself as the only way she can see Iwagakure surviving is by receiving some outside help. As if the assistant heard her words or just sensing the tension.

    ”Is something amiss m'lady?” There was a touch of concern in his voice to which Akeno appreciates the sentiment. Still putting on a brave face Akeno shook her head as the dark locks swish in motion along her back.

    ”Oh no, you've done exactly what I asked of you and I thank you for your assistance. However I fear we do not have that much time before Konohagakure comes to strike back. I might have no choice but to amend my status soon.” Her assistant gawked at her as a certain fear started to swell within him.

    ”So what you're going to leave us to die here just to save your own skin?!” Panic was rising within him, but there was still insult to that as a jade green blade erects from her right palm as Akeno quickly turned on her heel. Suddenly the man went pale as he can feel the cold edge lightly pressed against his neck. Akeno's eyes were quite cold as he remained still. After a few moments of silence passed, Akeno spoke once more.

    ”That is correct assistant. You could say that I was just waiting for the money to roll in before I take it and leave. Don't fret though young one. None of you will starve.” Slightly lifting the blade from his flesh the green weapon slithers back into the palm of her hand. He took a deep breath as he was visibly shaking. Akeno didn't think that she was that terrifying, but so far she has maintained the whole villain charade quite well. Well enough that most people would automatically dub her as traitor without so much as a second thought.

    ”Continue rebuilding the walls and training the shinobi. When the Konohagakure's forces appears over those horizons just lay down your arms and surrender. Open the gates to them and allow them to take over once again. Do this and no one does. Understand?” When the man dipped his head regaining a portion of his composure, Akeno stepped back to her desk as she shifted her eyes to a stack of papers neatly organized. Akeno was the Second Tsuchikage, and already she was planning to resign. More than likely she would never come back, and frankly to protect everyone's lives it would be better if Akeno simply left.

    Akeno reached up to her flak jacket to unbuckle one of her scrolls and unseals it. Five shuriken that also has Fuuinjutsu written in them. Reaching up to her head, Akeno pulls off the hat that is on her head and traces the symbol of Iwagakure with her thumb. Emotions of nostalgia and longing to return home swelling up within her bosom. Yet she cannot stay as Akeno realized that her mere presence puts everyone here in danger. Akeno approached Damon before handing the hat over to her assistant. The astonished look on his face was priceless, but this was a heavy moment for Akeno that she couldn't muster the effort to poke some fun.

    ”Until then, you are in charge to keep things in order. Make sure the repairs are done, and get those men up to speed. For your safety, and Iwagakure's safety.” Akeno collected her shuriken to store them in her hip pouch before departing from the office. Leaving the astonished Damon behind, and after a while of fast pacing Akeno arrives at the vault that contains the village's money. With a deep breath as tears started to form on her eyes, Akeno raises up the scroll she had emptied and proceeds to seal all of the money into the scroll. Once it was done, Akeno proceeds to leave from the complex and into the night's streets even with the haori on. On her way out, Akeno took a moment to take off the haori and folds it neatly onto the reception desk.

    [Used an Empty Medium Scroll to seal 817k Ryo]

    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    Yearning Empty Re: Yearning

    Post by Rin Matoi Sat May 04, 2019 6:03 pm

    It had only been a few hours after Akeno left when the Konoha forces arrived. Most of the troops occupied the walls while the others enforced law on the streets. The residents weren't angry. A lot of them were actually glad to see the jolly green flak jackets roam the streets giving them a sense of patriotism and a feeling of security. It wasn't often a doomsday inferno swept the walls and crumbled them in one go. Iwagakure's military didn't offer much resistance and they were gravely out of practice. This allowed the village to be taken over by Akeno, but only for a short while. The front doors of the government building flung open as Masuyo accompanied by a single ANBU squad entered.

    Her outfit was a bit different from her usual garb as she appeared more battle-ready than usual. Masuyo dressed in her standard gear choosing not to wear the common Hokage garb. Her footwear consisted of standard black sandals fitted for comfort and security. With the toes and heel left exposed they provided additional balance, while the rest of the foot up to the ankle was protected by the thick nylon material of the sandal. The soles of the sandals are reinforced with hardened material to resist heavy impacts and weathering. She wore a pair of loose fitting black pants with the bottoms near her ankles taped securely in white bandage wrap. This provided balance and reinforcement to her ankles while closing off the ends of her pants. In addition, more bandage wrap was wrapped around her right thigh which allowed a navy blue holster to be strapped over comfortably. Around her waist she wears the basic utility belt which carries two green holsters on her right side along with two tool pouches around her back side and a canteen to the far left next to her signature long sword, Blacktongue.

    A titanium mail shirt is worn under a common long sleeve black top having a red seal of fire placed on the outsides of each sleeve towards the upper arm. Over that was a fitted green flak jacket provided by Konoha's armory and fitted with steel plated inserts making the jacket like a more flexible breastplate having the steel in all parts of her leather. The jacket was zipped up and secure firmly on her body. She wore a pair of banded steel arm guards which protected the backs of her hands and down to her elbows with a narrow soft spot on the backs of her wrists to allow freedom of movement. Around her forehead Masuyo wears her forehead protector as it should. The black cloth is tied in a knot around the back side of her head keeping her hair in place with the steel plate facing the front for identification. The steel plate has Konoha's emblem engraved on the front. She wore a piece of cloth around her neck which could quickly be moved up to cover her mouth and be worn like a mask for essential stealth operations. Masuyo has straight black hair which extends down to her mid back. Two strands of hair drop down touching her chest which leads into her bangs, those being cut shorter and swept to the side. She stands at 5'9 weighing approximately 145 lbs. Her fair skin is complimented with her voluptuous form which is completed with a pair of hazel eyes. Covering her entire body was a large black cloak with the hood down.

    Upon making their entrance the same blonde Akeno spoke to approach her. "Lady Mas-" Masuyo passed a sorry glance over to the assistant speaking abruptly to cut him off before he could say anything further. "Masuyo. Just, Masuyo. I'm not an old woman." The assistant had a bit of shock on his face but immediately corrected his posture to address her once again. "Yes...Masuyo. I see you made it without any harm. You missed Akeno. She was here a few hours ago. She cleared the vaults before leaving...Iwagakure is penniless." The man reiterated to the best of his ability as the gravity of the situation weighed down upon his shoulders. Masuyo realized Iwagakure's financial crisis was inevitable. But right now her current objective was to track down the traitorous thief and put her down like the dog she was. A folded Tsuchikage robe was rested on a desk next to the hat.

    Masuyo approached it, picking up the hat by the brim and inspecting it. "Why are these left out? Did she wear them?" Passing her gaze over to the assistant he nodded confirming her presumption. She inspected the inside for any trace of evidence. Given how short term she wore the hat she found no sign of hair. Despite her status as a drifter Akeno still maintained a strict hygienic routine ensuring her hair remained healthy. Bringing the inside of the hat to her nose she'd take a couple whiffs. Her shampoo, conditions, natural oils, and body odor flooded her nostrils and were registered mentally. The nearest scent in the room was of course the robes which were left on the desk as well. She'd set the hat down and pick the robes up next inspecting it the same as before. She'd take the scent in picking up a greater detail of her body odor. "I see. So she took Iwagakure, played as the Tsuchikage for a bit, stole from the village vault, then made off sometime three or four hours ago. This shouldn't be too difficult to track. Thank you for your time." Masuyo stashed the robe in her backpack just in case she needed to refresh Akeno's scent. But one thing was certain: she had a lead.

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