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    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

    Posts : 869
    Join date : 2018-08-06
    Age : 27

    Character File
    Skills & Elements:
    Class: X
    Ryo: a looot


    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:22 am

    Akihiro's clone ran through the castle, quickly reaching the outside and the space between the castle walls and the innermost of the outer walls. He took the northern door exit and as soon as he found himself outside the hawks on his shoulders left him and soared up to the skies. They would be Akihiro's first scouts and likely the first ones to notice if someone suddenly decided to storm the prison. Hawks were marvellous creatures capable of achieving tremendous speeds and fly at extremely high heights. But perhaps their most impressive feature was their eye-sight. Hawks could see something as small as a rabbit from a mile away without any trouble. If an army was to storm the castle, they would most certainly notice it.

    Eben so and despite their amazing eye-sight these were just animals and Akihiro was not about to let the defense of the castle to animals alone. The Blood Prison staff wouldn't have paid such a high price for Konoha's services just so they could get a couple of hawks...no they had paid for something much better. The clone turned towards the walls of the castle and examined them. They were and looked old, but sturdy and incredibly resistant at the same time. Clearly no one had cleaned these walls in ages but there really was no need for that. Castles were meant to hold against enemy attacks, not to look pretty. And so despite the dirt, dust and moss on the walls they stood tall and proud. Akihiro's clone smirked. He knew they could use this to their advantage. He took a small set of Fuuinjutsu tags from his pouch- pieces of paper really, and used his chakra to write a complex seal on each one of them. Then he climbed the huge walls using chakra on the bottom of his feet and placed the tag at a height which corresponded to about half of the wall's total weight. Then he gathered moss from seemingly random places of the wall and covered the tag with it in a manner which would allow the seals to function. Akihiro was a smart guy, and he knew how the human brain and vision worked. Camouflaging techniques were some of the first things ninjas learned at the academy and Akihiro excelled at it, as long as he had time to do it carefully. And quite frankly, right now he did. So camouflaging something as small as a piece of paper on a gigantic wall was pretty much child's play to the Sparrow. Finding it, however, would prove to be much more difficult.

    After the first tag was done he ran along the wall to place the other three in similar fashions. All on the walls at a height of about half the total height of the walls, also covering them in moss so that they would be very difficult to spot. Mockingbird squads would be stationed along each of the 4 walls so they'd be ready to defend the tags as well should it come down to it. After everything was ready, the clone descended from the walls and entered the castle- it was time to report back to the original Akihiro and deliver a final piece of the puzzle.


    Set: Tags for Five-Seal Barrier and Mirrored Sudden Attacker Technique. Not active yet, will activate shortly on the next post in Chiheisen's Cell.

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