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    The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi]

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi] Empty The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Thu Apr 11, 2019 12:30 pm

    Yui had done it she had got her brother revived from the dead, to celebrate she went out to the bar with her brother. She had to pay a price but at the same time, she could not be happier as she had changed her clothing into a red dress very short with her wearing her laced black panties and bra underneath.

    She would quickly move over to her brother's house knocking on the door, he had changed since he was revived retiring as a shinobi and becoming a crafter. Still, this did not bother her, it just felt like his personality had been a bit off since his revival.

    "Tachi I am here to pick you up, let's go drinking to celebrate your grand return, I know you still find it hard to believe you had died but forget that its a miracle lets celebrate life."

    She waited for her brother she was finally showing her old personality bubbly happy and even humming, she made a deal with the devil but this was what she needed to stop her life from spiraling out of control. She never told him she brought him back to life, she simply acted shocked he was alive and she would make sure to keep this a secret as her deal with Menza was a secret.

    Taichi Kotōshura
    Taichi Kotōshura

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    The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi] Empty Re: The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi]

    Post by Taichi Kotōshura Thu Apr 11, 2019 5:49 pm

    Taichi felt so different ever since his revival, that his whole life before his death felt more like a dream than something he actually lived through, he knows that he's Taichi but at the same time, it feels like he's not. The old him would be curious at what a drink would taste like, since he's going to the bar with his sister but now? he's far more careful about it, unsure if it's what he needs at the moment... still, he prepared himself for this nonetheless and wore a more formal attire.

    A familiar voice came through his door, his sister telling him that she's ready to pick him up. A part of him wanted to stay home, try and understand this feeling... he wanted to vent it out to somebody but he didn't know how to quite put it into words, regardless, he would see if some time at the bar is what he needed.

    He opened up the door, seeing her being all dressed up properly for the occasion. "I can't believe it's you, I remember you having those two pigtails and now, you've really grown." his whole event at the temple felt like yesterday, so to him it felt the small sister he knew when he was alive had a sudden growth spurt. He doesn't know what's happened over the past few years, but he could only hope that she's doing well for herself for the time he's been gone.
    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi] Empty Re: The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:59 am

    Yui smiled at her brother giving him a big hug as she still could not believe he was alive. She paid a price but it was worth every bit of the price and she would never tell him what she did to get him revived. She grabbed his hand to yank him out of the door and come with her, it was clear she was much stronger as the yank was rather hard. The pair would head toward the bar with her stepping inside and waving to the other patrons, they all seemed to know her as they waved at her and called her name when they saw her. She had visited this bar quite often to drink her sorrows away, but now this was a celebration and joyous occasion.

    "Tachi you are not leaving until you get drunk with me, I hope you are ready, for you being alive this is a celebration of life. I am sure after a while everything will come back to you, for now though let us forget that and just have some fun."

    She ordered a bottle of Sake and two cups to pour it into as she sat at a table waiting for Tachi to join her. Her demeanor had changed she was happy again and many in the bar were glad for it. When she was depressed and angry all the time she was not as fun to be around. Now she was back to her cheerful and mischievous self, it was a nice change of pace for her.

    Taichi Kotōshura
    Taichi Kotōshura

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    The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi] Empty Re: The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi]

    Post by Taichi Kotōshura Wed Apr 17, 2019 1:06 am

    He wasn't exactly hooked on the idea of being drunk, he was still processing... everything, really and for that he needed a sober mind. He would at least be nice enough to entertain Yui and drink a bit, but he's hoping that he could probably weasel his way out of being drunk somehow. He might be a bit selfish at the moment, as while he's confused at the what and the how, a few people seemed to have legitimately missed Taichi when he died, Yui out of all of them.

    Most of the patrons waves were intended for Yui, a few of them didn't seem to know Taichi and reasonably so, since the last time he was alive he wasn't even allowed to be at a bar but now, his body adapted to the years that he missed and aged along with it, technically making him of legal age to drink.

    He grabbed a cup of the sake, slowly sipping it... though he focus wasn't getting drunk, but to hear what happened the past few years. "So... are you still a Genin? are Masuyo and Rin still alive? how's Iwagakure going?" then came the series of questions, as expected from someone who's been dead for years, he's obviously been out on everything that's happening and wanted to hear it from Yui.

    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2019-03-26

    The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi] Empty Re: The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi]

    Post by Hideki Sat Apr 27, 2019 12:01 am

    Hideki had been to this joint a few times. Never for very long and never for more than a few drinks. But that was before he had become the Hokages latest student and made his father proud. So tonight he was out by himself, figuring that a drink or two before getting his training done for the day couldn't hurt. Not enough to get him buzzed but enough to take the edge off and open his mental creativity. He always noticed he was a tad more innovative when having a little alcohol in his system.

    He'd seen the busty blonde in here a few times. Usually causing a rukus or getting into a verbal fight with another patron. But now she was in here with another blonde, this one a man who looked similar to her. A bit older. And she was smiling. Laughing. She was a lot prettier without that constant scowl on her face. Hideki chuckled some. They'd seen each other in the joint before, but he'd never actually introduced himself to her. Didn't want to risk a fist to the face.

    Whenever she next looked in his direction, he'd wave and call to her. "Well, you seem in a better mood this time." He teased. "Glad to see you're feeling better." Though he wouldn't get up from his seat. The last thing he wanted to do was intrude on what seemed to be a special night for her if she really wanted privacy.

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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi] Empty Re: The Best Day Ever[Hideki and Tachi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Tue May 07, 2019 2:54 pm

    Yui looked at her brother and sighed when he asked if she was still a genin, not that she wasn't strong enough but it appeared Masuyo wanted to teach her some life lesson. She began to drink more before she heard another voice causing her to spit some of her drink out, she turned toward the man with a bit of red on her face. Why was he suddenly saying this to her, still she was happy her brother was alive that much was true.

    "I am still a genin Tachi, Masuyo is purposefully holding me back but I have a big mission soon no way she can deny me if we get this done. Masuyo is a fill-in kage or something and Rin is fine though I think he is hurting from the loss of his uncle. As for you..."

    She turned toward the other man as she moved toward him and stood above him smiling before she would attempt to headbutt him. She was clearly buzzed and she liked to fight so sadly for him it appeared he was her target of the day. If she connected she would laugh and attempt to help him up. If he avoided it she would challenge him to an arm wrestling match, she was quite strong and certainly stronger than a genin normally was.

    -Exit Thread-


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