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    Mastering More Jutsu


    Posts : 277
    Join date : 2019-01-08

    Mastering More Jutsu Empty Mastering More Jutsu

    Post by Arisu Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:44 pm

    One of the better things to have as a shinobi was a large arsenal of jutsu. Whether offensive, defensive, or simply for utility, the more jutsu a shinobi had, the more effective they could be in any given situation, and the larger chance they'd survive in the end.

    Arisu was limited in what she could learn currently, considering she didn't have any elemental affinity currently, at least not that she'd trained or could access. As a Rin'negan wielder, it was possible for her to learn every single base element, but she wasn't particularly concerned about doing that just yet, as it would more than likely happen over the course of her acquiring greater power.

    Due to her limitations, however, unless she wanted to make her own jutsu, she didn't have a lot of options as for what she could learn early on. The Otsutsuki was well versed in ninjutsu, but not particularly anything else at this given point in time, and had learned most of what she could at her level, but there were still things she could get currently.

    This was what she was doing.

    Chakra control was incredibly easy for the girl, as it was something most Otsutsuki were gifted with, and she was no exception. In fact, her control was greater than most when it came to elementless chakra.

    Focusing her chakra into her palm, Arisu shaped it into a tiny orb of light, a very simple matter for her, and worked on increasing the size a little bit. When it first formed, it was maybe the size of a small marble, but she found she could increase it in size if she wanted to, and could make it about the size of a golfball with the amount of chakra she'd formed it with.

    This was absolutely no problem for Arisu to learn, and she doubted very many shinobi would ever find that to be too difficult if they had even a modicum of ninjutsu ability. Almost every other jutsu was harder to learn than that one. By the time someone was done with the academy, that should be child's play to learn.

    -Fusee (E) Learned

    Posts : 277
    Join date : 2019-01-08

    Mastering More Jutsu Empty Re: Mastering More Jutsu

    Post by Arisu Sun Jan 20, 2019 1:00 pm

    Of course, an orb of light was fairly useful in quite a few scenarios. Arisu could use it when things were too dark to actually see, or to attempt to blind an opponent, or simply to leave a trail of marble lights for someone to follow or so she didn't get lost. Not that she would, but Arisu could technically just use it as a little party trick to entertain someone who didn't have the training to use chakra.

    Still, Arisu knew that as a shinobi, she may have need of aid, and the best way to call for someone and give your location was a signal of some sort. Flare guns were an obvious boon for any that had them, but they weren't always possible to use or available, depending on where someone was, so having a jutsu that allowed you to mimic a flare gun was a particularly good idea.

    Overloading the Fusee orb was a simple enough task, just pump it with a little bit of chakra, like she did when she launched her Black Receiver rods using the jutsu she'd made to do precisely that. Rather than pointing it in the air though, as she didn't want to set off a signal flare above the training grounds, since it could give away Kirigakure's location, she pointed it down range, towards one of the walls and set it off, using the Dragon hand seal to burst the thing.

    It had fairly good range too, and was a nice burst of light, good for many different things. Additionally, it didn't have the danger of setting anything on fire, it was just bright and a bit of a nuisance.

    -Flare gun technique (D) Learned


    Posts : 277
    Join date : 2019-01-08

    Mastering More Jutsu Empty Re: Mastering More Jutsu

    Post by Arisu Sun Jan 20, 2019 2:58 pm

    With the Flare Gun and Fusee techniques learned, Arisu had some more utility techniques under her belt, which was definitely good. For the most part, she was really a support role shinobi for the time being. She didn't plan on always being so, but she wanted to maintain an appearance of a dedicated support shinobi. She was less likely to be perceived as a threat that way, which was pretty much the point. When she was at full power, she wanted what she could do to be a surprise to pretty much everyone. Support fighters usually weren't good at fighting or defending themselves, which was why they were supports.

    Given her relatively weak strength, and that she didn't want to always have to rely on her Black Receivers, especially considering that she was trying to hide her nature as an Otsutsuki, Arisu decided that it would be best to learn a physically offensive technique that didn't rely on her having good strength behind her attacks. The Claw Creation Technique was a decent one, that allowed her to still deal damage while up close, while not having to deal physically powerful attacks. It was arguably better than equivalently strong strikes, as bleeding an opponent was much more effective a solution usually than bruising them when it came to taking someone down.

    She got to work on focusing her chakra to her hands, and then spreading it to just her finger tips. From there, she worked on trying to reshape her own body, rather than shaping the chakra into something else, which was a new concept to her. Arisu figured that she'd need to work out some way to make Black Receivers that weren't rod shaped, as they actually had a fair deal of durability, and could probably be re-purposed into some form of armor or a more effective weapon given her skill set.

    It didn't take her long to do so, as she was fairly adept at learning jutsu, even if by herself. Her nails grew out and grew sharper, hardening to a point that they were like a knife. Arisu took a test swing at one of the training dummies near her, and although it felt weird, she did succeed in leaving a few scores in the wood, definite gashes appearing. The chakra tax wasn't even all that high, so Arisu felt comfortable leaving her training there for the day, as she had a decent jutsu learned, and had more that she'd thought to try and plan or design from this exercise.

    -Claw Creation Technique (C) Learned
    -UA used to learn outside my class allowance for double training WC



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