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    Going Through the Motions


    Posts : 277
    Join date : 2019-01-08

    Going Through the Motions Empty Going Through the Motions

    Post by Arisu Sat Jan 12, 2019 5:37 pm

    Arisu stood in front of a training dummy, in a secluded portion of the training grounds. She didn't really like training physically, but it seemed to be something that the shinobi she had observed did, so in order to look the part, she made time to do so. She was, after all, currently a Kirigakuran Shinobi herself, whether she wanted to be or not. It was smart to blend in.

    She wore mostly black clothing, long dark boots and a strapless band around her breasts to keep them covered. Her midriff was exposed, something she did because she liked to feel cool misty air while she trained. There was a decent amount of humidity and water on this planet, something she was unused to from her own home dimension, which didn't have nearly as many different feelings on the skin.

    Her headband covered one of her eyes, the pink one, but that was more or less acceptable for her. She could still see well with her other eye, and needed to get used to it anyhow to blend in better.

    She struck the training dummy, but there was a lack of impact with each of her strikes, though she targeted areas that would have been joints on a real person. She wasn't really strong, nor did she appear to be making any real effort to improve the power behind her strikes. She was, however, focusing on speed and accuracy.

    Posts : 277
    Join date : 2019-01-08

    Going Through the Motions Empty Re: Going Through the Motions

    Post by Arisu Sat Jan 12, 2019 5:57 pm

    She continued with the basic strikes for quite some time, as the lack of power put into the strikes wasn't all that exhausting to her. Arisu had to admit, she probably looked very uninspired to any who cared to watch her, but people didn't usually come to practice fighting and pay attention to a below average trainee.

    After running through the rounds for the umpteenth time, Arisu stepped back from the dummy, looking around her to see if anyone was currently watching. Sufficiently certain nobody was, she formed a Ram seal, and as she separated her hands, a Black Receiver rod grew out of her right palm. The glove on her right hand had been specifically tailored leave her palm exposed so she didn't have to worry about buying a new glove every time she made one of her rods.

    The rod she had made was sharp at one end, coming to a single point like a long needle. The rod itself was only about a foot in length, and so made for a good piercing object. She could make it longer, but she also wasn't really able to wield it comfortably due to it's iron like properties. She liked them at around 1 foot long, but could make them up to 9 feet.


    Posts : 277
    Join date : 2019-01-08

    Going Through the Motions Empty Re: Going Through the Motions

    Post by Arisu Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:37 pm

    One of the better things about metal batons was that they hit harder than a punch usually, as the force behind the strike becomes concentrated in a much smaller surface area than a fist, with a much more rigid striking device as well. The point being, despite Arisu's lack of power, she was still making some decently forced strikes on the training dummy.

    Unfortunately, she was just striking a dummy, so there really was no way to know how much damage it would actually do against a real person, but she liked the sound of the rod hitting the wood.

    After a few minutes of the monotonous striking, Arisu began to mix things up a bit, going for stabs as well as strikes, testing out how best to fluidly transition between the two. Ideally, she wouldn't be in melee range in the first place, but she knew that things didn't always work how one wanted them to.

    The piercing was decent, but she didn't have a lot of force to drive it very deep unless she attacked slowly. She'd have to develop a way to combat that, as covering weaknesses was the smartest thing a person could do.

    While she practiced, the Otsutsuki began making note of her weaknesses. There were many of them currently. In comparison to many other Shinobi, she was inexperienced. She was weak, she was slow, and she had plenty to learn. She needed to learn more jutsu, and develop more jutsu. She was terrible in close combat, and didn't have much currently in the way of mid or long range either.


    Posts : 277
    Join date : 2019-01-08

    Going Through the Motions Empty Re: Going Through the Motions

    Post by Arisu Thu Jan 17, 2019 4:54 pm

    A few days later-

    Arisu visited the training grounds once again, this time to work on some jutsu that she'd been making on her own. She visited the grounds extremely early, when she knew that traffic here would be either non-existent, or virtually non existent. Arisu knew better than to practice too much of her Rin'negan abilities with people able to see, as the more she did that, the more likely she was to be targetted for being a wielder of the Doujutsu. Until she had access to it's higher powers, it was better to not be noticed at all.

    Verifying that nobody was in the immediate vicinity, Arisu began working on her new jutsu.

    One of the biggest problems with a lot of jutsu was the requirement of hand seals to utilize them properly. Even to make her Black Receiver rods, she needed to make a hand seal, and that wasn't always ideal. It took time better spent attacking, and could be interrupted rather easily, even if it was only one.

    For that reason, Arisu had been working on shaping her chakra without hand seals, trying for the familiar feeling that she had when she'd shaped her chakra in the proper way to make the rods in the first place. Her right hand was held out in front of her in a neutral position, and she focused a tiny amount of chakra to her hands, enough that she would usually use to make one of her rods.

    From her palm, a swirl of black dust-like chakra came up, forming into the Black Receiver as normal. It wasn't difficult at all, and barely cost anything, although she knew if she made all her rods like that, the chakra cost would add up as well.


    Posts : 277
    Join date : 2019-01-08

    Going Through the Motions Empty Re: Going Through the Motions

    Post by Arisu Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:18 pm

    Building off that concept, Arisu knew that she wasn't able to utilize the rods as so many other people would be able to. She was physically weak, and that could be a huge problem if she ever found herself in combat with someone. Because of the fact that her chakra rods worked as demodulators and transmitters, there were benefits to stabbing an opponent with them, but she had issues with fighting someone up close like that, and even if she didn't stabbing them might prove to be difficult if she didn't have a lot of force behind her strikes, something she'd noticed a few days ago. The Otsutsuki had come up with a good solution to that problem as well.

    One thing she didn't really lack was a steady supply of chakra. She could even access quite a deal more of it, although at the cost of leaving herself more vulnerable for damage. That wasn't too big of a deal if she could keep her opponent away from her and attack from a distance. Thus, she had been experimenting with jutsu that allowed her to launch weapons.

    Taking the receiver rod that she held in her hand, she pointed the sharpened end at a practice dummy, and focused her chakra into the rod. It wasn't a lot of chakra that she required, although she was aware that she couldn't do it all that often. It was still enough that if she used it too much she would find herself drained quickly. The payoff, however, was immediate.

    The rod launched from her hand at quite a decent level of speed, embedding itself into the dummy. It was much faster and stronger than she could have physically mustered, and she noticed that she could still funnel her chakra into the rod. The amount of utility alone that she had with that was immense. She could easily control someone else's chakra flow with her own, or shut down their systems. Not only that, but she was certain that she could still use the rod as a catalyst for further jutsu. To test her theory, she repeated the process on the rod.

    Channeling her chakra through it, she stayed at a remote distance to it, bidding the weapon to launch again. Somewhat surprisingly, it launched again, tearing a receiver sized hole in the target as it pushed through with a second application. This made things much easier for Arisu, who already began thinking of ways to use this sort of thing.


    Posts : 277
    Join date : 2019-01-08

    Going Through the Motions Empty Re: Going Through the Motions

    Post by Arisu Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:05 pm

    Arisu spent the next while practicing her jutsu, switching between making Receivers and launching them, although she didn't make that many. After she had made 10 short receivers, each around a half foot in length, she stopped making anymore and simply focused on chaining her launches together.

    The brilliant thing about this was she didn't require hand signs to do this, so she never needed to telegraph a potential attack. It would take someone being able to see or sense chakra in order to know that she was preparing an attack at all, and for sight based sensory, if an attack came from a blind spot, then that's all she really needed to get someone.

    The practice session lasted until people started to arrive at the training grounds, at which point she gathered up her rods and placed them in her bag. It was time for her to head home for the time being, with the new knowledge her techniques as well as their uses and applications. If she was to survive in this world, she needed to be more strategic and careful than her predecessor had been.

    Black Receiver- Launch
    Black Receiver- Make



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