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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

    Posts : 1252
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu | Weapon Crafting
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Rin Matoi Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:30 am

    It was seven-thirty in the evening after the first tournament. Masuyo was sore in more places than one. The medical Shinobi working the arena were wiling mend her broken ribs and the punctured wound in her forearm, though her more insignificant injuries such as the cracked rib and palm were things they did not want to waste resources on as they would heal naturally over the course. The pain was negligible, and given her body's performance they would heal rightly over the course of the next few days opposed to the months of recovery typically associated for her type of injury.

    The hotel room was the Deluxe having two rooms separated by a door: the living room upon walking in shared with a dining and kitchen area, bedroom beyond the door, and a bathroom. A door from the living room led to an outdoor patio area. The living room was given the essentials having a coffee table, a few chairs, a couch which folded out into a bed, television set, and some decoration to give it life. The dining room had a square table paired with a four chairs in matching design with a light fixture above. The kitchen had a range with a microwave above, a full sized refrigerator, sink, and cabinets with plates and basic cheap cookware. Through the doorway leading to the bedroom one would find two queen sized beds separated by a nightstand set fixed with an alarm clock and lamp. On the wall was another television set surrounded by an entertainment center. A large drawer set and walk in closest completed their room.

    One of the beds were already claimed by Masuyo as her flak jacket, unzipped, laid hostless at the foot of the bed along with her belt carrying all of her carried items, holster, and bandage wrap. Her backpack was in the closet with all of her clothes already stashed away in half of the dresser. A hamper was also partially filled with a black long sleeve, black pants, bra, and panties. The sound of the shower was present to those in the room. The bathroom door was locked with a white towel wedged under to prevent the steam from escaping. Between the toilet and the shower was a long, black lacquered scabbard standing upright resting against the porcelain throne. Blacktongue... The chokuto forged by Kameko and perhaps one of Masuyo's more prized possessions. It was an ebony long sword made to pristine quality being able to act like a tool when needed, slicing through wood and even iron with ease.

    I should've used you earlier. Masuyo's black hair was shining like silk as she worked conditioner through it. For a Jounin who fought down and dirty not being afraid of cutting beaten and thrown in the mud while having mannerisms of a twelve year old boy she kept up a very feminine appearance and took care of her body when she could. Masuyo would turn the knob when she finished her shower cutting off the water supply as silence resumed the hotel room. She'd wring out her hair before stepping onto the bath rug and proceeding to dry herself off. Once aptly dry she'd equip a white bath robe provided by the hotel and worked a towel turban before stashing the scabbard in her robe's belt and opening the bathroom door kicking aside the towel on the floor. Being greeted by a chilling draft and fresh air she'd turn her head to see if the others have returned yet. "Hmm. Oh well. I'm hungry."

    Masuyo hastily decided what to order as the convenience of the "room service" on the kitchen counter urged her. Sitting at the kitchen table she punched in the digits on the landline phone. A few idol rings would be greeted with a response. "Howdy! I'd like to place an order for room two-seventeen, please. Can I have one order of your General Tso's, Sweet and Sour Pork, Mongolian Beef, and Garlic Chicken. I'd also like two large boxes of shrimp lo mein, two eight piece pot stickers, hot and sour soup, a medium order of steamed veggies, and two large orders of chicken skewers. Hmmm...and a six pack of beers. That'll be it. Thank you!" Masuyo did promise she would provide for her team, after all. Even if she wanted to binge everything she orders she doubted she could. For now she played the waiting game.

    Posts : 576
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    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Tatsuya Thu Dec 27, 2018 8:07 pm

    Rin isn't necessarily troubled by the fact he lost his match, it was rather the ninjutsu output was definitely lacking on his end. Granted he could probably take whatever attack Nozomi threw at him, but that didn't matter in this case. Still all he requested from the medical shinobi is to dull the migraine he had obtained to just an ache. Sure some minor scratches were made on the back of his left knee and most likely a light bruise on his chest and back. But it wasn't anything Rin couldn't handle since he actually appears to sustain little damage despite the amount of times he's been hit hard against.

    As promised Rin made his return to the hotel room, and though Rin hasn't seen Rei since the dragon made its appearance. Though he hoped that Rei found Yui and/or Masuyo and has been with them the entire time. After all that's what Rin told Rei to find since Rin had no idea what to expect when he investigated the situation. Walking up to the room's front door, Rin reached in his pocket to bring out the room key before proceeding to unlock it. His sensory field open to sense Masuyo nearby so he knows for a fact he's in the right place, but his enhanced hearing picks up on the sound of running water throughout the walls. So he assumes that Masuyo is taking a shower as the kitchen sink wasn't on and it sounded a lot of water was being used than what a sink could normally produce.

    Rin took comfort of sitting on one side of the couch closer to the window and made sure the curtain was mostly covering the window. Leaving only a small opening for Rin to peer through with his eagle vision at the streets. Despite the headache Rin can function just fine with sensory, and his sharp hazel blue-green eyes dance from one person to the next. Taking note of the locals’ attire, what they're doing, reading people's lips to gleam one side of a conversation, where they're going, and even reading signs of other businesses. Apparently one cafe is having a special of peppermint flavored brownies for only ten thousand ryo.

    The subtle squeak of the knob reached his ears as the flow of water stopped. By now Rin's belt was already off, but he still has a hand placed on the hilt of his wakizashi that is sheathed and leaning against the side of the couch. The utility belt was placed between the wall and his side of the couch with his hip pouch at the bottom. Last thing he needs right now is if someone accidentally picks it up and the Kokushibyo slips out and stabs the floor. The knife is ridiculously sharp and durable which frankly Rin doesn't want to cover for property damage.

    With a mechanical click, Rin spared a moment to glance at the front door while using the free hand to completely close the curtain from any outside prying eyes from peering inside. Seeing as the front door wasn't opened, Rin sensed movement from Masuyo's signature. “Evening Masuyo. Hope your match fared better than mine did.” The Uchiha spoke without really looking into the bedroom. Generally some people would get the calm vibe from him, but in truth his guard is never truly down for he is actually quite tense from being in a foreign city and the fact that a group of terrorists were allowed to participate in the tournament. Although Rin has practiced enough in the past to shroud the tension on his shoulders.

    Masuyo went to order a large amount of food to be delivered at the room. Which was fine with Rin as he wanted to eat something earlier, but he held off on that since he didn't want to be rude to his sensei if she ordered food. Just for a minute Rin closed his eyes and welcomed the shroud of darkness cloaking his vision. Instead he focused on expanding his sensory range through the touch of this couch attached to the ground. To detect multiple life forms within 250 meter radius so long as they were touching the ground. So many signs of life, yet his keen awareness enables him to just scope out specific entities that belongs to Yui Kotoshura and Rei Uchiha. If they're even in the same district, Rin will be able to detect them or at least he should be able to.

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:48 am

    Yui had been out gathering the information she had been asked to, however not a lot of people seemed to know about this Nozomi person. Some knew of her but for everything, they said none of them thought she was a bad person even if a criminal. This baffled her, so she wasn't really a criminal in their eyes just someone that chose a wrong path. She did get some details of what she looked like but again she was sure the others found out that much information, a lot of them said she changed after she had the tailed beast implanted into her, could it be this was causing her to be tainted and corrupted.

    Yui would head toward the room as she would make her way to the door she would pull out her key and open the door. She could see clothing in a hamper as she could only assume Masuyo had taken a shower, she was always the type to keep herself looking pristine. She was right seeing Masuyo wet hair and seeing Rin here as well as she had a grin on her face moving closer to Rin.

    "Why didn't you join her Rin you could have learned some valuable lessons from her to use in your shinobi life."

    She would laugh a bit aiming to lightly punch his arm, her teasing was always like this so Rin was likely very used to her remarks. She heard Masuyo order some food making her quite happy but she wanted to get comfortable herself quickly moving to strip her pants off as she would pull her top off as well before sliding on a long teeshirt. Yui was never shy about her body and the two in the room had seen her more than likely several times before, some of the food Masuyo ordered sounded delicious and she could not wait to scarf it down.


    Posts : 22
    Join date : 2018-11-02

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu | Katon
    Class: E
    Ryo: 2,225

    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Rei Sat Dec 29, 2018 2:05 am

    The effort Rei had put into his search for Yui and his sensei had proved to be fruitless. The young genin had spent quite some time looking around where he had last seen Yui but to no avail, then he moved to find Masuyo. Rin had said she would likely be around the administration building however, the young Uchiha wasn't quite sure where to find the place. After trying his luck at locating it on his own, he finally asked around for directions. Once he had arrived there he questioned the stationed staff if they had seen her, describing her appearance after he had given them her name. Turns out that she had been there but she had most likely completed her business and departed leaving her current whereabouts not known.

    Letting loose a sigh, Rei left the building. Personally, he would have liked to get a better view of the dragon and whatever its business in the village was. Though he knew Rin was correct in his judgment. He was still inexperienced as a shinobi, which would prove itself a couple times over if the situation were to go sour within the beast's presence. He'd have to get better. It was at that moment that he remembered the curfew Sensei had given them, he'd be sure to find them at the hotel by that time. With that in mind, he decided to look around the village more and do some information gathering of his own in the time he had left.

    Which turned out to be very little. He had spent a good amount of time asking around about the shinobi that had defected but not many actually knew anything about the person or that such a thing had happened. It would've been nice if they knew of places that he often frequented in the village or shops where he was a known regular. Alas, Rei knew of no such place and it was getting to be close to the appointed time to meet up with the team. On his way back to the hotel he pulled out a book on familiars and the art of summoning from his pack. It was one of the many subjects that he had taken interest in studying since his graduation from the academy. Finally, at the room, he used the key and walked in. Crimson eyes would drift up to take note of everyone with a feeling of relief that they were already here. "Hello, everyo-..." However, what his eyes took in swiftly drove them back down to his book and brought a deep shade of red to his face. In a quick fumble, the book was raised as a cover while he made for his room to drop off his pack. There he'd let himself calm down as he dropped his pack and took off his arm guards. I-I wasn't expecting any of that... I guess they're just really close as a team...

    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

    Posts : 1252
    Join date : 2016-12-07

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    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu | Weapon Crafting
    Class: D
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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Rin Matoi Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:06 am

    Masuyo found it a bit odd how all of her students made their way back to the hotel room at the approximate same time. Seeing as they did have roughly an hour and a half left before curfew kicked it she wondered how they all managed to show up within minutes of each other. Coincidence?  It was not important. Rin made his entrance as the door was unlocked, Masuyo briefly paying attention as he entered before returning her gaze back to the menu book. "It was goooood~" She said drawing out the response playfully, though not adding much more onto that. They were both losers, though Masuyo took her loss with a grain of salt. She expected to fight dangerous opponent and she did. Her loss was one should could accept. "As for you, though. You were unprepared. We're going to fix that tomorrow." Her eyes never left the menu appreciating the pictures of food and descriptions. She was willing to take a bit of guilt on her shoulders as she was his sensei. His lack of technique was partially her to blame. That and the general lack of practice he had which made his combat decisions clumsy.

    Masuyo was no saint, either. She was the Head Instructor of the Academy back in Iwagakure which meant she spent most of her life behind a desk. Afterwards she served as a Jounin for a bit in Konoha before being given Jounin Commander. It had been a good five years since she had a life of action. Her success was making her lazy. Maybe I'm not too young to retire... Following not long from Rin was Yui, her long bushy yellow hair making her entrance so much more flamboyant. She more or less ignored her remark she made at Rin, but couldn't help but notice her quick clothes change. After a long hike to Kumogakure and day of searching Masuyo was surprised Yui wasn't concerned about her hygiene in the least. Masuyo was not a princess when it came to getting dirty but she'd take a shower when she could. "You know, Yui, water is free in this hotel. There's no need to conserve by not showering."

    Standing up from her chair she was interrupted by the third presence entering the room, which actually caught Masuyo off-guard as she was not expecting a third member. Having Sera not in her group made her used to having two students. Rei was someone she accepted quite literally the day before departing. His greeting was broken up by a deep blush and a look of embarrassment as he made a break for the only other room in the hotel: the bedroom. Masuyo had already claimed one of the beds for herself, and for the sake of sleeping arrangement Yui had the other. The living room was meant for Rei and Rin. Her hand shot out to snag the back of Rei's collar as he passed by preventing him from moving any further. "Ah-ta-ta-ta-ta! That room is for Yui and myself. No boys allowed. There is too much sensitive information for you guys."  Masuyo said this before giving Rei a shove to have him fall on the couch next to Rin. "Now I gotta change. If you hear the door it's probably the food."

    Leaving the living room she headed to the bedroom closing the door behind her as she did. Taking off the towel turban, tossing her sword on her bed, and undoing the sash on her robe she was stripped down to her bare flesh only to swap into an equally comfortable pajama: a pair of black panties and bra with a yellow graphic T-shirt which had an Onigiri where the chest was over the top. Tossing the used towel and robe in the hamper she stored away all of the gear she had and eventually returned to the living room with her new clothes. "So while we wait for food, let's get the boring stuff out of the way. I want each of you to imagine you're an enemy ninja tasked to assassinate us in this hotel room. Think of three different unconventional ways you can approach this, and then I want you to tell me how we could counter this." Heading over to one of the comfortable chairs she'd plop herself down and turn to Rin. "You first, Rin. Then Yui and last, Rei."

    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2017-12-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Tatsuya Sat Dec 29, 2018 4:41 pm

    Well at the very least it seemed that Masuyo had fun at the tournament. Though he heard that she lost the fight, but it was still a close fight from what Rin heard. On his side however, he held his own fairly well until his opponent used ninjutsu. To which Masuyo made a comment that he needs to correct that, though that was his intention anyways. When Yui came in through the door Rin presents a smile in response. Although her tease was awarded with a shrug of his shoulders.

    “Nah, i'll pass. I'll just wait for the water to heat up a bit before…” Rin started to say before Yui started to strip down. His hazel blue-green eyes shifted over to the kitchen, only to be redirected when Rei finally came in to the front door. While Rin was in no way blushing to what is happening he finds it a bit amusing that Rei grew flustered towards the sight of Yui and Masuyo. Though he tried to make a break for the bedroom, Masuyo more than likely would grab him to place him on the couch next to Rin.

    “Aw come on, you know he can't help it when he's surrounded with beautiful ladies. But don't worry Rei. You'll get used to it eventually.” Rin of course was trying to cover for Rei and also assure Rei that he'll grow used to this kind of thing. Now with Masuyo stepping in the bedroom with the door closing behind her. It was Rin's questioning as he wondered about Rei's search for the two. “So i take it that you couldn't find either of them?” Gesturing towards both Yui and Masuyo's direction with a motion of his free hand as he questioned Rei.

    Now with Masuyo returning to the living room, she gave them a scenario to describe how to go about assassinating themselves, and how to counter that same method. Masuyo decided for Rin to go first to answer. Rin took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. “One of the methods is when the food comes in assuming there are plenty of plates and most likely a cart to carry that amount. Use the transforming technique to assume a much different appearance or perhaps a friendly face towards your targets. Have some of the exploding tags tucked under a plate and prime it exactly three minutes shortly before you deliver the food at the room. This way the tags would be mostly hidden and would catch most people unaware especially when they're tired and not paying attention as they used to. By the time the tags explode showering this entire room and possibly cause any of these electronics to explode as well a chain reaction to blast out the windows leaving just about everyone caught in the several blasts to shred everyone. All while you'd have that much time to walk out into the back, ditch the clothing and the transformation, and blend with the gathering crowd like you had nothing to do with it.”

    “Best way to counter this is myself keeping up the sensory field like i am now to detect that spike of chakra formed nearby. Naturally i'd warn everyone to be careful and once the food gets in we check for poison, traps, you name it. Once we see the tags we can just take the cart into the bathroom via shadow clone and close the door. Granted yes we'd most likely won't be able to use the bathroom anymore, but with these sturdy walls and in a confined space we'd be unharmed for the most part. Just in case though as the shadow clone is taking the cart away we'll be leaving this hotel room entirely carrying what we can at a moment's notice just to be on the safe side. If the assassin happens to be nearby and makes attempt number 2 i'll simply cut him down if i must.”

    Rin's eyes shifted from Masuyo to the other two for a moment. “Method 2, if the assassin doesn't care about stealth that much and has information which room we're staying on and all that. Conjure a shadow clone at least 50 meters away with some height advantage point such as the roof top of another building or perhaps on a balcony shrouded in shadow. Have the shadow clone unleash the Drilling Air Bullet while the real body unleashes the Fireball technique at the same time directly through these very same rooms. It'll blast an potentially incinerate just about everything in this room as it explodes at least 20 meter diameter making it difficult to avoid considering these curtains are closed. Best way to counter it though? Masuyo or Yui conjures a Earth Wall technique behind these windows. It'll damage the the structure sure, but if we can manage to delay the blast from reaching us it'll buy us enough time to go through that door and down the hallway. As for how to tell when a fireball is heading our way i can sense that coming from 125 meters away at the very least. Assuming we move fast enough we'll be out before the fireball even hits this room.”

    “As for Method 3, say if i obtained enough information exactly which room the foreign Konoha shinobi was to be staying in. Suppressing my chakra to where even my sensory field cannot detect them until they already struck, sneak into our room and find some obscured area to hide in and wait. Masuyo since you were the first to come in i would've wait and observed until you elected to take a shower. Soaking that towel you had under the door with grain alcohol and then place an exploding tag on it. Even when i did come into the hotel room i probably wouldn't notice anything is off at the moment unless the assassin moved at some point. In which case the assassin could put on a mask or some kind of eye wear with a chili pepper bomb on hand before priming that explosive tag. Tossing the chili pepper bomb inside the main room. Against any of the walls or just strike it hard enough on the ground to crack. My eyes will no doubt burn and before i know it the assassin quickly moved to shove a kunai into the side of my throat. By the time Yui stepped inside the hotel room prepared or not the assassin immediately shoves me towards Yui before leaping through this window and land on top of a stall using the flexible roof as a cushion to the fall. By the time he gets out the window the tag would explode igniting the alcohol soaked into the towel. So even if Masuyo somehow walled herself off there's going to be a lot of smoke generating inside the bathroom. She could use wind, but without another way to push the smoke and steam away it'll just churn the fire even more. Yui, probably frightened from the sight of me dying and the sudden shockwave from the explosion knocking her over and it might take her some time to recover. Even if all Masuyo and Yui were to live the team will be out of a sensor dedicated shinobi and the assassin can try again with more numbers.”

    “Solution to the 3rd method? Masuyo hears the shuffling beyond the door as the assassin was prepping the grain alcohol. All she has to do is take that chokuto of hers, kick the door open as hard as she can to slam into her would-be assassin knocking him over due to his crouching position. Giving Masuyo plenty of time to pierce into the man's heart, throat, or pin him to the ground by stabbing his hand to the hilt against the ground. If he tries to struggle a good solid punch to the eye area should do the trick. I'd be coming in roughly by then as i hear sounds of struggle and groans of pain. I rush in here, help you bind him and hold him in place until further notice.” Rin had some other ideas of how he would go about this such as poisoning the food and drink. Then once the poison sets in the assassin would have a much easier time slicing everyone's throats. However Rin knows that Masuyo has a keen sense of smell so she'd most likely detect something wrong. And with that Rin becomes silent as he's given his three methods. Allowing the other two to give their input on this. So far Rin used methods of explosives and clever use of the environment.

    Used Sensing Technique

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:37 am

    Yui watched as Rin was unphased by her actions, as expected he had been around her for far too long. Masuyo mentioned taking a shower but Yui was going to make quite the retort and see how she and Rin would reply. Rei, on the other hand, had a bright red face, such an innocent boy as a mischevious grin crossed her face. She told him the boys were to sleep in the living room because they would get too much information or something it was rather funny.

    "I planned to take a shower but I wanted to invite Rin to join me, I am sure he would enjoy that."

    She would snicker some as they would all be in the living room now and Masuyo asked quite a difficult question. How to try to assassinate them in unconventional methods, considering her bloodline she had so many ways really. She heard Rin answers all of those were good but she also had other ones he would not think of.

    "Well if I knew as an assassin what I know about everyone here anything that was direct combat would result in death. So I would aim to try to take advantage of soft hearts, I would either use my clan's bloodline to put clay into a teddy bear and give it to a young child. I would then have them bring the explosive tag or clay-filled bear to the room and have the kid offer it to them. No one would suspect anything bad and the second she goes to hand it to them I would detonate them. As to how to counter this having some sort of sensory up could at least give a warning, still it may be difficult to suspect a young child was the cause of your death."

    She had to think of a second tactic, this one was much less subtle, but if her goal was to make sure the target was completely killed it was the best method. With her clan's bloodline they could easily do something like this and trying to guard against an attack of this scale if you don't care about innocents was easy.

    "The second one is much less subtle but if I am an assassin and have no morality I would use a shadow clone and fill it with clay. I would then have the clone not directly try to enter the room but rather try to get a room below the target's room. I would then wait until everyone I want is asleep and detonate the clone, this would completely obliterate the hotel and likely at least the block, with them sleeping they likely would have zero time to react. How to counter this would be to make sure they had a sensory network at least several hundred meters around the room, detecting the explosive clay they could have a chance to figure out if this was an attack."

    The third option would bring a smile to her face, this was a tried and trusted method by using one's body get into the room. If you had to sleep with them to lower their guard so be it, once it was a good time with them either being exhausted from the activities or distracted in thought you strike.

    "The third is a tried and true method, basically use one's body to get to the subject. Once you can get inside with the person do what it takes to make them relax even if that means sex, this would be the best option. After sex, they would be physically more tired and also likely to be distracted and not paying attention as much to your actions. Once they appear distracted enough you strike either a kunai to the throat or in my case place my hand on their chest and release a powerful explosion. How to stop this is easy do not give into your earthly desires, though this one can be hard its the easiest counter."

    She would smile and wait for Rei answers, she also wondered if Masuyo would be disturbed by Yui suggestions, clearly she could easily assassinate poeple with her bloodline. The fact she was able to come up with these thoughts in an instant could be troubling to some, however it was the reality of the world. Kill or be killed, sometimes talk did not work and as much as she did not want to kill if she was ordered she would do so.


    Posts : 22
    Join date : 2018-11-02

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu | Katon
    Class: E
    Ryo: 2,225

    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Rei Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:07 pm

    "Ehh?" The rushed escape to the room was interrupted as he was informed that it was for Sensei and Yui, while the boys were to sleep in the living room. Face still flushed in a bright red, the embarrassed Uchiha made sure not to turn around lest this start all over again. With a push, he was moved to the couch next to Rin, who assured him that he'd get used to it. Was this going to happen often? He wasn't sure if he'd be able to handle more of this. As he listened to Rin, his book was raised in the other direction to keep his eyes off Sensei and Yui. Luckily Sensei went to change while Yui was in a long tee now so the book was dropped, but he'd make sure to keep his gaze in a safe place. "Sadly, I was not. I searched around but couldn't find Yui and I seemed to miss Sensei when headed to the Administration building. Sorry about that." He felt like he kind of failed Rin there.

    Soon Masuyo returned from changing with a mental challenge for the three of them. Unconventional ways of assassinating ourselves... First would be Rin, followed by Yui and then himself. Hearing their plans on how they would go about eliminating others was informative as well as eye-opening. He thought their plans could get the job done till they explained their respective counters. If their target were to be him alone he couldn't really see himself getting out alive or in one piece. This is a good reason not to get on any of their bad sides...

    Then came his turn, Rei wasn't quite sure about a way to go about dispatching anyone here. After some thought and thinking on the plans his teammates came up with, he began to speak. "Um, if I were to assassinate anyone in this room I'd go about it in an indirect manner. I'd set up wire traps with kunai and shuriken behind closet doors, and inside drawers. Not a guaranteed kill but positioned the right way with surprise on your side and some poison can have your target quietly kill themselves. A good counter, for this method, would just be a good sweep of the room to find such things. As a shinobi, you can never be too careful." Something like this would take some time to get done as well.

    Now he had to formulate a second method. Which was hard. The first way was based on what he knew he could do with weapons. "Another way would deal with a single explosive tag hidden within the kitchen and creating a gas leak from the range there. Then given some time and setting the tag off would create a big enough explosion to do the job. A counter would be like the earlier plan which would be checking for such things as well as catching on to the smell beforehand."

    "Sorry but those are the only plans I could think of as I am now besides a simple frontal assault." Nothing was coming to mind for a third way he would go about this.


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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Tatsuya Sun Jan 06, 2019 1:29 am

    Rin raised a brow at the mention from Yui jesting to invite him to a shower with her. “I don't think my dear cousin would approve of that. Speaking of, how is your expedition for the fair maiden's heart Yui?” Rin asked in question that probably only Yui would understand as to who he's referring to. Granted he isn't into romance nor does he usually poke his nose into other people's business. However curiosity grows as he's known both Yui and Kanna for some years now. Though Rin and Kanna doesn't really exchange too many words. Still it's not like they hate each other or at least not to Rin's knowledge.

    Rei did not find them as the fellow Uchiha had assumed when Rei came in. Still Rei was honest about it, and from what Rin could sense is that feeling of failure. True Rei did not find them, but Rin gave some words of encouragement. “I see, still you did what i told you. I merely was looking out for your safety as i did not know how you'll fare in combat yet. When you have the time, we can help you train. Tomorrow i'll be spending a good portion of the time training and then i'll probably watch the next upcoming rounds in the tournament. Either of you if not all are more than welcome to join me.” It was to show that Rin did not consider Rei's action as failure since the group of terrorist did not initiate a fight against the city.

    After explaining his methods Rin sat back relaxed as his eyes shifted from Masuyo to the rest of the team. If there was a reaction however slight Rin probably would notice. Yui's elaborative explanation of her methods and giving counters was something only Yui could actually do. On the third method however Rin chipped in after Yui was done. “You could always use human hair from your long hair or his own to use as a garrote wire to strangle him. In case your man is paranoid and may strip you of your weapons from your reach. You can also smother his face with a pillow, thick one preferably, to suffocate him as he's too weak to really fight back. So that when he passes out from the lack of air, hold the pillow for a good minute or two for safe measure and check his pulse. This way you can easily play innocent, get dressed, and leave like it was just you leaving for the night. A maid, another household member, or eventually someone will come to investigate to find him dead. There isn't any sign of strangle around the neck or external wounds, so it could be written off that he might have a heart attack or some other medical issue that he died through unfortunate circumstances during the intercourse. If questioned you can always be surprised and say that you mistaken him to be sleeping when you left.”

    Next up was Rei who seemed to be having a little trouble with coming up on ideas. Still like Rin he used tools to execute his methods, and the gas leak would be a good idea too except for one thing. Of course he waited on Rei's third method to which he admitted that he could not come up with another method Rin spoke towards Rei. “The drawer or enclosed trap is a pretty good start. Coat them with liquid poison and just a scratch is all you need. However there are four of us and that method would possibly only take out one of us. As for the exploding tag i thought about that myself. Problem is the instant i smell the gas leak as i know for a fact Masuyo and my own sense of smell are quite keen that we can smell it just opening the front door. My immediate concern would be to inspect the source which would be the stove area since that should be the only one to cause a leak in this room. I would probably shut the pipe off from producing gas altogether unless i see the tag. In which case i'll just take it and simultaneously grab one of my kunai as i walk towards this outdoor patio that we have. Wrap the tag around the kunai and open the glass door so i can throw it skyward and away from this building.”

    Rin took a moment to think on it before following up. “Of course you could always have it detonate via remote rather than a set time. This way even if i remove the tag if you're nearby you can always set it off with the snake seal. Causing it to explode in my hand and ignite the gas fume in the room. It'll definitely clear out this room and might even destroy these walls as it explodes in here. The problem is if you're in the room or close to this room you might get caught up in it too. You could position yourself to be a floor above just in case the floor under us gives out and collapse to the lower floors. Allowing yourself to gain some form of shield from the blast. As for the question on how you'll know when to detonate you can easily walk out of the outdoor balcony and crawl via chakra along your hands and feet to get upside down view of the room. You'll see clothes and signs that somebody is inside. Wait a few minutes and you'll see me walking in. Now from the position of the sun i probably wouldn't see you if you're subtle enough to slip back up to your room. Wait a few moments and then detonate the tag.”

    Then Rin turned his eyes over to Masuyo's eyes or at least eye level as he goes quiet. Perhaps he said too much, but if anything Rin just gave them new ideas on how to execute their methods. Frankly Rin can't help Rei with discovering a third method since Rin doesn't know exactly what else his cousin can do. “Frankly i can't do what Yui's methods are as they are unique to her, and the third i wouldn't be able to do since frankly im just not attractive enough for it. Otherwise i probably would do the same if it was my best option.”

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
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    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
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    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Rin Matoi Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:06 pm

    Masuyo folded her legs on the chair listening to Rin's input on the scenario, Yui, and lastly, Rei. She had to admit that each of them were certainly creative and toyed around with the question she gave, though most of it did not seem practical in a real life application. "So, Rin, your first method involves the assassin to sneak some sort of explosive on a plate assuming their target is ordering from a hotel which does not provide flatware in the hotel room itself, such as ours. This would require the assassin to know the target's room, their order number, the number of people planning to eat, sneaking in as a bus person and applying the explosive to be delivered directly or by another staff member. Assuming everything goes off as planned there is the issue of the taker being vigilant enough to pick up the trace of the explosive tag before making it back in their room. And even then, explosive tags are low-grade explosives and are only a major threat to those not conditioned to combat. Overall I would rate this method a "D" on my grading scale. It's a bit far fetched to pull off and no guaranteed kill. Not in the slightest. Your second method is a bit more straightforward. Enhanced Ninjutsu is fairly difficult to deal with, though the assassin will be killing a lot of innocents in the process. That aside this can easily be squashed by regular patrols and enforced curfew. I'd rate your second method a "C" on my scale. And I'm not even going to dive into your third method because it has the same flaws as your first. The third method scores a "D" on my scale."

    Turning to Yui Masuyo would begin her constructive criticism. Yui was not renown for her wit. That much was clear. However, her hard-head nature and knack for combat put her ahead of her peers and even her brother, Taichi. "Your first method scores an "E" on my scale. It is a completely unreliable method and puts innocents in the way of harm. Children are foolish, not retarded. Why would one accept a teddy bear from a stranger and mindlessly carry out a mission for them? Anyways, your third method involves sending in a clone rigged with high explosive clay and detonating them from a distance. I'd rate this method with a "B." Improved Explosive Devices have been a longtime tool of war as sabotage and assassination. Sneaking in a high explosive into a building and causing it to collapse or obliterate in an indiscriminate method, but gets the job done fairly well. Although your clone wouldn't be classified as an IED, it's fairly similar. And lastly, your third method scores an "A" on my scale. It is perhaps one of the most pronounce methods of indirect combat. It relies on appealing to your target's desires and even weakness if they are a man who cannot resist a woman's call. Lulling them into a false sense of security and striking when they are vulnurable is top notch."

    Lastly there was Rei. Masuyo did not expect a lot from him as he was rather green, and consequently she got fresh answers. "Your first method scores a "D." Traps are useful for injuring or maiming a target and decreasing morale, but traps hardly have a lot of killing capacity. Not to mention they can be detected and disarmed or avoided entirely. Your secon method also scores a "D." Leaving the gas on would raise suspicion and is very easy to detect. The room would be hazardous to enter and most likely be vented." Unfolding her legs she put both feet back on the floor sitting up in her chair. "Yui's methods are exclusive to her because she knows her strengths and knows how to apply them to indirect methods. That's what makes her the better assassin, and ultimately the better Shinobi. Knowing your strengths and how to apply them to different scenarios. But that's enough of that..." Masuyo ended as she picked up the feint sounds of footsteps outside. Shortly after there were a few knocks at the door.

    From her chair she'd answer the door. She was greeted by a staff member holding all the food in a large plastic bag in one arm and a six pack of beers in the other. Masuyo would relieve her of the burden setting it on the table inside before exchanging ryo. In the short interaction she was on her way and the door was shut, locked, and secured. "That didn't take long. Time to eat!" Emptying the bag she'd set up the table with the various items she ordered and put the six pack on the counter. Grabbing a stack of plates she would place it next to the beers grabbing one for herself and serving her a plate. Taking a beer from the pack she'd settle in a chair breaking a pair of disposable chop sticks before chowing down.
    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:15 pm

    Yui listened to her two teammates ideas and while they could function they were not very reliable techniques. It made her think maybe she was a dangerous person the ideas she thought of were far darker and more frightening than the others but also were things she could do with her strengths. As she was lost in thought about this Rin mentioned something about Kanna and Yui causing her face to blush a bright red, the truth was Yui and Kanna had become very close and had done all sorts of things with each other.

    "Rin...Kanna and myself...you see we got pretty close and things happened you know...um... that sort of things anyways it's not about my love life."

    She also listened to Masuyo response to her ideas, she could agree the bear idea would be the least reliable and be the riskiest in taking innocent lives, but she rated her other two plans quite high, she mentioned to the others it was because Yui understood her strengths and weaknesses better than the others understood themselves. She would think about what she said and reflect on them, the first idea seemed to be a no go but her other two seemed to get a seal of approval making mental notes on how this could also be used in combat. As the food arrived she would smile and rush to the table ready to devour the food, due to her excessive training and physical conditioning she had to eat a ton of food in order to keep her muscle mass up.

    "So Rei your ideas well, hum I guess to simple an experienced shinobi likely wouldn't fall for them, almost innocent in thought. I do not fault you for this however you haven't had... the stuff happen in your life Rin and myself have had. Rin your ideas were...alright but had a lot of holes in them, I agree my first one was one a bit like a terrorist but also not as practical as the other two."

    She would begin to dig into the food, she was not going to wait for the others it was first come first serve after all and she was starving. She would continue to eat as she would reach for a beer as well she was sure Masuyo would allow her she was an adult after all.


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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Tatsuya Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:31 pm

    Yui's reaction to Rin's question was a rare sight. Rin didn't think he ever saw Yui so flustered before. It was practically adorable in Rin's opinion, but a opinion he keeps to himself. “Well it sounds like you finally achieved your goal. That's good to hear.” Especially after knowing Yui has been trying to get with Kanna for years now. It was nice to hear that they finally connected as relationship partners, but that was a thought for another time as everyone answered their methods to Masuyo.

    In the end, as Rin figured, the whole lot of them disagreed with his ideas. Which was fine, and frankly Rin would be worried if they were rated high at all. So he shrugged his shoulders at the mention of Masuyo speaking of knowing their strengths. Frankly Rin didn't know what his strengths are since this entire time it was practically just sword and body. Even that wasn't much. In short, Rin half-assed on answering the question. Assassination was something he was never trained on.

    Truthfully it really depends on the target. Say if it was a man who loves food and money living as a wealthy noble. Getting to him would be difficult if he hired guards to watch over his place and then like Masuyo mentioned there are patrols around the area. So sneaking in through the window and either poison the food with some belladonna leaves in the mix or even mixing it into whatever large container of liquid before dinner is served. Either way a pinch of grounded belladonna would knock them out for at least an hour to eight hours of dreamless sleep. Take too much however, hence the poison, the consumer will die from consuming it. If not then make sure that you're outside the premises or have some way of being hidden for a time. This may cause distrust with the man's guards and servants. But chances are the noble wouldn't notice what he's consuming until it is too late.” Rin spoke to Yui after she gave her input about his ideas. To which Rin for once gave a small smile. ”Good, although the morale of my methods is taking advantage of the environment.”

    With that being said Rin got up to his feet and walked over towards the food. After placing some of the shrimp lo mein and some steamed veggies onto his plate Rin took a pair of chopsticks. Rin took his seat he previously sat at and after breaking the chopsticks apart Rin starts eating. Not really touching the beer on the counter as Rin reaches over the arm of the couch to grab his bag. Opening it to retrieve his canteen of water before putting the bag back between the couch the wall. And he pretty much just drank water from his canteen since he'll be needing to fill it up before they leave Kumo.

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
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    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

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    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Rin Matoi Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:00 am

    Masuyo served herself a rather large portion of everything ordered enjoying diversity on her plate and large quantities of it. She would begin shoveling the food in her mouth listening to the two of them talk, Rin having a lot more to add while Rei sat quietly in the back. After devouring a quarter of what she had she would wash it all down with half of her beer as she sighed in relief. "You're right, contracts vary. Assassination may not be something everyone is capable of executing, but knowing how to avoid assassination is something you need to know otherwise you risk elimination. As you get stronger you become an 'obstacle' to terrorist and criminals. If you carry valuable information, such as you, Yui. Kotoshura DNA is valuable for those interested in possessing the power of Blast Release. As you get a name for yourself you may become victim of being hunted. That is why you must always practice vigilance until the point it becomes passive."

    Yui served herself a portion that was equal to the size of Masuyo's if not a little more or less. She was a growing woman and certainly trained hard for the calorie intake. She even invited herself for a beer which Masuyo silently acknowledge but paid no attention to. Beer was another great way to add calories and nutrition to one's meal. Rin on the other hand served himself a portioned amount of shrimp lo mein and vegetables, which prompted a response from his sensei. "You better add some more food on that plate, boah. And grab a beer while you're at it. Water is to keep you hydrated and should be consumed during the day. Meals are to give your body nutrients and essential minerals."
    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:41 pm

    She heard what Rin said about her answer as her face still had a bit of a flush to it, however, the food was delicious and she was enjoying her beer. She was sure Masuyo understood why Yui ate as much as she did to help put on her muscle mass, someone would be disgusted by such a strong girl but she knew Masuyo understood why she did it. Using gates was risky and you had to have a body that could handle the pain and pressure it put on it. She had discovered however along with her taijutsu she had become extremely potent using her bloodline, this gave her many options and certainly made her more versatile with her destruction.

    She heard Masuyo mention, not all jobs would be an assassination and not everyone could do this. Yui just happened to be great at that and other methods if needed. Masuyo mentioned being hunted because of bloodline, Yui understood this all to well with her being the clan head she had certainly gained some renown in the shinobi world. Depending on what she did in the exam she could make it impossible to not be famous. Still, she really enjoyed hanging out with these two as she finished eating. She wondered what they would do next as Yui did feel a bit tired, but she was more than happy to hang out with her squad.

    "So, Masuyo I was wondering what will we do once we become Chuunin, I mean besides doing some missions would I also be teaching the others. I am fine with that but I feel like it may be hard to try to teach people to fight as I do, because well...you know."

    She would wait for her answer as Yui made her way over to the couch laying on her back and looking toward the roof. So much had happened and she had grown stronger, but she also felt a bit of darkness in her heart. She felt annoyed by the world some, unknown to her that darkness would be pressed further with news that would shake her world.


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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Tatsuya Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:00 pm

    For once Masuyo actually agreed with Rin about not everyone can perform assassinations and no target is ever the same. Though his choice of food was frowned upon however Rin could not afford to rest. Not when they're tired from the tournament. Granted that still doesn't justify his choice even Rin admits that to himself.

    “If i am going to be honest i've never actually tried beer, or any of the alcohol for that matter.” Rin spoke as he gets back up after eating half of the food on his plate already. He gets a bowl of soup with a spork to go with it and adds some Mongolian beef on his plate. Then adds some of the hot and sour pork with a chicken skewer. After grabbing himself one of the beers, Rin hears what Yui was saying towards Masuyo. Although the answer is pretty simple.

    “Of course you can still teach students. Besides most Genin won't give you much trouble to handle so i wouldn't worry about resorting to your bloodline.” The Uchiha sits back down in the couch next to Rei who still hasn't gotten up to grab food. With a brief twist of his hand Rin takes the cap off from the bottle and takes a small drink out of it. A bit bland with a bitter taste, but doable for the time being. After taking another drink out of the bottle Rin focuses more on eating now.

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
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    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

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    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Rin Matoi Sat Jan 26, 2019 9:28 am

    Masuyo has more or less effectively cleaned her plate, having devoured every bit of food not leaving anything edible but residual sauce. She'd take another beer and join Yui on the couch propping her feet on an ottaman crossing her legs while doing so. "So you think you're becoming a Chuunin? Huh. Well, I don't mean to break your hearts, but most of your glory ends as a Genin." She'd twist the bottle cap of her beer to open it off pinching it between her thumb and index finger to bend the bottle cap in half before flicking it precisely into the trash bin. "When you become a Chuunin you pick up your vest from the armory, get assigned an optional room at the barracks, get your paperwork changed, and voila. You'd be surprised how little combat involvement Chuunin, or most Shinobi in general. People often think being a Shinobi is constantly being deployed, stealing shit, and killing people. But you guys will most likely spend most of your career, if not life as a Chuunin. You'll walk the streets as patrols, work the security check point at the gates with more experience, install new defenses, deliver sensitive mail, and work security for cargo and civilians. I'd want to say once a year or two you might be called to perform 'real ninja work' like eliminating an objective or whatever they have you do. But to be called into that role you must display remarkable performance and understanding of your role. The safety of our Shinobi is our most important goal. You are not pawns, but long term investments. You are never going to be put into a situation where you have anything less than a ninety percent success rate."

    Taking a deep dram on her beer she'd swallow knocking out half of her drink in one gulp. She'd stare at the floor for a bit considering the other part of Yui's question. "Experienced Chuunin may serve the Academy. Any teaching role requires adequate intellect and an amplitude for teaching. You are good at Taijutsu, Yui, but that's not enough to teach it. You must understand people. How a student's mind works when being introduced to new information. It's a really psychological extensive subject. Back in Iwagakure I was the Head Instructor of the Academy. I developed combat treatises and touch the Jounin in the village, which they then taught their students. I was in charge of monitoring their performance and give them goals to meet. But then again, I was a Jounin. I would not dream to have such responsibility as a fresh Chuunin." The alcohol began to settle in as Masuyo was beginning to feel drowsy. It was a side benefit of drinking, after all.

    "But that's enough chit chat and brain teasing. Time to get down to business before i get too sleepy. What did you two discover on your time out? If you have not forgotten, we are still on a mission."
    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Mon Feb 04, 2019 12:15 pm

    Yui listened to hat Masuyo had to say as she let out an auditable sigh, paperwork, standing guard and those other things really did not fit her style. She was a bottled up vessel of rage and when used to do actual combat it would take advantage of her strengths. Teaching at the academy could be fun at least that way she got to use her skills and teach her students those.

    "I don't think I am suited for guard duty or paperwork, so let's hope that is never given to me, I know they want me to grow as a shinobi but I know what I am good at and not good at. Standing there bored or trying to figure out paperwork just isn't my cup of tea."

    She would smile at the two but she was feeling tired as she made her way toward the room where she would sleep. She would give a wave to the pair before turning and smiling at Ring giving him a playful wink. She only wished he had the guts to make a move on Masuyo but she knew he wasn't that sort of man, he was more of a beta. As she went into the room she would strip her clothing off before stepping into the shower, she would spend quite some time cleaning her body as it appeared Masuyo would drive her nuts if she did not. After finishing she would slide into her bed naked, she had no fear of Rin or her other teammate trying anything even if they did she could obliterate them in an instant so would be quite unwise.


    -Exit Thread-

    Last edited by Kotoshura Yui on Sun Feb 10, 2019 11:33 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Tatsuya Fri Feb 08, 2019 11:46 am

    The first to retire for the night was the magnetic Kotoshura. Yui didn't really give much of any report to Masuyo, and assuming Masuyo lets her walk out before saying anything about her mission. Which meant that it boiled down to Rin alone to explain. Still he gives Yui a smile of his own before replying. “Alright, good night Yui.”

    Getting back to Masuyo as even in her clothing Rin's mind remained focusing on the objective and awareness. But he can't really say much in Rei's place who might be overloaded with stimulation. Which Rin guessed it was a normal reaction for teenage boys given their increase in hormones and all that. Back to the matter at hand as Rin gives his report. ”Well from what i gathered both from local folk around here and the tournament. His name is Bayushi Sojima and he was only a Genin in Kumo before he abandoned it. From what i could discern from the rumors he was treated with scorn since before he signed up in the Academy. Bayushi turning rouge only increased towards open hostility in regards of him, and i unfortunately could not determine what was true and what was just spreading gossip of ill activities.”

    That was pretty much all there was to it from the people. Granted Rin wouldn't mind to actually confront Bayushi personally about this matter and get his side of the story. Strangely enough, if Rin hadn't met Tsuyo, Masuyo, Sera, Taichi, or Yui he can see himself done the same thing as Bayushi. Perhaps even a role reversal. From the sounds of it Bayushi was treated poorly around Kumogakure throughout his life and that may have ultimately led up to him going rouge.

    ”There is… another matter i'd like to report as well. Not long before the tournament began the group of terrorist arrived at the heart of Kumogakure. I sent Rei to seek out Yui and yourself while i confronted them. Their dragon is named Balerion, who actually seems to have a different goal than what this Society has in mind. One of their disciples, Nozomi Himitsu, is confirmed to host Isobu and from the sounds of it has at least some control over it. Honiko, the pale woman that i assume everyone fought two years ago, strikes me not as a leader. But rather as a General governing her forces accordingly with whoever she serves whispering in her ear. There is another one that i could not confirm, but according to Balerion this person is referred to simply as C and is the Sage of Dragons. I am not certain if C is someone that the Society serves, but i gathered enough that Balerion is running out of patience for Honiko who seems to fail at delivering them an apprentice.” Rin made sure to keep his voice a bit low and expanding his sensory field to get a better grasp of the area. Using the couch he's on as the focusing medium Rin keeps a scan for anyone close enough to their room. His enhanced senses would also aid in detecting those who hide from sensory nin.

    [Used Sensing Technique]

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

    Posts : 1252
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu | Weapon Crafting
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Rin Matoi Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:12 pm

    Yui dismissed herself expressing her distaste for core Shinobi abilities. Masuyo could not help but sigh in disappointment. I don't think she gets it... From what Masuyo could tell she was unreliable as a Shinobi, only interested in blowing stuff up and not using rational thought. Could she rely on Yui to deliver a message? Or vigilantly guard a location? Masuyo understood they were not interesting jobs, but jobs that needed to be done. As Yui left the scene it was just Masuyo and Rin. Yui apparently found nothing further proving Masuyo's prejudice on her. Rin, however, actually managed to pull up plenty of useful data. "Very good. This is actually very valuable information you found. I'm impressed. You can head off to bed. I'm going to record your information and everything I found. Great work." As she finished she would head to her room where Yui was most likely asleep. Grabbing her notepad out of her jacket and pen she'd jot down everything Rin said before closing the booklet, securing it back in her vest, and dozing off to sleep in her bed.


    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2017-12-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

    Post by Tatsuya Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:16 pm

    Having names of a known terrorist group is a bit crucial since it is easier to label each of them. Additionally noting some key points about each individual is just as important if not more so. Rin honestly wished he could've obtain more information, but doing so would risk him being directly involved with the Society itself. Which technically he can do still since he has a way in now. However those were thoughts for a later time. Masuyo gave him a bit of praise which was rare by itself as what Rin discovered is valuable information which he won't deny. There is still some things he wished to learn more of, but for now this was good than coming empty-handed.

    ”Will do. Good night Masuyo.” With Masuyo retiring for the night Rin pretty much did the same. He got dressed into a plain white shirt with a pair of shorts before laying his tired body on the couch. It didn't take long before he fell asleep either.


    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:

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    The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)  Empty Re: The Hotel (Rin/Yui/Rei)

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