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    [Mission] The Orientation


    Posts : 41
    Join date : 2017-10-04

    [Mission] The Orientation  Empty [Mission] The Orientation

    Post by Aries Sun Sep 30, 2018 6:15 pm

    Mission Name: The Orientation
    Mission Type: Custom
    Mission Rank: D
    Mission Goal: To ensure the well being to the parents of the new students at the academy.
    Description: The ninja academy will host an orientation day and has requested the Raikage to send some former students to attend. You as a former student job will be to inform parents and children of the great education at the Cloud Shinobi academy, so that next year even more children will attend the academy.
    Payment: 10,000
    Requirements: Genin

    Abriu would begin walking towards the Ninja Academy. He hadn't really thought over what he was going to talk about, but he did consider that telling them about the immediate dangers wouldn't be the best idea. He began to devise different scenarios of what would take place, and what he would say to them as well as answers to any questions they might have. He placed his left hand over his head as he started to brush through it repeatedly as he let out a powerful sigh.  What am I going to do? I should have just taken a mission that doesn't involve so much talking. I will regret this later on today. I wonder if Raikage-sama will lower my pay for not having anyone want to join the academy next year...., nah I doubt he'd do that...right." He would stop talking as he remembered he was doing so to himself, and villagers were starting to take notice of it.

    Abriu would smile at them as he placed his hand on the back of his head as he continued walking. He could see the mansion from his current position, and he inhaled deeply as he stopped walking for a moment. Maybe I could just try to sum it all up as fast as possible, but still without them asking questions. He would think to himself as he placed his hand back to his side, and placed his right hand in the pocket of his pants. He started back walking as he looked around at some of the villagers as they were doing their day to day work, and he started to think of how he could also incorporate that into his speech as well. There were so many things to do to get himself ready for this, or at least that is what he believed.

    Abriu reached the gate into the academy, and casually walked in only to pause at the entrance as he saw the large number of villagers that were still making their way inside of the immediate classroom. He let out another sigh as he started walking again. I'm going to die from this. He would think as he walked towards the swing set nearby. He leaned against the tree as he noticed a young child running towards him. He stared at the child for a moment as they closed the gap, and then looked into the air thinking of why it was always him that had to go through with too much of the talking.

    Abriu looked back down as the child approached him, and began to speak. "Hey! You're a shinobi right, and you're really strong right!? Does that mean that I can be as strong as you?" The little girl asked him with a face that looked like a precious bunny rabbit about to get the greatest carrot it had ever seen. Abriu couldn't help but answer the girl as he listened to her. "Of course. You'll be even stronger than I am as long as you are sure to join the academy." He would say with a casual look on his face. "Do you mean it?" She would yell with a great enormous smile on her face. Abriu would look at her face, and couldn't help but smile back seeing her smiling at him. He placed his hand on her head as he messed up her hair, and spoke "Of course I mean it. You're already extremely strong. One day you might even become the Raikage just like current Raikage Mizushima, Nariko." He would finish with a smile. The girl would run off to her friends and parents as she told them what he said.

    Abriu let out another sigh as he placed both of his hands in his pockets. He shook his hair back together, and started walking towards the inside of the Academy. It was time for the Orientation so he couldn't waste anymore time.


    Posts : 41
    Join date : 2017-10-04

    [Mission] The Orientation  Empty Re: [Mission] The Orientation

    Post by Aries Sun Sep 30, 2018 7:34 pm

    Abriu made his way inside of the academy. He would look around seeing the numerous parents and children in the area. He let out a concealed sigh, as was his signature maneuver, and would begin to walk towards the front. He saw the other shinobi that were standing in the front of the class as well. He felt a little ashamed seeing as a few of them were chuunin, and jonin rank. When he finally reached the front with the other shinobi he quickly spun himself around to see the entire room was filled with people.

    Abriu looked over to the instructor that introduced the jonin in the area, and listened as the jonin began to speak. The jonin primarily talked about all the advantages of joining the academy, and how this would prepare their children for their future endeavors. Abriu simply nodded his head a few times agreeing with what the jonin instructor was saying. After a few minutes he finally finished speaking, and stepped back alongside the other shinobi present.

    The instructor then introduced the chuunin who then took a step forward to ensure everyone knew who he meant. He then began to speak to them about the trials that every ninja will face in the academy to ensure that they are able to become genin. He explained in deep detail the amount of time it will take, their rigorous training, and the techniques that would be taught to them. After a few more minutes passed he as well stepped back into line with the shinobi present.

    The instructor then introduced Abriu who wasn't expecting himself to be next primarily due to not paying attention at all. He took a step forward, and gave a wave to everyone in attendance that in turn did nothing but give cold stares. Abriu took a gulp as he cleared his throat, and began to speak. "The shinobi academy isn't just about preparing your children for the roads ahead of them to become shinobi, but it also prepares them for life. This will teach them the value of friendship as well as family. They will fully understand the extent of hard labor, and getting rewarded for doing so." Abriu stopped after finished his sentence as he got nervous seeing as this was the first time he was speaking to a group so large.

    One of the parents then spoke out "So you speak of their mentality and physical status, but you have yet to explain to us how they will benefit financially. Do you expect our children to live off nothing?" The man would ask as he awaited a response. Before any of the other shinobi could speak Abriu spoke out once more, "All shinobi are rewarded great amounts of funds for the mission that they complete. This includes even genin shinobi. They will make more than enough to live for themselves, but to also support you at home as well. I promise you that your children are in great hands at the ninja academy. We do our best to ensure that our shinobi are ready for shinobi life, and the life of an everyday person." Abriu would finish as the man simply nodded his hand understanding the situation there.

    Abriu had more to say, but he decided that what was said so far was good enough. The instructor then informed everyone that they can ask any questions that they see fit. Abriu took this moment to step behind the jonin as he waited for them to ask the others questions. As that was taking place Abriu moved over to the instructor as he spoke to him for a short while to make sure that everything was in order. Abriu looked over to them as a few questions were asked to him. He immediately responded to each question with a solid answer as did for the next hour. The questions seemed never ending, but they finally came to an abrupt end.

    Everyone started to depart as the orientation was over. Many of the parents seemed to approve, but there were still some that did not, but this was normal not everyone can agree on something. Abriu said his good goodbyes to the other shinobi in the area as he started on his way back towards the mansion. While he was leaving he noticed the little girl from before, and it seemed that her parents were signing her up for the academy. Abriu seemed looked for a moment before going about his business having completed his mission to a decent degree.



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