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    Village : N/A
    Posts : 332
    Join date : 2021-11-23


    Post by FROSTCestrell Tue Dec 07, 2021 1:02 pm

    "So the sage has forsaken the place he once called home", a voice said quietly. It was Kanaras voice. She had heard about the rumor of a flying beast, challenging and overcoming even the legendary tailed beasts in their might, flyying in the skies and an all time present reminder that they were nothing more then mere ants for the gods. The sage really must hate them to allow such an abonimation to tear apart this world.

    Helplessly sitting down on a collapsed tree that likely had fallen when the creature appeared she glared at it from afar. What hopes should people like her have to survive this "thing" when not even the greatest shinobi of their lands couldnt tear it out of the skies? Slowly letting her gaze wander from the titanic beast she put her gaze towards the ground. She was here because she heard that they, as in the people of this city -a miracle of strange technologies-, actually stood a chance against this titanic proportioned fiend. However by the looks of it there was nothing they could do.

    Kanara knew beforehand that she wouldnt be able to even remotely make this thing even notice her with her endeavours, however she read on a note about an opportunity that required people with the sharingan. While she and the Uchiha werent living in this city, Kanara thought it was likely that at least a handfull of uchihas who heard this open call for battle, that openly focused their clan. After all the uchiha had 2 things more then anyone else. The sharingan and arrogance. The same arrogance that let the endless cycle of violence in the clan against each other continue. The same arrogance that even made a mother choose power over her own children.

    Stadning back up she thought about her next steps. Not only were a few of the beasts she encountered before grouped all over the place, but also werent another Uchiha to be seen right or left. And alone her chances in sucess of weakening the thing werent evenr nearly slim. They were non existent. However having a look at it wouldnt be bad either, now that she allready was here.

    Looking at it with her sharingan, Kanara noticed 2 things, even from afar: Aside from the terrifying magnificence this monser had, there were rotating parts, spinning so fast that they appeared as a solid, not moving mass to the normal bystander. Rotating parts always were somewhat vunerable or dangerous. The other thing was some funny loking air that seemed to bend even light. Kanara had seen this multiple time before. Mostly when she was near a campfire or other sources of heat.

    While she didnt know what this thing might be, it certainly seemed important. Still standing there, dumbfounded she thought about what to do with this information. Maybe try to find someone more powerful then her? Surely they wouldnt even bother with her trying to tell them what she found out.

    Jutsus used:
    Sharingan 0.2cp

    CP remaining: 109.8/110

    Analising the turbines [1]

    Smile... The world is not over yet.

    Kanara info:

    Jin Misukage
    Jin Misukage

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 505
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31


    Post by Jin Misukage Sun Dec 12, 2021 11:37 am

    Zenaku using chakra on the bottom of his feet he hung upside down on a branch of a tree as he looked forward at the large beast in the sky. Below him was Kanara another fellow Uchiha from the hidden leaf village. Zenaku had got a letter about joining up with other Uchiha to help figure out how to slow this monster down.

    With his eternal mangekeyo sharingan active zenaku looked over the beast and he noticed that there was two sets of turbines that was spinning and each one was going opposite direction of one another. Tho now the main issue would be how they was gonna get on top of that big monster so they could reach the turbine's.

    ( 1 )

    Jutsu used:
    Eternal mongekeyo sharingan: 0.5 cp

    ( Analysis of turbines: complete)

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 147
    Join date : 2018-12-04

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: X
    Ryo: 600,000


    Post by Satomi Sun Dec 12, 2021 11:40 pm

    Satomi had become a paragon of death on the battlefield. After dealing with his brother in laws death. He had returned to battlefield at the Heavenly Emporium with his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan blazing. Laying waste to one side of the entire army with his Final Susanoo. With each swing of his blade. He added another being into the gourd, rather it be puppets or xenobeasts. His wrath was unrivaled. There was no being that could withstand the power of beast besides the Kaiju itself. This being was artificial and therefore was no being of creation for him to destroy. All living beings were under his whim. However this beast was no ordinary threat. He had to get creative and work with the other ninja and his own.

    He quickly noticed a gathering behind the giant turbines powering the flight of the Kaiju. While in mid-air his giant golden susanoo turned around and headed for them. Getting within range he saw his family preparing to topple this beast. "Line up a powerful attack! We'll all strike at once!" Zenaku and Kanara had made their way to the Emporium, they were close enough to make a difference. The Final Susanoo turned towards the turbines and Satomi began to analyze it as well. The armored ribcage began to open up and there was a thousand crystal like shards beginning to grow. Satomi would channel the Totsuka Blades deadly sharpness into the attack itself. Making it impossible to stop by any defense.

    Used: -EMS
    -Final Susanoo

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: S
    Coordination: B+ (Wealthy)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 332
    Join date : 2021-11-23


    Post by FROSTCestrell Tue Dec 14, 2021 2:56 pm

    Seeing a huge susanoo in the dictance she reminded herself that this certainly must mean that an uchiha was inside of it, either wrecking havoc amongst the enemies, or in dire need of help, as the susanoo had large drawbacks, as far as she could remember. Deciding to check it out, she rushed towards the susanoo, seeking to either offer assistance, or seek protection under its golden wings. While it was clear that a threat that was worth using a susanoo certainly was beyond her in levels of power. Regardless, if there was a chance to help, she would take it.

    Jumping off her vantage point, she used her speed to get closer to the susanno, evading and sometimes giving some of the few Xenobeasts that lingered around a hit while circling between them. Reaching the susanoo and getting closer to it, it became clear to her that it truly was magnificent. A fully golden body htat seemed to shine incredibly bright through the dust in the air and a sowrt that seemed to be able to split even the heavens in two if it wished so. Making a note in her head she decided that it was best to stay away from this blade as far as possible. Waving her arms up to the uchiha inside of it she screamed:

    "Hey there! What is your plan?"

    Jutsus used:
    Sharingan 0.2cp
    STR --> SPEED (1 tier) 5 cp

    CP remaining: 104.6/110


    Smile... The world is not over yet.

    Kanara info:

    Jin Misukage
    Jin Misukage

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 505
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31


    Post by Jin Misukage Tue Dec 14, 2021 3:27 pm

    As zenaku hung upside down on the tree branch he could see something golden flying in his direction from afar so using his ems to get a better view of what it was he saw that it was a susanoo and even better it was his captain of the anbu sato. Looking down he saw kanara take off towards the susanoo as she yelled at it asking what plan he had but he also heard sato tell them to ready a big attack and they would fire there attacks all at once towards that large beast.

    Zenaku knew that just 3 of them might not have enough power to destroy the turbines so he had a idea. Jumping down he went and stood besides kanara.

    " he wants us to fire a large powerful attack at the turbines that are on beast. If you have a B rank ninjutsu or higher I say use it. Shadow clone jutsu."

    After telling kanara that he used a clone jutsu to make another of him as they now had four people, and with him and his clone using eternal mangekyo sharingan they formed there silver susanoo. It was a few feet shorter then satos and it did not have armor yet but it had a cross bow in hand as they both aimed there cross bow towards the two turbines and pulled there chakra arrows back ready to attack on sato command.

    -lv6 susanoo with crossbow
    -shadow clone jutsu

    Ooc: clone also analyzed turbines.

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Genjutsu
    Class: A


    Post by Yuichi Tue Dec 14, 2021 6:10 pm

    I was only a few days before Yuichi received a letter asking him to return to the HE in order to assist several other Uchiha. Yuichi didn't hesitate in showing up but had some difficulty reaching the location he had been asked to meet them. Mostly, the directions that he had received were indecipherable. He was completely lost until he spotted a giant, golden swordsman laying waste to countless Zenobeasts. None of them could even hope the face this thing.

    Inspecting it with his sharingan he found that there was a person inside. Satomi Uchiha. What was the nature of this power he used? Kanara had mentioned some kind of secret Uchiha power, perhaps this was it. He shuffled his feet. He doubted Satomi would be happy to see him joining in to assist after he arrested Yuichi. He couldn't believe this raw power. His immense chakra left Yuichi a bit shaken. He had been confident that his mother ranked in as one of the top Uchiha, but seeing this display, he bet he was wrong. There was an incomparable power gap between them.

    He then heard Satomi call out, telling them all to line up an attack and strike the Indaina Kujira at the same time. He doubted that Satomi was talking to him and observed as two more Uchiha a small distance away seemed to respond to his call. One of them was Kanara, a good friend, and the other he did not recognize. Even if this message was not meant for him, he knew that he had arrived near the location he was supposed to be at a bit late and it was his duty to assist.

    He took a moment to inspect the kaiju with his sharingan and make a plan of attack before making his presence known. The turbines that kept the thing afloat looked like a good weak spot to strike, and with the help of his sharingan active he could make a precise attack that could help to cripple it.

    The Uchiha he didn't recognize formed a similar large warrior to the one that Satomi had conjured up. It was a bit smaller and a different color, but this definitely proved that whatever this power was, it was an Uchiha thing

    "Satomi Uchiha. I hope you don't mind if I offer my assistance."

    He began to form the hand signs for a jutsu. Rat-Snake-Horse-Snake. His jutsu would not be complete before Satomi and the others had time to respond, but he planned to hold off on unleashing is attack until the proper moment, anyway.


    Sharingan tomoe 2 active: .02 cp


    began to do the hand signs for a jutsu that will be release at the appropriate time:



    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 147
    Join date : 2018-12-04

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: X
    Ryo: 600,000


    Post by Satomi Wed Dec 15, 2021 9:02 pm

    The rest of Uchiha had gathered to take on the beast that was the artificial bijuu. Yuichi had made his way onto the battlefield. He had been reinstated after a strict punishment from his earlier actions. This was his time to shine and redeem himself, Satomi was proud of the showing. Sitting in the behemoths head almost 200 meters in the, Satomi could still listen to them. Young Kanara wanted to be privy to the plan. Then their best strategist in the village, already could tell what Satomi's plan was and explained it to them. Then he to activated his own sliver colored Susanoo, it had progressed nicely and was almost to Completion. Yuichi also wanted aid in the attack as well.

    "You heard the man." Satomi yelled from top down to them. "Give them your best shot on my mark!" He could see them preparing their attack. Now they could properly concentrate on the turbines propellers. They were uniquely fast enough to confuse most ninjas perception. Though their Sharingan's could not be fooled. They all primed their attack ready to unleash it upon his command. Then he willed the right arm wielding the great Totsuka Blade, to rise upwards and at the top, he augmented his voice. "Attack!" The giant blade came down creating slashing motion towards the turbines. Tsukumo! At the same time the Susanoo unleashed a massive barrage of giant needles at the blades.


    Used: -EMS
    -Final Susanoo

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: S
    Coordination: B+ (Wealthy)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 332
    Join date : 2021-11-23


    Post by FROSTCestrell Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:37 am

    Seeing the giant sword of totsuka slash upwards, Kanara stopped dead in her tracks, and waved the handseals for the strongest jutsu she knew. Phoenix sage fire, with the amplification technique Dahlia had showed her. Spitting out a volley of perfectly shaped, footbal large fireball she shot them up towards the giant vents of the beast striking the vents with the united attack of all 4 uchiha clan memebers. This was it. Even if not all of them had the famous Mangekoyou sharingan, it was truly a sight to behold, and a memento at the micht of the Uchiha clan. As their attacks united they concentrated at the endge of the Totsuka blade, Shimmering in a firey colour looking like molten metal before hitting the vents and then shining out a radiating light in multiple colours. Needless to say their attacks were a success. The vents, once faster then most people could even see were now spinning slower and slower to the screeching of metal that was torn apart.

    Closing her eyes for a second as the metal screeching hurt her ears, she opened them again as she heard an infernal scream coming from the gigantic monster. It was time to leave for Kanara and the others. While they were able to deal damage to that thing, it was clear that they got more attention then they could possibly have wanted. The horde of Xeno beasts thatseemed to specificly come their direction now only mader her point even more adamant. Running over to Yuichi she got ready to escape together with him as she shouted:

    "I think we should leave... this thing isnt too happy about what we just did..."

    Pointing towards the approaching horde she ran the direction she came from, trusting that yuichi was behind her.

    Sharingan 0.2 cp
    Jutsu amp (fire)
    Phoenix sage fire 5cp (c rank, gets boosted to b with jutsu amp)

    CP remaining: 94.4/110


    Smile... The world is not over yet.

    Kanara info:

    Jin Misukage
    Jin Misukage

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 505
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31


    Post by Jin Misukage Thu Dec 16, 2021 6:58 pm

    Zenaku watched as sato brought his sword down as well as opened his chest and unleashed a barrage of needles. Kanara would use a strong fire style jutsu and then zenaku unleashed his susanoo arrows from his susanoo cross bow. All of the uchiha attacks went flying towards the turbines and as the attacks hit it would cause a large explosion destroying the fan blades.

    Zenaku knew that after something like that the beast would not be very happy, in fact in the distance zenaku could see a bunch of xenobeast heading into there direction.

    Used ems
    Used susanoo
    Used susanoo cross bow ( A or S power.)

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Genjutsu
    Class: A


    Post by Yuichi Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:01 pm

    Yuichi performed the final hand seal for Vacuum Sereal Waves, took a deep breath, and time the jutsu to hit at the exact moment. He exhaled blades of wind that moved lightning fast and hit with unbelievable force. Yuichi was confident this jutsu would work on any person, surely it would hurt a lot, but he wasn't sure they would even phase the enormous creature that he was attacking now. The blades of wind connected with the turbine at the same time as everybody elses attack, and the combined force seemed to be enough to damage them. Several parts of the turbine came loose and shot off toward the ground with explosive force.

    Kanara moved fairly quickly while Yuichi was taking his time admiring their handywork. She warned him that they should get moving. He could agree, but he took one last look at the enormous samurai made from chakra that Satomi had conjured before following her.

    He hadn't noticed the horde that she had pointed out, but when he did he was only marginally concerned about it. After what he had just seen this group of Uchiha accomplish, how could he. He simply had to know how to unlock that enormous samurai technique or whatever it was so he could get it for himself one day. That is, if it was something he could realistically achieve.


    sharingan remains active for .02 cp




    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 147
    Join date : 2018-12-04

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: X
    Ryo: 600,000


    Post by Satomi Fri Dec 17, 2021 8:45 pm

    The Uchiha of Konoha coordinated their attacks for a brilliantly lighted attack. The courageousness shown in the face of overwhelming power was not lost on the ANBU Captain. Their attack combined together, cutting and blasting the turbine blades apart. Precisely aimed, all of their attacks played a part shredding the Kaijus flight pattern. An explosion rocked the entire area with all of them present. The Kaiju was many times bigger than Satomi's Complete Susanoo, so the explosion could be heard all around. This seemed to attract a hoard of xenobeasts. Satomi turned to them as the rest of the Uchiha Genin took off. This job was done thanks to them.

    Now he could concentrate on the rest of the war against the Kaiju. The Xenobeasts numbered plenty. His anger would be felt as he turned the opened ribcage and let lose hundreds more of the giant needles. Completely decimating the approaching xenobeasts. He would have to push on, with a slight pause in the battle Satomi. "You guys retreat!" He yelled after them. Zenaku of course was free to remain and fight as a ANBU.



    Used: -EMS
    -Final Susanoo

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: S
    Coordination: B+ (Wealthy)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 332
    Join date : 2021-11-23


    Post by FROSTCestrell Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:30 am

    Kanara didnt have to get told to retreat. While she wasnt afraid of the beasts, there simply was no cover for her at all and by the size of the horde, it would be easy for them to drain her chakra, which would be a real pain in the ass. Taking off together with yuichi the two of them reached the city, where they made their way towards a save cellar, that Kanara had found earlier. A place where they could catch a small breath and rest for a moment until they would be able to regroub with other shinobis.

    In advance Kanara had stached there the precious amounts of food, medicine and water she was able to scavenge from the empty houses, and would happily share with yuichi. After all, 2 people were safer together then one alone, so even this part was something that Kanara considered to be a win for her, or rather both of them.




    Smile... The world is not over yet.

    Kanara info:

    Jin Misukage
    Jin Misukage

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 505
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31


    Post by Jin Misukage Sat Dec 18, 2021 12:08 pm

    Zenaku watched as the genin retreated back as the horde of xeno beasts made there way towards the group. With the younger and weaker of the group out of harm's way now zenaku could focus on the war with that kaijuu and trying to figure out a way to kill it. He was glad that there attacks made a clean hit on the Turbines as they was now down the beast would probably start to overheat.

    He watched as sato opened the ribcage of his susanoo and fired more of those needles at the beast. So taking his chakra cross bow zenaku fired another one towards the group of monsters as a large explosion wiped out a large portion of the group. Zen then would follow sato to where ever next they was needed.

    ( exited)

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Genjutsu
    Class: A


    Post by Yuichi Sat Dec 18, 2021 12:24 pm

    Yuichi followed kanara as she made her way through the streets or the HE. She avoided the horde entirely, which seemed good because the two of them didn't have enough chakra to take out a large number of them, and he already used a substantial amount of chakra on his jutsu. He wondered how many of those he had in him. Four, maybe. probably less.

    Kanara took him to a place where many shinobi gathered for safety. There was all kind of supplies and whatnot about. Yuichi barely even looked at it. He focused on flowing Kanara and making sure she was alright. He was much stronger than her and he felt pretty bad about what he put Kanara through. He still wanted to help her, but for now this was all he could do.




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