I'll be moving on fully.~ There are many things I can reverse and try for future sites (Summer openings-separate site-new themes-voice chat-hyping-hope more newsletters). Some will laugh, others will take credit, and others will lie. Good luck finding success on Forumotion. I do believe there were nice enough opportunities, and I'll never care to know whether 2 particular big sites would try to revive. I'm not really interested in the whole populist groupy thing when Forumotion's declined. The big sites left on Forumotion aren't really moving forward and will never reach their peak activity again I believe. "New" sites have so little new blood it's just far more worth it conversing to be on other platforms. Perhaps Discord T1 chat RP even. Better than 1980s DnD voice at least.
Anyhow, I'm satsified with the end of my ideas for Naruto RP. If fate has it finding me while we mesh well off Forumotion I'd love to share contact info and talk to some people. I'll probably secretly be making another non-Naruto but mainstream RP off Forumotion. But I'm hopeful a separate medium will come that can replace Forumotion's peak times and competitiveness. I've never really wanted to own a site as it directly contradicts with the competitive joy I get pursuing true villain characters. I'd rather just found and admin a site. Creating systems along with observing other creations is only a supplementary joy to building tactics for me. If I had to say, I guess it's just not possible for other sites on Forumotion to be satisfying for me now? Being competitive above the years-long groups and punished by the current Forumotions just isn't that rewarding to me anyway.
But ya, I'm gone from Forumotion with nothing interesting left. I've been purposely distant in this circle over the years and not revealed things about me. The reality of things is that investing time into this in comparison to during Naruto's run/Forumotion's peak is just wasting time over what's just not as interesting as before. While considering ideas for future sites for a few years I'd been pretty chill. Maybe I'll lurk a bit and jump some specific people to quell misunderstandings. Well, if circumstances are even a little as interesting as before they began RPing. I'm not going to be actively or passively doing anything on Forumotion though as I'd just been prepping for sites. There's really only one goal that remains for me on Forumotion and if done it won't be built up to.
Idc if 2 Naruto sites revive and endorse OPN if it revives successfully some day. It'd have the best chance of becoming a unique and interesting thing that's somewhat new on Forumotion. Even OPN only has 1k members though (+One Piece doesn't seem as stable a forum RP off Forumotion either), so I'm not going to be participating in it. I'm not endorsing any discount LR that's worse than 2012 LR with how the TNRPG BoDs at least created it on their own aspirations. I do hope I changed folks lives for the better on Forumotion, as I've certainly influenced them at least just as many others have been by RPing.
Thanks for all supporters hope you've enjoyed.
PS: Brian I hate you